Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/171

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
  • hiuⁿ21094
  • Quit; cease; repudiate.
m̄ khéng kang-hiuⁿ;
would not quit.
m̄ kang-hiuⁿ;
bw̄n sṳ̄ to hiuⁿ lío;
all affairs have come to a stand still.
hiuⁿ chi;
a divorced wife.
hiuⁿ cṳ;
bill of separation.
i cē tàⁿ cū tàⁿ m̄ hiuⁿ;
if he once begins to talk he will never cease talking.
lṳ́ hiuⁿ thî-khí cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄;
don't you mention this matter.
hiuⁿ sĭeⁿ;
repudiate the thought.
tṳ̂ sí huang hiuⁿ;
nothing but death shall cause me to desist.
  • hiuⁿ1110617
  • Reiterated.
cía sǹg sĭ hiuⁿ-hiuⁿ hùam-hùam kâi ṳ̄e;
this is mere twaddle.
  • híuⁿ211752
  • Rotten; decayed; putrescent.
híuⁿ bâk m̄-hó̤ tio;
decayed wood is not good for carvings.
bw̄n nî put híuⁿ;
it will last forever.
cē kú cū hu-híuⁿ khṳ̀;
after a long time it will decompose.
khîeh chut lâi, nĕ hu-hu híuⁿ-híuⁿ;
when it was taken out, it was all rotten.
cí kò̤ nêk míen kùi jît cū hu-híuⁿ khṳ̀;
this piece of meat will become putrid before many days.
  • hìuⁿ151609
  • Again; to recur.
ko chīu hìuⁿ seⁿ sún;
the withered tree again sprouts.
hìuⁿ lâi;
returned; repeated.
  • hîuⁿ4161457
  • A wadded jacket; winter tunics.
phûe hîuⁿ;
a fur coat.
koih hîuⁿ;
a double gown.
tn̂g hîuⁿ;
a long wadded tunic.
hîuⁿ thâu;
a short winter jacket.
hâng hîuⁿ;
a quilted tunic.
mîⁿ hîuⁿ;
a tunic stuffed with cotton.


  • hiuh154645
  • To brush; to flap; to wave to and fro.
hiuh-tīo tîn-ai;
brush down the cobwebs.
màiⁿ thèng hiuh tîeh nâng;
do not hit people by careless brushing.
hiuh lío, phông-phông eng;
after dusting the dust flies everywhere.
khîeh ki tōa ki kâi lâi hiuh cìaⁿ ŭ bī;
take a large one to dust with and then it will be of some use.
  • hiuh73645
  • To flog; to thrash.
cang tek-pì-kíaⁿ hiuh-hiuh-kìe, lí-kẃn hiuh;
took a bamboo whip, and laid it on him so that you could hear the blows incessantly.
hiuh kàu i cêk sin cĕng-cĕng khĕng;
thrashed him till his body was covered with wales.


  • hm̄221305
  • To pant.
khùi hm̄-hm̄ chẃn;
breathes short and quick.
hêk kàu hm̄-hm̄-kìe;
so tired as to pant.
thiaⁿ-kìⁿ káu hm̄-hm̄-chẃn;
heard the dog panting.


  • hng132700
  • What pertains to a location; a region; a prescription.
sì hng;
the four points of compass.
ngŏ hng;
the four quarters and the centre.
ngŏ hng kâi kî kak sek m̄ tâng;
the flags of all the nations are of different colors.
àiⁿ ēng sĭm-mih hng ūi?
What do you desire its bearings to be?
cía chù sĭ sĭm-mih hng-hìeⁿ?
What are the bearings of this house?
khṳ̀ kìe tī- hng lâi;
go and call the local officers.
gūa hng nâng;
bô̤ tī-hng hó̤ hiah kha;
there was no place to rest one's foot.
ŭ sĭm-mih tī-hng hó̤ pàng a bô̤.
Is there any place to put it or not?
tī kâi tī-hng hó̤?
Which spot is the best?
hṳ́-kò̤ m̄ cai kìe-cò̤ sĭm-mih tī-hng;
do not know what that place is called.
khui îeh hng;
write a prescription.
ŭ sĭm-mih lîang hng?
What is the best remedy?
úa ŭ cêk tieⁿ sĭang hó̤ kâi hng hó̤ ui ka-sàu pēⁿ;
I have one of the best remedies for curing a cough.
hô̤ hng nâng sĭ?
Where is the man from?
  • hng169307
  • Frightened; an interjection of pain or displeasure.
gūa kháu kò̤ sāi hng-hak nŏ̤ cìang;
the two guardians of temple doors were set up outside.
groaning and moaning.
i hng-hng-chang, hng mih sṳ̄?
What is it that he is groaning and grunting about?
hàm a-nôⁿ màiⁿ tó̤ hng;
tell the baby not to fret.
  • hng2501406
  • Dearth; empty; neglected.
châng-hn̂g phau-hng;
fields overgrown with brushwood.
ki-hng sî-coih;
a season of dearth.
tōa ki-hng;
a time of great scarcity.
i hṳ́ chù lăi kâi mûeh hng lā bô̤ heh;
the things were all lying about the house, loose and neglected.
mûeh màiⁿ hng-hng īa-ĭa;
do not leave the things lying around loose.
  • hng133324
  • An alley; a grocery; a neighbourhood.
cṳ hng;
a book-stall.
cíu hng;
a wine-shop.
móng hng móng lí;
a certain street in a certain village.
hú sîaⁿ lăi pun cò̤ chit hng: nín tīu tŏ̤ tī cêk hng?
The Departmental City is divided into seven quarters: in which of them do you reside?