Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/387

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.
  • lòng569554
  • To spoil, to put out of order.
cū sĭ i tó̤ cò̤ lòng kúi;
it is he who does the mischief.
seⁿ sêng, ŭ lòng-kúi;
when completed it was spoiled.
tâng sêng cū khṳt i lòng kàu m̄ sêng;
it was nearly finished and he meddled with it in such a way as to retard its completion.
īa sĭ màiⁿ khṳt i lòng hāi khṳ̀, kàu taⁿ cū cîaⁿ;
if he had not meddled with and spoiled it, it would now be finished.
  • lòng9383111
  • Globular; spherical; a mass.
kâi mûeh lòng-lòng-îⁿ;
a globular object.
cò̤ kàu cn̂g kâi lòng-lòng-îⁿ;
make it a perfect sphere.
i îⁿ-lòng-lòng, sui-sĭ cìeⁿ tăng, cē léng cū kîaⁿ;
it is spherical,and although it is so heavy it will move on if it is pushed.
  • lông6428513
  • Thick, as liquids; heavy, as dew; strong, as a decoction; lowering, as clouds; terse, as style; rich, seasoned, spiced; thoroughly imbued with.
thn̂g-cúi khah lông;
the molasses is too thick.
thàu kàu lông-lông;
thicken it very thick.
ŭ khí lông, ŭ khí cheng, sie kah-chah ío hó̤;
some are too rich, and some have no seasoning at all; mix them together and they will be better.
i kâi khì-bī lông-kău;
its flavor is very strong.
ká lông-lông cū luh lô̤h khṳ̀;
mix it very strong, and sup it down.
hṳ́ kâi li thit-thô̤ kàu lông;
that one has amused himself till he wants to do nothing else.
i li pûah kàu lông;
he has gambled till he will do nothing beside.
in nŏ̤ nâng kâi chêng lông căi;
the two are very hearty in their kindness to each other.
thiⁿ thóiⁿ tîeh lông-lông, m̄ lío-lĭang;
the heavens are thick with mist, and not blue.
cí īeⁿ sek khah lông;
this color is too intense.
bâk cē bûa khah lông cū sía m̄ khui;
if you rub up your ink too thick you cannot write with it.
i ŏi sía lông bâk;
he can write with thick ink.
lông cíu;
strong wines.
  • lông56811816
  • To insnare; to inveigle; to entrap.
i tŏ̤ gūa kháu lông-lôk lâi kâi;
what he inveigled in from outside.
lô̤-lông kúi câp nâng tŏ̤ sin-piⁿ;
has taken in and controls several persons whom he keeps beside him.
  • lông6421616
  • To cultivate the ground; agriculture.
lông-hu; lông-ke;
sṳ̆ lông kong siang;
scholars, farmers, artisans and merchants.
the god of Agriculture.
  • lông5671709
  • Abundant; fruitful; fertile; opulent.
nî tang hong-lông;
abundant harvests.
ke tău heng-lông;
the fortunes of the family are prosperous.

  • lông5687416
  • The rising moon.
gûeh sek mông-lông;
the moon looks dim.
mông-lông mông-lông, thóiⁿ bô̤ hìeⁿ hīn;
I do not see clearly in the obscurity.
  • lŏng569554
  • To treat with undue liberty; to trifle and toy with; to handle; to do; to make; to feel.
màiⁿ-lŏng i;
do not meddle with it.
màiⁿ tó̤ bú-lŏng nâng;
do not treat people with indignity.
khṳt i lŏ̤ng hāi khṳ̀;
it has been spoiled by his meddling with it.
màiⁿ tó̤ lŏng sîn lŏng kúi;
do not make a great ado about it.
i kâi lŏng-kwn kâi;
what he is thoroughly practised in.
khíong-phàⁿ tîeh lŏng chut sṳ̄ lâi;
fear that it will bring about a squabble.
lŏng lío, sío;
bother and make crazy.
lŏng lío hŭn khṳ̀;
bothered him about it until he became confused.
khṳt i ku-ā nâng lâi kàu lŏng tīo cêk jît khang-khùe;
a day’s work was spoiled by their all coming.
lṳ́ khṳ̀ thèng lŏng, lŏng thóiⁿ ŏi tit sêng mē;
you go and make some attempts at doing it, and see whether it can be done.
lŏng kàu i nĕ kông-kông;
plagued him till he was perfectly dazed.
khṳt cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ lŏng lío, bô̤ sim bô̤ hûn;
was so vexed by this affair that my wits left me.
cē lŏng kú sim cū phû;
after being bothered a long time, his anger was roused.
  • 浪蕩lŏng-tŏng505
  • Inconstant; fluctuating; vagabondish.
ke bô̤ lŏng-tŏng cṳ́; kuaⁿ chông hô̤ chù lâi?
If the house had no truant sons, where would the officials come from?
i cí kâi kíaⁿ soiⁿ tiang-sî sĭ lŏng-lŏng tŏng-tŏng kâi kíaⁿ-tĭ, cí ău cò̤-nî pìⁿ kàu hìeⁿ hó̤?
This son was formerly a very wild lad, how is it that he is lately so much changed for the better?
  • lōng5686416
  • To put into the sleeve.
lōng lô̤h chíu-ńg tói;
put it into his sleeve.
to lōng lô̤h chíu-ńg tói, cò̤-nî bô̤ khṳ̀?
I always keep it in my sleeve, why is it not there?


  • lo̤9361179
  • Correct; strait; direct; decent.
hó̤ lo̤-lo̤;
proper; rights; correct.
ca-jît i nŏ̤ nâng cìaⁿ hó̤ lo̤-lo̤, kíaⁿ-jît cū tó̤ sie mēⁿ;
yesterday the two were on the best of terms, and to-day they are reviling each other.
úa hó̤ lo̤-lo̤ kio lṳ́ tàⁿ;
I will tell you in the most straight-forward way.
i tâng-cá to hó̤ lo̤-lo̤, cò̤ ŏi tì-kàu cìeⁿ-seⁿ?
It was all right a little while ago, how did it come to be like this?