Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/165

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
ún-ún kâi sṳ̄ to m̄ cò̤, mńg hàuⁿ lăng-híam;
he never will do what is safe, but always seeks what is hazardous.
i cêk seⁿ bô̤ kîaⁿ híam lō, to sĭ kîaⁿ ún-tàng kâi sṳ̄;
all his life he has never gone into danger, but has done what was perfectly safe.
híam cèng;
dangerous diseases.
cí kâi nâng sĭm sĭ im-híam;
this person is very scheming.
măuⁿ híam;
looks wicked.
híam-híam tîeh;
came very near hitting it.
cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ khah híam, m̄-hó̤ cò̤;
this is too dangerous, do not do it.
  • hîam1973810
  • To find fault with; to dislike; to depreciate.
to be prejudiced.
i cē hîap-hîam cū tàⁿ kàu i jîeh m̄ hó̤;
he is prejudiced and so tells how bad he is.
sím chut i sĭ hîap-hîam kâi;
judged that he was prejudiced.
sĭ chông-côiⁿ ŭ hîam-khiah;
there was a previous grudge.
i sim lăi hûai ŭ côiⁿ jît kâi kîam-khiah tŏ̤ kò̤;
he cherishes an old grudge.
pī hîam-gî;
avoid an appearance of evil.
lṳ́ màiⁿ khì-hîam;
do not be offended.
lṳ́ ā m̄ siu cū sĭ khì-hîam;
if you do not accept it, it is because you are offended.
hîam i m̄ ngía;
find fault with its lack of beauty.
lṳ́ màiⁿ hîam;
do not be fastidious.
lṳ́ tîeh hó̤ hîam i;
you should reprove him.
cía hŵn-lío tó̤ hîam;
is still expressing dissatisfaction with this.
i sĭ m̄ hío kui-kṳ́, lṳ́ tîeh cai hîam i;
he is unmannerly, and you should reprove him.
i tó̤ hîam cìeⁿ hîam hìeⁿ;
he finds fault with everything.
i khṳt i hîam tîeh m̄ su-hôk;
he does not submit to being found fault with by her.
cò̤ kàu mih nâng bô̤ hîam;
do so well that none can find fault with you.
bô̤ nâng káⁿ hîam;
no one dared find any fault with it.
cía kang-hu, sît-căi bô̤ kò̤ hó̤ hîam;
this work is certainly beyond criticism.
i nŏ̤ nâng bô̤ hîam bô̤ khiah;
the two never get offended with each other.


  • hiang18916310
  • Pertaining to the country.
hiang chin;
one belonging to one's own village.
kak chù kâi hiang thâm m̄ tâng;
the dialect of different places is different.
hiang pa-láu;
a countrified old man.
  • hiang1881860
  • Odor, perfume, aroma; reputable.
ŭ hiang-thâu;
has an odor.
bô̤ sĭm-mih hiang-thâu;
has very little aroma.
cṳ hiang ke;
a literary family.
in nâng ŭ cṳ hiang;
those people have a literary reputation.
  • híang18918013
  • To reverberate; to sound; an echo; noise.
cêk siaⁿ híang;
one clap.
siaⁿ-im híang-lĭang;
it resounds.
híang-híang lĭang-lĭang;
i kâi ūe tàⁿ lâi bô̤ mih híang-lĭang;
his voice has very little volume.
phòng-phĭe híang;
the sound of fire-crackers.
chèng híang;
the sound of guns.
tōa phàu híang;
the sound of cannon; cannonading.
kó híang;
the sound of drums.
ceng būe híang;
the bell has not yet rung.
cí kâi sî-ceng bŏi híang;
this clock does not strike.
phah m̄ híang;
does not resound when struck.
pûn m̄ híang;
does not sound when blown.
cúi híang;
the sound of waters.
pĕng bô̤ íaⁿ híang;
neither sound nor shadow; nothing to be seen nor heard.
híang bé ckâk;
mounted banditti.
sǹg sĭ íaⁿ híang kâi ūe;
this is mere idle talk.
siaⁿ híang căi;
it sounds out loudly.
khâp híang thâu;
importunately; you can hear my head as it knocks.
híang èng sĭ cí-kò̤ cē híang, hṳ́-kò̤ cṳ ìn;
an echo, is the response from there to a sound made here.
  • híang18986
  • To enjoy; to receive gratefully.
híang hok;
to enjoy happiness; to receive blessings.
híang sīu jîeh cōi hùe?
How long did he live?
ŭ hok m̄ hó̤ cĭn híang;
it is not well to run through all your pleasures.
híang hok căi;
very highly favored of the gods.
būe pat híang tîeh hok;
he has never had any happiness.
  • híang18918413
  • To entertain guests.
íen-híang pin-kheh;
invite guests to a formal banquet.
hŭam cok-bûn kàu hṳ́ búe to sĭ tàⁿ “sĭang-híang”;
“still come to the sacrifice” is written at the end of all prayers.
  • hìang190303
  • Facing; towards; hitherto; inclining to; flaring.
hìang tang a hìang sai?
Does it face the east or the west?
hìang lâm hó̤ kùe hìang pak;
it is better to face the south rather than the north.
mīn hìang hìeⁿ pôiⁿ;
his face is turned the other way.
nŏ̤ koiⁿ chṳ̀ sie hìang;
the two houses face each other.
hìang lâi m̄ pat thóiⁿ-kìⁿ;
hitherto I have not seen it.
cêk hìang m̄ pat thiaⁿ-kìⁿ sie-sit;
for a while past nothing has been heard from him.
àiⁿ ēng sĭm-mih hng-hìang? àiⁿ ēng sĭm-mih hng-hìeⁿ?
What sort of location is desirable?
i sĭ hìang lṳ́ tàⁿ a sĭ hìang i tàⁿ?
Is he inclined to heed what you say or what she says?
sĭ hìang úa tàⁿ kâi;
he is inclined to my view of the case.
lêng-ūaⁿ ût jī hìang;
change the direction so as to face another point of the compass.