Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/405

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.

thóiⁿ ceng mĭn, thóiⁿ hût mīn;

does not look at the faces of the priests, but at that of Buddh.
a phûa mīn, a phûa mīn;
like an old woman; nothing about him to excite respect or fear.
cṳ-nîe mīn;
an effeminate look.
ta-po mīn;
a masculine face.
mīn hong-jŭn;
fresh looking.


  • míoⁿ5921154
  • A second in a degree; a ten thousandth; a minute.
gûeh sĭ sîh chit hun kah sì míoⁿ lâk hut;
in the eclipse of the moon, the shadow extended over seven minutes, four seconds and six tenths of a second.
  • míoⁿ592384
  • Cleverness.
penetration; sharpness of insight.
i kâi khìo-mîoⁿ hó̤ căi;
has great quickness and depth of penetration.
i sui-sĭ sòi, sĭm sĭ khìo-míoⁿ;
though he is small he is very astute.
bô̤ khìo bô̤ míoⁿ;
has no insight.
  • míoⁿ592859
  • Vast; vague; boundless.
míoⁿ-míoⁿ mâng-mâng, bô̤ suaⁿ bô̤-sṳ̆;
a boundless expanse with no land in view.
  • míoⁿ1076754
  • Obscure, somber; mysterious.
míoⁿ-mâng kâi sṳ̄;
a mystery.
míoⁿ-míoⁿ mâng-mâng;
unintelligible; dark and vague; nothing to be guided by.
  • míoⁿ59214014
  • To look down on; to treat haughtily.
míoⁿ-sĭ nâng;
look upon people with disdain.
i khah míoⁿ-sĭ i;
he treated him too contemptuously.
míoⁿ-sĭ nâng thài sĭm;
excessively supercilious toward people.
  • mîoⁿ5911405
  • Descendants; progeny.
cí kâi sĭ i kâi mîoⁿ-ī;
these are his descendants.
sái kàu i bŏi tn̆g-có̤h kṳn-mîoⁿ;
so that he may not be without posterity.
the aborigines in Kwei-chau.
half civilized aborigines.
cheⁿ mîoⁿ;
savage aborigines.
  • mîoⁿ10769410
  • A wild dog, or jackal; applied by the Cantonese to a tribe of aborigines living in the north-west

of the province, and reputed to have tails.

mîoⁿ-jîn; mîoⁿ-cṳ́; mîoⁿ kíaⁿ;
the aborigines of Canton province.
  • mĭoⁿ592384
  • Wonderful; mysterious; subtle.
hard to fathom; occult.
mĭoⁿ ă!
It is wonderful!


  • mît5938510
  • To destroy, as by fire; to obliterate; to exterminate; to cut off.
mît-tīo i kâi kok;
destroy their kingdom.
chau-mît cí cho̤h húiⁿ lūi;
exterminate these outlaws.
mît-côk i kâi céng lūi;
cut off his posterity.
mît kàu bô̤ ciah;
destroy so as to leave no trace.
cṳ̆ chú mît-bûang;
brought ruin on himself.
  • mît598855
  • To put an end to.
utterly destroy.
tîm-mît nâng kâi sìn;
destroy people's confidence.
tîm-mît nâng kâi ngṳ̂n;
make way with people’s money.
tîm-mît khṳ̀ jîeh kú, kàu taⁿ cìaⁿ chut lâi;
was lost for a very long time, and has now come to light again.
  • mît6052034
  • Meditation; to commit to memory.
a spiritual revelation.
mît sía jŭ;
edicts written from memory.
mît cṳ;
books commited to memory.
mît lâi bŏi tāⁿ;
recited from memory without mistake.
tng sî lṳ́ īu mît-mît, bô̤ ngân;
at times when you are lost in thought.
mît līam;
recite from memory.
  • mît596408
  • Secret; privately.
ki mît;
the occult cause.
mît-mît khṳ̀ cò̤;
went and did it privately.
cò̤ sṳ̄ m̄ mît cū kōi sîap-lāu;
what is done other than secretly easily leaks out.


  • mng278490
  • A sign of the past tense.
jît mng àm lío, cò̤-nî būe cṳ́ pn̄g?
The sun is already down, why is it that supper is not yet cooked?
úa mng sĭ m̄ cai, úa ā-sĭ cai cū bô̤ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
I knew nothing about it, if I had known, it would not have been so.
i mng tó̤ cŏ̤, lṳ́ sĭ thóiⁿ-m̄-kìⁿ héⁿ?
He was sitting there, did you not see him?
lṳ́ hìeⁿ ùaⁿ lâi: i mng íⁿ-keng khṳ̀ lío;
how late you are in coming: he has already gone.
lṳ́ tàⁿ i mùaⁿ-cá àiⁿ lâi, i taⁿ mng lâi lío;
you said he was coming to-morrow, and he has already arrived.
i mng khṳ̀ nín kò̤ lío, lṳ́ cò̤-nî tin-tò̤ lâi cí kò̤?
He has already gone to your house, how is it that you on the contrary have come here?
  • mńg1038727
  • Evening; late in life; the gloaming; late; behindhand.
kàu-mńg nî cìaⁿ tit cṳ́;
late in life had a son.
ka-kī cheng-cò̤ mńg-seng;
calls himself “Your servant.”
kin nî kâi mńg tang;
the last crop of this year.
màiⁿ táng kàu sĭeⁿ siu-hùe le, cū khah mńg;
do not wait till you are sorry