Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/150

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
  • 193394
  • Mourning apparel.
cĭeⁿ hà;
put on mourning.
thut hà;
put off mourning.
tòa hà;
in mourning.
i tòa tī-tîang kâi hà?
For whom is he in mourning?
chēng hà hôk;
wear mourning garments.
i kâi hà-hôk múaⁿ a būe?
Is his mourning suit completed yet?
hà-hôk khin;
light mourning.
hà-hôk tăng;
deep mourning.
hà tn̂g;
drape a hall in mourning.
cêk-côi cĭeⁿ hà;
assemble and put on mourning simultaneously.
  • 779753
  • To gird; to cord up; to bind.
hâ ie;
gird the loins.
àiⁿ sṳ̆-lí cîah tîeh khîeh kò̤ ûi-ie khṳ̀ hâ;
when you prepare supper you must put on an apron.
cí hìeⁿ cōi ki hâ cò̤ cêk ē;
bind all these in one sheaf.
tîeh hâ-bûa cìaⁿ kōi khîeh;
tie them in a bunch, then you can carry them easily.
hâ thâu pò;
a turban.
hâ īe tòa;
a girdle.
  • 779753
  • The noise of a crowd; a clamor; a disturbance.
hā-hā jíang;
to vociferate with many voices at once.
hā-hā-kìe cheⁿ-soi bûa khṳ̀;
to shout and press forward, as to an attack in battle.
kó cē híang, hā-cē-kìe cheⁿ-soi khṳ̀;
when the drum sounds yell and rush forward to the attack.
thiaⁿ-kìⁿ hā-hā siaⁿ, m̄ cai nâng jîeh cōi;
heard the clamor of many voices, but did not know how many persons there were.


twilight; the gloaming.
just at dusk.
  • háⁿ2193014
  • To intimidate; to scare; to theaten; to browbeat.
i tó̤ háⁿ i kâi;
he is intimidating him.
khṳt i cē háⁿ cū thò̤;
as soon as he shouted out at her, she drew back.
màiⁿ háⁿ i m̄ pat;
do not scare him so that he cannot answer.
  • háⁿ22444
  • An interrogative adverb, expressive of doubt, placed at the end of a sentence.
khá m̄ sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ háⁿ?
That is the way it is, is it?
cìeⁿ-seⁿ khá hó̤ háⁿ?
That is well done, is it?
sĭ úa háⁿ?
It was I, was it?
hó̤ háⁿ?
It is possible, is it?
lṳ́ àiⁿ cò̤ ŏi háⁿ?
You are going to be a competent hand at it, are you?
i sĭ pat háⁿ?
He understands it, does he?
  • hâⁿ5311456
  • Cracked, (said of money only).
hâⁿ kâi, táu kíam cîⁿ;
that which is fissured brings less cash in exchange.
cí kâi ngṳ̂n hâⁿ kâi, tîeh thò̤ saⁿ hun cúi;
this dollar has a crack in it, and three candareens must therefore be deducted from its value.


  • hah6529714
  • Petals.
cí ki hue khui chut lâi kúi hah?
How many petals has this flower?
nôi hue hah;
the petals of a lily.
  • hah229305
  • To expel the breath forcibly.
cē hah, íam tîeh cū mông-mông;
when you breath upon it, it looks clouded.
i cí kò̤ iⁿ cē hah cū ŭ cúi hó̤ bûa bâk;
if one breaths on this inkstone, there is water enough on it to rub up the ink with.
  • hâh217303
  • Agreeing; accordant; suiting; to join.
hâh ì;
accords with my ideas.
hâh sim sek;
meets his wishes.
thóiⁿ tîeh hâh mâk;
suits the taste.
cîah tîeh hâh chùi;
relishes it.
thiaⁿ tîeh hâh hĭⁿ;
pleases the ear.
cò̤ tîeh ío hâh chíu;
fits the hand better.
hâh úa kâi ì m̄ cai hâh lṳ́ kâi ì mē;
do not know whether what suits me will suit you.
hâh sĭeⁿ;
as I thought.
hâh húe;
hâh sek;
harmonizing in color.
hâh huap;
according to the rules.
m̄ hâh huap;
úa thóiⁿ tîeh hâh;
I consider it suitable.
nŏ̤ nâng sĭm siang hâh;
the two are well suited to each other.
hâh sṳ̄ căi;
just fits the place.
phùe-hâh khṳ̀ hó̤;
matches well; fits in perfectly.
m̄ hâh ēng;
will not do for this use.
hâh sek;
like the pattern.
hâh kang jîeh cōi cîⁿ?
How much do you get for the whole job?
hâh hun;
in unison with one's part
hâh tŏ̤-lí;
m̄ hâh tŏ̤-lí;
not in acccordance with correct principles of action.
hâh cò̤ seng-lí;
go into partnership.
jît li siang hâh, gûeh lí siang chong;
the day is propitious but the mouth is adverse.
kio úa li siang hâh, kio i li siang hêng;
it is favorable for me but unfavorable for him.


  • hái1613010
  • An exclamation denoting surprise or grief.
hái, khó̤-sieh căi;
alack, it is a pity.
hái, i ā sĭ thiaⁿ úa tàⁿ cū mín cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
ah, if he had heeded what I said, this would not have happened.
  • hái160857
  • The sea; maritime; vast.
hái cúi;
sea water.
hái hṳ̂;
salt water fish.
hái thô;
mud from the sea shore.
hái cûn;
sea-going vessels.
hái lō;
routes at sea.
hái táu;
a rock in the sea.