Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/386

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.

Who is taking down the testimony?

lôk chut lâi;
to jot down; to write out.
chú-lôk ŭ jîeh cōi mîaⁿ?
How many are selected as worthy of a degree?
kì lôk;
kì-lôk cêk chṳ̀;
once on record.
list of successful candidates for the degree of M.A.
jû tó̤ cáu chì-lôk;
like vending the list of successful candidates at the triennial examination.
úa ŭ cêk pang múaⁿ hàng mîaⁿ-chîn lôk;
I have a set of biographical sketches of eminent statesmen, both Tartar and Chinese.
  • lôk5531206
  • Joined; continuous; to join on; netted or slung together; blood vessels which diverge from the great veins or arteries.
lîen-lôk cò̤ cêk ē;
couple them together.
lîen-lîen lôk-lôk, bô̤ kòiⁿ tn̆g;
joined in one continuous line, with no break.
cía sĭ jîp sim-pau-lôk kâi îeh;
this medicine enters the pericardium.
sin tǹg kâi mêh-lôk;
the blood veesels of the body.
pēⁿ sĭ tŏ̤ tī cêk keng-lôk?
In what part of the vascular system does the disease lie?
  • 祿lôk5631138
  • Salary, pay; official emoluments; an income; happiness conferred by the emperor.
cîah chîo-thêng kâi hong-lôk, cĭu tîeh lîu-sim lí chîo-thêng kâi sṳ̄;
those who live on pay from the government, must attend in a painstaking way to governmental affairs.
bô̤ kong, cò̤ káⁿ cîah lôk?
How can one who renders no service to the state, presume to receive a salary from the government?
lôk khah pô̤h;
the salary is insufficient.
tìn-tang sāi ŭ kò̤ lôk-ūi-pâi;
set up an imperial tablet in the midst.
the Banqueting Office.
cêk seⁿ nâng ŭ cîah lôk;
has enough to live on all his days.
hok, lôk, sīu, chŵn;
happiness, official honors, longevity, all complete.
i-lôk khó̤-íⁿ chong-cok;
has about enough to clothe and feed himself comfortably.
one just after the other; in rapid succession; successively.
i sĭ lôk-sôk lâi, a sĭ cò̤ cêk hûe lâi?
Did they come successively or simultaneously?
lôk-lôk sôk-sôk lâi ŭ ho̤h cōi;
one after another, a great number arrived.
  • lôk56411816
  • A chart; a note, as of events or receipts.
a talisman on wood; a magic writing.
tôi mîaⁿ lôk;
list of successful candidates at an examination.
hong siaⁿ tŏ̤ hṳ́ kò̤ líu tîeh tô-lôk;
it is rumored that a magic map of the country has been exhumed there.
i kâi mîaⁿ hâh tîeh tô-lôk;
his name accords with the one given in the prophetic or sibyline chart.
  • lôk5646211
  • To kill in war; to slaughter; to massacre; to mangle and insult; to put to death.
i kâi suah-lôk tăng căi;
the slaughter was very great.
i ău-lâi tì-kàu chŵn ke tu-lôk;
this will hereafter lead to the extermination of the whole family.
sí ău hŵn-lío pun nâng líu chut lâi lôk si;
after he was dead and buried his body was dug up and mangled by people.
suah-lôk kong-chîn kâi sṳ̄, tōa pûaⁿ īa sĭ sì só̤ sái jîen;
the massacre of the nobles was for the most part made necessary by the circumstances.
  • lôk5641911
  • United strength.
lôk lâk;
to join forces; to combine effort; to unite strength.
jī ke tîeh lâi lôk lâk tâng sim;
the two must be of one mind, and act in unison.
īa sĭ khéng lôk-lâk tâng sim ná phàⁿ sṳ̄ m̄ séng;
if willing to act in concert there is no fear that the thing will not be accomplished.
  • lôk5631128
  • To drudge.
lôk-lôk, bô̤ khî;
drudge without cessation.
i si îong-îong lôk-lôk kâi nâng;
she is a drudge.


  • long5451675
  • A round hollow bell, like a sleigh bell, hung on horses or flags to announce approach.
a spherical bell.
káu ăm tèng kùa kâi hâm-long;
there was a bell on the dog’s neck.
i kâi bō̤-èng tùe nŏ̤ lîap hâm-long;
two little round bells were attached to his cap.
long-long-kìe sĭ bé lâi a m̄ sĭ?
That jangling sound is made by a horse coming, is it not?
  • long569554
  • To become expert by practise; exercised in.
táng i khṳ̀ long;
wait till he acquires a knowledge of it by practise.
i long kùiⁿ kâi;
what he has become familiar with by long practise.
  • lóng1101304
  • To open the month wide.
i kâi chùi khuah-lóng khuah-lóng;
he has a very big mouth.
  • lóng5686416
  • To assemble or collect; to bring near; to draw close to; to exert one’s self.
lóng-cóng lâi lío;
all have come.
gūa kháu la-lóng tit lâi;
can scratch around and gather up some outside.
lóng-lóng cóng-cóng ŭ jîeh cōi?
How many are there altogether?