Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/149

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.

or by the year?

gûeh kng căi;
the moonlight is very bright.
ŭ gûeh;
there is a moon.
thóiⁿ-kìⁿ gûeh-hûa;
see the halo around the moon.
gûeh phek;
the dark body of the moon.
gûeh thâu, gûeh pùaⁿ, gûeh búe;
the first, the middle, and the end of the month.
hó̤ gûeh sek;
bright moonlight.
cīeⁿ kâi gûeh;
last month.
cīeⁿ saⁿ kâi gûeh;
three months ago.
cí kâi gûeh;
this month.
ĕ kâi gûeh;
next month.
ke nŏ̤ kâi gûeh;
in two months more.
kâi gūa gûeh;
over a month.
kâi gūa-gūa gûeh;
a good deal more than a month.
côiⁿ kâi gûeh;
month before last.
cêk khùi saⁿ kâi gûeh;
one season is three months.
kîaⁿ gûeh-keng;
to menstruate.
kàu gûeh lío;
to come to the full time.
kùe gûeh lío;
to pass the expected time for confinement.
gûeh sìn, gûeh cúi, gûeh sṳ̄;
the menses.
pĭ gûeh;
suppression of the menses.
cò̤ múaⁿ gûeh;
to receive congratulations a month after childbirth.
hŵn-lío gûeh cháu cíⁿ;
still irregular in the monthly periods.
cí kâi a-noⁿ-kíaⁿ ío cíⁿ gûeh, hṳ́ kâi ío sek gûeh;
this infant is still younger than that one.
kâi lâng gûeh;
a little over a month.
kâi chun gûeh; kâi chut gûeh;
more than a month.
gûeh-siaⁿ cē kàu àiⁿ sǹg-sìo;
when the month is up we will settle the accounts.
chiu-káu jī-câp mêⁿ, gûeh cĭeⁿ gûeh lôh jī saⁿ keⁿ;
on the ninth and the twentieth of the month, the moon rises and sets in the second and third watches.
gûeh píaⁿ, gûeh ko̤;
cakes made to use in worship at the full of the eighth moon.
poih gûeh câp-ngŏ kìe-cò̤ tong-chiu coih;
the middle of the eighth month is called the festival of the middle of autumn.
ciaⁿ gûeh câp-ngŏ mêⁿ kìe-cò̤ ngŵn-sio mêⁿ;
the fifteenth night of first month is called the night of the first full moon.
lâi ŭ sì kâi gûeh;
came four months ago.
bói lâi ŭ ngŏ kâi gûeh kú;
bought it five months ago.
soiⁿ lâk kâi gûeh;
six months before.
chit kâi gûeh côiⁿ;
seven months beforehand.
múiⁿ gûeh;
every month.
jît gûeh ô̤;
a smooth bivalve, red on one side and yellow on the other.
gûeh mêⁿ; gûeh kng mêⁿ;
moonlight nights.
kang-hu sĭ lŭn gûeh a sĭ lŭn jît?
Is the work done by the day or by the month?


  • gūi105518618
asafetida, brought from Persia and Cashmere, and used for plaisters. It is also burnt as a deodorizer.
a-gūi bô̤ cin, khiak ŭ cin;
though asafetida is not real, there is such a thing as real asafetida.


  • gṳ́11261497
  • Words, phrases, discourse.
words; conversation.
put hṳ́ nín kau thâu ciap gṳ́;
shall not allow you to put your heads together and whisper.
sôk gṳ́;
a proverb.
ṳ́n gṳ́;
a dark saying.
sêng gṳ́; pīn-cîaⁿ gṳ́;
trite expressions.
ngân-gṳ́ cho-sôk;
vulgar expressions.
kó gṳ́;
old sayings.
  • gṳ̆112711311
  • To withstand; to resist.
gṳ̆ i m̄ cŭ;
cannot withstand him.
bô̤ nâng gṳ̆ i tit cŭ;
no one can withstand them.
resist; oppose.
tú gṳ̆;
take a stand against.
to guard against.
  • gṳ̆11271872
  • To curb and drive a horse; a charioteer.
gṳ̆ chia, gṳ̆ bé;
to drive a chariot or a horse.
kè gṳ̆ àiⁿ ŭ huang-huap;
there are rules for managing and curbing a horse: there is a right way to rule the people.
ûang-hŏ īa-sĭ íⁿ-keng kùe khṳ̀ kâi, cheng-hu i kâi chia-kè cò̤ sien-gṳ̆;
an empress who has died, is spoken of personally as one taken away in a fairy chariot.
  • gṳ̆4411575
  • A spur; the dew-claw or hallux on birds.
i kâi kha ŭ gṳ̆; i kâi kha kŭa kâi gṳ̆;
its feet are spurred.
  • gṳ̄1127608
  • Royal; imperial.
gṳ̄ hô̤;
the Imperial Canal.
gṳ̄ pit chin cṳ;
the imperial autograph.
gṳ̄ côiⁿ sĭ ŭe;
in the imperial presence.
gṳ̄ ìn;
the imperial seal.
gṳ̄-kè chin ceng;
the sovereign himself goes forth to subjugate.
cí kĭaⁿ mûeh sĭ gṳ̄ sṳ̀ kâi;
this is a royal grant.
  • gṳ̄1138960
  • Jade.
i kùa kha gṳ̄ chíu-hŵn;
she wears a jade bracelet.
sĭ līo kâi a sĭ gṳ̄ kâi?
Is it opaque glass, or is it jade?
gṳ̄ ìn;
a jade seal.


  • ha215305
  • To breath upon, to warm with the breath.
ha i sie;
warm it by breathing upon it.
ha i ńng;
soften it by breathing on it.
màiⁿ khàu, úa kio lṳ́ ha cē;
don't cry, I will breath on the hurt spot to assuage the pain for you.
  • 𨉣ha1821589
  • To bend; to stoop.
ha ie;
to bow.
kìⁿ tîeh cū ha ie;
on seeing him she bowed low.