Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/293

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.

have not met lately.

kú ngíang tōa mîaⁿ;
have long respected you.
bô̤ ŭa kú;
not very long.
hiah kàu saⁿ jît kú, màiⁿ khṳ̀ thăng i;
do not touch it for three days.
kú pēⁿ lău ui kuaⁿ;
when one has long been sick he knows all about the doctors.
jú kú jú kèng;
the longer you know him the more you will respect him.
hŭam sṳ̄ tîeh ŏi sĭeⁿ kú-tn̂g;
in every affair one must think of the ultimate results.
khĭa-khí kú cū sêk;
when you have lived long in a place you become familiar with it.
cò̤ cìeⁿ kú?
Why have you been so long about it?
lṳ́ khṳ̀ hìeⁿ ku, khṳ̀ tì-kò?
Where have you been, that you have been gone so long?
cok-cok ŭ kâi sî-sîn kṳ́, hŵn m̄ hàuⁿ hiah;
has been at it for a full hour, and still will not stop.
kú-kú tŏ̤-kò̤;
is always there.
ēng kú cū cai;
after having used it for a long time you will know.
kàu kú cìaⁿ cai;
found it out after a long while.
kú-kú thâk m̄ pat;
never learns anything by study.
nín cò̤-nî kú-kú tó̤ sńg;
why are you all the time playing.
úa thóiⁿ i cîah m̄ kú li;
I do not think she will live long.
jîp khṳ̀ cêk tōa kùa kú hŵn būe chut;
has been in there fully half a day and has not yet come out.
cía sĭ kú nî kâi mûeh;
this is a thing that is to be used for many years.
kú sì sieⁿ ceng, kú ŏ̤ sieⁿ khì, kú lîp sieⁿ kṳn;
protracted study injures the vital force, much lying down is hurtful to the constitution, standing too long harms the sinews.
kú ŭaⁿ hông kam hŏ;
have a refreshing shower after a long drought.
kú hŏ hí sin cêⁿ;
after a long rain one rejoices in a clear sky.
kú bŭn tōa mîaⁿ;
have long heard about Your Excellency.
sṳ̄ kú kìⁿ nâng sim;
when a business is long protracted, the true characters of people are revealed by it.
  • 4341546
  • A shopman; a resident or settled trader, as distinguished from a travelling one.
kîaⁿ siang, cŏ̤ kú;
travelling traders, and resident dealers.
sṳ lông kong kú;
literary men, agriculturalists, artisans and merchants.
  • 413863
  • To cauterize; to raise blisters by burning moxa or the dried tinder of the Artemisia on the skin.
i ŏi cam kù;
he understands the use of the lancet and of cautery.
ēng húe lâi kù cū hó̤;
it will be well to cauterize it with fire.
cang hīaⁿ-mîⁿ lâi kù;
apply moxa and cauterize it.
kù ŭ kúi câp càng;
cauterized several tens of times.
kù kâi huap sĭ ēng hīaⁿ-jông lâi kù;
the method of cauterization is by burning moxa on the skin.

  • 43518112
  • To look after; to attend to; to care for, to regard; to consider; to patronize.
cò̤ sṳ̄ to tîeh kù côiⁿ kù ău;
in doing things one must consider both what has preceded and what will follow.
cìo kù;
to bestow patronage upon; to get employment for; to consider the interests of.
i ŭ kẁn-kù i a bô̤?
Is she considerate toward him?
to look after; to attend to.
cía mng sĭ chin nâng, ná lí m̄ thóiⁿ-kù i;
this is a relative, and how can we do other than show regard for him.
síu bú siang kù;
the beginning and the end correspond.
hàm i tîeh cai kwn-kù;
tell him he must take heed.
kù chṳ́ li sit pí, kù pí li sit chṳ́: kang-khó căi;
if we regard this we lose that, and if we give heed to that we miss this: it is indeed trying.
i cò̤-nî m̄ kù ka-kī, toaⁿ kù pât nâng;
why does he not take care of himself, as well as of other people.
cí kù kih-kau pûi, m̄ kù sin-cīeⁿ ui;
cares only to have fat cheeks, and is indifferent about what he wears.
lău cú kù;
an old patron.
hó̤ cú kù;
a good customer.
phài i tó̤ kwn-kù nâng-kheh;
depute him to attend to the visitors.
tîeh cai kẇn-kù tê, kẃn-kù hun;
you must attend to the setting forth of the tea, and of the tobacco.
kù sì-phìⁿ;
to look around on all sides.
īu àiⁿ kù lăi, īu àiⁿ kù gūa, cía tîeh ŭ ho̤h ŏi kâi cìaⁿ lí tit khṳ̀;
the internal and the external relationships have all to be considered in this, and he must be a very able person who can manage it all.
kù chit peh gūa phìⁿ;
looking after a thousand things.
mih-mûeh kù kàu ciap-ciap côi;
takes perfect care of everything.
khùn-kíaⁿ kù cí, khùn-kíaⁿ kù hṳ́, kù m̄ lī;
have so many things to attend to that I cannot look after them all.
ku kàu kûaⁿ lâi li jûah kàu, kù kàu jûah lâi li kûaⁿ kàu;
by the time the work of the cold weather is attended to, summer has come, and by the time the summer’s work is looked after, it is cold weather again.
cìeⁿ-seⁿ úa sĭ kù tîeh i;
in so doing I show regard for him.
i to m̄ kù mn̂g huang;
he does not regard the credit of the house and family.
i sĭang-téng kú ke;
he has great regard for his family.
kù pĕ bó̤, kù bó kíaⁿ, kù hiaⁿ tĭ;
to show consideration for parents, for wife and children, or for brethren.
kù líen;
careful of his reputation.
i cí hûe cṳ̆ kù put hîa, cò̤ ŭ thang kù pât nâng;
he has at present no leisure to look after himself, how should he have the time to look after other people.
tîeh kù pńg cîⁿ;
must take care of your capital.
tăi-kè tîeh sie cìo-kù;
you must all render assistance to each other.
īu àiⁿ kù thâu kù kha;
must look to both ends of it.