Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/294

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
  • 440302
  • A phrase; a sentence; a classifier of phrases; a line in verse.
thâk kàu ŭ kù ŭ tāu;
read with attention to the stops.
i kâi kù tāu hó̤;
his periods are well arranged.
cêk kù cêk kù thâk hīn-hīn;
read it plainly, sentence by sentence.
cí cêk cak cṳ ŭ kúi kù?
How many sentences are there in this verse?
tíam kù kau kó;
punctuate and divide into paragraphs.
m̄ sêng kù;
not a complete sentence.
àiⁿ kâi lṳ́ tàⁿ kṳ̀ ūe;
wants to speak a word with you.
tàⁿ nŏ̤ kù cū hó̤;
speak very briefly.
pĕng bô̤ pùaⁿ kù hṳ-ngân;
has not an unmeaning phrase in it.
i nŏ̤ nâng cṳ̆-lâi bô̤ kù ūe;
the two have not heretofore had words with each other.
i tó̤ cò̤ hó̤ sì kù;
he is making verses.
līam kù si chut lâi;
recited a verse of poetry.
thâk bô̤ kúi kù;
reads but very few lines a day.
i cêk kù cū sĭ cêk kù;
when he says a thing he adheres to it.
màiⁿ tàⁿ ke kù;
do not talk about it any more.
chŵn bô̤ ke kù;
there is nothing more to be said.
i tàⁿ ūe bô̤ kù sît;
there is not a word of truth in what he says.
kṳ̀-kù to sĭ hó̤ ūe;
every word of it is good.
cía sĭ saⁿ kù sì kâi cîⁿ phùaⁿ lâi kâi;
this is merely something that I casually heard, and I do not vouch for its truth.
  • 434665
  • The cause or reason of a thing; what is purposed; the occasion; the pretext.
ŭ kù;
there is a reason for it.
bô̤ kù;
bô̤ ŵn bô̤ kù;
it is wholly without a cause.
ŭ sĭm-mih ŵn-kù?
What led to it?
therefore; for this reason.
i m̄ sĭ kù ì cìeⁿ-seⁿ cò̤;
he did not do it intentionally.
bô̤ kù, cū mēⁿ nâng, phah nâng;
reviles and beats people without any reason for it.
cía sǹg sĭ sío kù kâi sṳ̄;
this is a trifling matter.
bô̤ sĭm-mih tōa ŵn-kù;
this is no great matter.
sĭ se-su kâi sòi kù;
is but a slight pretext.
kù hŭam kâi cū bô̤ sìa;
a willful offense is unpardonable.
i sĭ ûi sĭm-mih sṳ̄-kù lâi?
What was the occasion for his coming?
bô̤ sṳ̄ bô̤ kù, àiⁿ lâi mih sṳ̄?
What do you come for, if you have no occasion for coming?
úa mng sĭ ūi lṳ́ cṳ kù cìaⁿ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
it was on your own account that I did thus.
  • 435315
  • Firm; fixed; strengthened; to fortify; impervious.
kù-tău sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
it is surely so.
kien-kù căi;
very stable.
cò̤ kàu kien-kien kù-kù;
make it so that it will be very firm and substantial.
cn̂g kâi m̄ kien m̄ kù;
it is not at all firmly made.
cí kù ūe hó̤ kien-kù i kâi sim;
his mind may be fortified by this remark.
cò̤ sṳ̄
m̄-hó̤ kù cip;
do not be pertinacious.
cē kù-cip cū m̄ thong;
when perverse one is deaf to reason.
i kâi khẃn mih sṳ̄ to sĭ kù-kù cip-cip;
it is his nature to be very pertinacious about everything.
i kâi mûeh cú-kù căi;
his wares are very durable.
jú-kù jú-kù;
lasting; firm and durable.
kù-síu hṳ́ kâi ti-hng;
fortify that place.
  • 4351698
  • To close or stop securely; to interfere and prevent.
kù-kín cí-kâi nâng, màiⁿ khṳt i cak-tŏng;
hedge this man up, and now allow him to act.
to stop up the way; to restrain; to prevent, as good men getting into office; to keep, as one in banishment.
  • 4351048
  • A chronic, incurable complaint, such as leprosy, gout or palsy.
kù sí huang;
an incurable ailment.
  • 43898
  • A collective adjective of number, placed after the noun, and denoting things or people; all, the whole; at once.
bw̄n mûeh kŭ pĭ;
everything is ready.
peh īeⁿ kŭ chŵn;
everything is complete.
cèng nâng kŭ tŏ̤;
they are all there.
sì-chù kŭ ŭ;
they are to be found in every direction.
sì-khùi-kit, sì khùi kŭ ŏi seⁿ;
the four season orange is produced in all the four seasons.
nâng-nâng kŭ cai;
everyone knows.
kŭ sĭ cêk īeⁿ;
it is all the same.
pí chṳ́ kŭ chêng-ngw̆n;
both are willing.
nŏ̤-chù kŭ hàuⁿ;
both assent.
líang-ke kŭ huaⁿ-hí;
both are satisfied.
cí cùaⁿ nâng kŭ sĭ siang-sìn kâi;
all these people are believers in it.
mih mûeh kŭ bô̤;
there is nothing whatever.
cêk chiet kŭ ŭ;
have all of them.
cí cêk pńg cṳ kâi tŏ̤-lí úa kŭ pat;
I know all the doctrines in this book.
  • 4406118
  • To stand in awe of; fearful.
sĭm sĭ -phàⁿ i;
is in great dread of him.
bô̤ kiaⁿ bô̤ kŭ;
in no fear of.
ùi-kŭ, kùe sĭm;
overmastering awe.
  • 斑鳩kŭ-ku412
  • The turtle-dove, the wood-pigeon.
kŭ-ku tó̤ kìe;
the wood-dove is calling.
kŭ-ku ŭ sî sĭ kìe cêⁿ, ŭ sî kìe hŏ;
the turtle-dove sometimes utters its note when it is going to clear, and sometimes when it is going to rain.
kŭ- ku;
the calling of wood-doves.
kŭ-ku cí ciah cē kìe, hṳ́ ciah cū tùe i kìe;
among the wood-doves, when this one calls, that one echoes the note.