Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/148

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.

ing till night.

gō̤ khah kùe tǹg cîah lío àiⁿ sieⁿ;
if you go without food too long, when you eat the food will distress you.
i to sĭ m̄ pat gō̤ tîeh;
he does not know what it is to fast.
gō̤ kàu sáng-sáng n̂g-sng n̂g-sng;
starved till he was thin and cadaverous.

  • 638930
  • Bovine animals; kine; cattle.
cêk ciah gû;
an ox.
gû kó, gû bó, gû kíaⁿ;
a bull, a cow, and a calf.
the water buffalo.
a rhinoceros.
n̂g-gû; má-gû;
a cow.
suaⁿ gû;
cattle that do not frequent the water.
cow's hump.
leather, cowhide.
gû peh-cheh;
the manyplus of an ox.
līu gû-nĭ;
to milk a cow.
chĭ gû;
to keep cows.
khang gû;
to tend cows.
gû mô̤ⁿ chut tŏ̤ gû sin téng;
cow-hair comes from cows; you get your income from what you invest your money in.
chie gû-kó;
a steer.
gû-kíaⁿ m̄ pat hóⁿ;
a calf is ignorant about tigers.
tī-gû ūaⁿ koiⁿ;
the ox that supports the earth shifts it on his shoulders; an earthquake.
gû oi bō̤;
a mill turned by cattle.
blinds for cattle.
an ox yoke.
gû koiⁿ;
a cow house.
cíeⁿ gû kâi a-noⁿ-kíaⁿ;
a cow boy.
gû tô;
a slaughter house.
ox sinews.
chng tîeh gû phīⁿ;
perforate the nose of an ox.
nâng ùi jī, gû ùi phīⁿ;
people dread written agreements as the ox dreads the nose ring.
gû-thâu thâk khòi;
read the deed of sale at the ox's head.
cí ciah gû ŏi híaⁿ nâng;
this ox is apt to hook people.
khṳt gû tak tîeh;
gored by an ox.
nâng sim-kuaⁿ, gû saí-tó;
people have hearts, and cattle have paunches.
gû kâi ni-pô;
a cow's udder.
gû kâi ni-thâu;
a cow's teats.
a tadpole.


  • gūa1037362
  • Outer; outside; external.
lăi gūa;
inner and outer.
gūa nâng;
not one of our party.
gūa kok;
foreign countries.
gūa séⁿ;
another province.
úa thiaⁿ-kíⁿ gūa-thâu nâng cíeⁿ-seⁿ tàⁿ;
I heard an outsider say so.
gūa kang nâng;
an alien.
gūa mīn;
the external surface.
m̄ cai i lêng-gūa ŭ a bô̤;
I do not know whether he has any besides these.
lêng-gūa ŭ;
there are some besides these.
tṳ̂ chṳ́ cṳ gūa, bô̤ nâng îaⁿ i;
besides this one, there is no one who surpasses him.
tṳ̂ i cṳ gūa bô̤ nâng lâi;
besides him no one came.
cía tṳ̂ gūa ŭ jîeh cōi?
How many are there besides this one?
keh gūa ṳn-tíen;
grace above what
is demanded.
kêk gūa;
cía sǹg-sĭ ì gūa kâi sṳ̄;
this is something that was not calculated upon.
chut gūa nâng;
those gone abroad.
i khṳ̀ chut gūa cíaⁿ tńg lâi;
he went abroad and returned.
lṳ́ tŏ̤ hṳ́ gūa lâi thiaⁿ ŭ nâng cò̤-nî tàⁿ mē?
When you were coming from there did you hear anything said?
khĭa tŏ̤ mn̂g gūa;
standing outside the door.
lăi gūa ŭ kak pîet;
there is a distinction made between those who belong to the party and those who do not.
cí kâi nâng ŭ gūa châi;
this man has superabundant means.
gūa bŭ;
outside business.
bŭ gūa;
give attention to outside matters.
gūa bŭ cîⁿ;
i cìeⁿ-seⁿ sĭ seⁿ gūa sṳ̄;
in that way he stirs up additional trouble.
i cìaⁿ chap tîeh gūa sṳ̄ cṳ̄ bô̤ sim bô̤ cîaⁿ cò̤;
since he has entered into other occupations he has no interest in doing this.
chut-hu cheng-lí cṳ gūa;
beyond what is reasonable.
gūa má;
maternal grandmother.
gūa ke; gūa ke-thâu;
the wife's relations.
gūa sun;
the child of a daughter or sister.
lṳ́ màiⁿ gūa-gūa nē, chin-chĭeⁿ gūa nâng hìeⁿ-seⁿ;
do not act so unconcernedly, as if you were not of us.
ūe lâi gūa ì;
drawn better than one would expect.
cí kâi pēⁿ sĭ gūa kám a sĭ lăi sieⁿ?
Does this disease arise from outward or inward causes?
pàng tŏ gūa keh a tŏ̤ lăi keh?
Did you put it in the outer or the inner compartment?
khṳ̀ kàu i gūa tîaⁿ;
went to the outer court.
chut khṳ̀ sîaⁿ gūa;
went out to the suburbs.
cêk peh cṳ gūa hŵn ŭ jîeh cōi?
How many over a hundred are there?
bōi chut gūa kò̤;
sell for exportation.
tok chut gūa kéng;
banished beyond the frontier.
gūa măuⁿ;
external appearance.
i tô̤-cáu tŏ̤ gūa;
he fled to a remote place.
gūa hng;
distant regions.
hun gūa ŏi lí sṳ̄;
can manage affairs that are beyond his domain.


  • gûeh1129740
  • Moon; month; monthly.
the moon.
the crescent moon.
gûeh chut;
the moon rises.
gûeh lô̤h;
the moon sets.
gûeh khih;
the moon wanes.
gûeh îⁿ;
the moon waxes.
gûeh sîh;
an eclipse of the moon.
gûeh hôk îⁿ;
the eclipse ceases.
kìu gûeh;
ceremonies to preserve the moon during an eclipse.
cí kâi gûeh tōa a sòi?
Has this month thirty days or only twenty-nine?
cêk nî câp-jī kâi gûeh;
one year is twelve months.
saⁿ nî kâi jūn gûeh;
there is an intercalary month once in three years.
gûeh-gûeh ŭ nâng lâi;
some one comes every month.
àng gûeh sǹg-sìo;
settle accounts monthly.
co cîⁿ sĭ lŭn gûeh a sĭ lŭn nî kâi?
Is the rent paid by the month