Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/139

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.

of life.

chun gû;
a clay ox borne out by officials in the ceremony of meeting the spring.
chun chiu jîeh cōi?
How many years old are you?
pêh jît mok ôiⁿ kùe, cheⁿ chun put cài lâi;
waste not the daylight, for youth does not return.
chun sim;
lewd thoughts.
  • chun73695
  • To stretch forth; to straighten; to dilate.
chíu chun chut lâi;
stretch forth your arm.
lṳ́ kâi cîh chun chut lâi úa thóiⁿ;
put out your tongue and let me look at it.
chun kàu tn̂g-tn̂g chut lâi;
stretched out at full length.
hṳ́ koiⁿ chù nŏ̤ pôiⁿ chun-chíu;
that house has two wings.
kha chun tît;
straighten your legs.
ăm chun tn̂g-tn̂g tó̤ thóiⁿ;
gazing with neck outstretched.
chun ie;
straighten the back.
ŏi chun ŏi kiu;
is elastic; will stretch and shrink.
chun-lûn huah-hì;
stretch and yawn.
bô̤ hìeⁿ ŏi chun;
it does not stretch much.
chun khí lâi;
stretch up.
  • chún1201360
  • Incompatible.
chŵn bŏi chún-chò̤;
there is no error in it.
  • chún1021613
  • To surmise.
to ponder.
lṳ́ hó̤ khṳ̀ sṳ-chún;
you go and cogitate upon it.
  • chún10514215
  • Stupid.
ngô̤ chún;
blundering; doltish.
  • chùn1021410
  • The Chinese inch.
câp chùn ûi cêk chieh;
ten inches make a foot.
chùn chieh;
saⁿ chùn khuah cêk chieh tn̂g;
three inches wide and ten long.
tn̂g ke ŭ nŏ̤ chùn kèng hó̤;
it would be better if it were two inches longer.
chǹg nŏ̤ saⁿ chùn chim jîp khṳ̀;
punched it in two or three inches deep.
a small folded paper slate.
  • 寒顫chùn-lūn163
  • Chilled; tremors.
kûaⁿ kàu phah-chùn-lūn;
so cold that she shivered.
  • chûn1020393
  • To retain; to preserve; remaining.
chûn ŭ jîeh cōi?
How much is there left?
cîah chûn kâi;
what is left after eating.
ēng chûn kâi;
what remains.
chûn kâi lâu-pàng mùa-khí;
keep what is left until to-morrow.
chûn lâng-su;
have a little left.
bô̤ chûn;
there is no residue.
chûn bô̤;
there is nothing left.
ēng bô̤ chûn;
it is all used up.
chûn bô̤ cîⁿ;
has no money left.
thàng m̄ chûn;
saved nothing from his earnings.
pó̤-chûn mûeh-ngîap;
saved his property.
i kâi chûn sim hó̤;
his feelings are correct.
m̄ cai i chûn bûang;
do not know whether they are alive or dead.
chûn kâi líen-mīn khṳt i;
preserved his reputation for him.
chûn ke chûn kíam m̄ sie-tâng;
the amount left varies.
chûn kâi mîaⁿ tŏ̤ sì-cīeⁿ;
preserved a name in the world.
chûn tîo seⁿ mīaⁿ;
preserved his life.
chûn chêng khṳt i;
continued the kindness shown to him.


  • chut98173
  • To go forth; to issue.
chut chut jîp jîp;
keeps running out and in.
cêk hûe chut, cêk hûe jîp;
a going out involves a coming in.
chut mn̂g;
to go out of doors.
chut kháu;
go outside.
chut khṳ̀ tī-kò̤?
Where has he gone?
chut bōi;
for sale.
chut sùe;
to let.
chut tóiⁿ;
to mortgage.
pôih chut lâi;
pulled it out.
pôih m̄ chut;
cannot pull it out.
máng m̄ chut;
cannot pull it up with both hands.
phŏ̤ i chut lâi;
brought her out in his arms.
thiu chut thiu jîp;
pull out and thrust in, as a damper.
chut sîn;
become possessed by a god or demon.
lău-îa chut sîn;
the god takes possession of a mortal.
i chut mn̂g a būe?
Is she married yet?
chut sek;
become conspicuous.
sĭ i sĭang chut sek;
he is most prominent.
chut ceng;
go out against insurgents.
chut cèng;
to surpass others.
pún-nía chut cèng;
more able than others.
bô̤ lṳ́ chut khṳ̀;
you will not be allowed to go out.
tàⁿ m̄ chut chùi;
unable to speak it plainly.
chut thâu thiⁿ;
got out of difficulty.
chut sin chut pńg;
to provide both service and capital.
cêk nâng chut pńg, cêk nâng chut kang;
one supplies the capital and the other the labor.
chut kha chut chíu;
furnish the labor.
chut sì;
born; enter on life.
lú chut sì tŏ̤ tī-kò̤?
Where were you born?
chut kîaⁿ;
to travel.
chut gūa;
go abroad.
chut kīe, chut cûn;
go out in a sedan chair or in a boat.
chùt kè;
married off.
chut ke;
away from home.
sĭ i chut thâu;
he takes the lead in it.
lîah i lâi chut khì;
take him to vent spite upon.
chut jît;
cause the sun to rise.
jît chut;
the sun rises.
chut khĕng;
cause a rainbow.
chut thô mīn;
the dry land appeared.
chut kè a būe?
Is she yet married?
sī íⁿ-keng kè chut kâi cáu-kíaⁿ;
it is a daughter who is already married.
sĭeⁿ m̄ chut;
cannot think what it was.
sie kang chut cîⁿ;
unite in furnishing the requisite amount of money.
cò̤ chut kâi mûeh-kĭaⁿ;
the things made.
kó-cá tng-sî chut ŭ cêk kâi n̂ang—;
in ancient times there was a man