Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/407

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.

mn̂g-lâu têng;

a roof to protect a doorway.
thap-tó mn̂g-lâu;
a doorway that juts inward.
îang mn̂g;
a door that has no roof above it.
mn̂g-lâu koiⁿ;
a porch or entry.
the tenons on which a door turns.
uaiⁿ mn̂g;
to swing on a door.
mn̂g màiⁿ uaiⁿ chut, uaiⁿ jîp;
do not swing the door to and fro.
mn̂g khŏng-khŏng-kìe;
the door is slamming.
a yamun.
îaⁿ mn̂g;
entrance to a camp.
tīn mn̂g;
a gap in the ranks.
cêk mn̂g chèng;
a gun.
kîaⁿ lĭang mn̂g;
go in at a private entrance.
cē mn̂g;
the entrance to a fortified village.
a door.
tŏ̤ tī-kâi mn̂g-thâu tīu?
By which gate do you live?
thâu kâi mn̂g;
the first door.
jī mn̂g;
the second door.
pâk mn̂g;
the north gate.
i kâi chíu-mn̂g heng;
he is an apt hand at it.
chíu mn̂g m̄-hó̤;
he is an awkward hand at it.
lṳ́ thiaⁿ i kâi ūe-mn̂g cò̤-nî tàⁿ?
What do you think is the meaning of what he says?
ngĕ-mn̂g sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
that is a fixed fact.
cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ khuah mn̂g, hṳ́ kâi ôih mn̂g;
this is an extensive business, that is one that offers no room for expansion.
íam mn̂g phāng
peep through a crack in the door.
kíu mn̂g thî-tok;
the keeper of the nine gates of the city of Peking.
thiⁿ ĕ ŭ jîeh cōi kà-mn̂g;
How many religions are there in the world?
cêk kâi sai-pĕ kà-mn̂g kâi;
apprentices of the same master workman.
kùe mn̂g jîeh kú?
How long since she was married?
m̄ tàⁿ nâng kui mn̂g kâi sai sṳ̄;
not talk of people’s private affairs.
máng-tìeⁿ mn̂g;
the opening in a mosquito-bar.
sṳ-hùi mn̂g tōa căi;
his expenditures are enormous.
ceng mn̂g, khăm hŏ;
bangs away at the door.
chūe kàu i bô̤ mn̂g bô̤ hŏ;
follow him up till he has no way of escape.
mn̂g gūa;
out of doors.
mn̂g lăi;
tàⁿ khṳ̀ tùi mn̂g a m̄ tùi mn̂g?
Did he speak to the point or not?
thâu pàng mn̂g;
at the first opening of the doors, the first recess at an examination.
mīaⁿ mn̂g;
a supposed passage between the rectum and the bladder, called “the gate of life”.
mn̂g mīn pái lâi li hó̤ căi;
the front is finely decorated; appearances are well cared for.
  • mn̄g1042308
  • To inquire of or about.
mn̄g tîeh, i cò̤-nî tàⁿ?
What did he say when you asked him?
mn̄g mêng-pêh;
ascertain by inquiry.
cêk mn̄g cêk tap;
an answer to each question.
cieh mn̄g;
inquire respectfully.
mn̄g lō;
inquire the way.
mn̄g kàu i kâi tói-sòi chut lâi;
investigate thoroughly so as to bring out all the facts.
úa chíaⁿ mn̄g lṳ́;
I beg to ask you.
lâk mn̄g cū pat;
diligently inquire and you will know.
mn̄g tang mn̄g sai, mn̄g cìeⁿ mn̄g hìeⁿ;
made extensive and careful inquiry.
hâk mn̄g;
learning; education.


  • môk6031407
  • A negative forbidding an act; no need of; a particle exciting a doubt; if, unless, perhaps; preceding an objective it forms the superlative; nothing like; incomparable; an adjective of comparison.
môk-hui sĭ lṳ́!
It surely is not you!
môk jû i kâi hó̤;
nothing like so good as his is.
môk sueh sĭ cía kè-cîⁿ, cū sĭ cíe cē to m̄ bói;
to say nothing of its being such a price, even if it were less I would not buy it.
cía sǹg sĭ môk su ŭ kâi sṳ̄;
this is something which need not necessarily be.
môk-kùe i àiⁿ mēⁿ;
no blame to him should he scold about it.
môk kùai i tàⁿ;
no wonder he speaks of it.
pât nâng cò̤ kâi, môk jîak i;
what others make is not to be compared with his.
  • môk6081098
  • Harmonious; amicable; to make or keep peace with; concord among relatives, neighbors, or nations.
hûa-môk hieⁿ-lîn;
a friendly community..
hiaⁿ tĭ hûa-môk lío;
the brothers are already reconciled to each other.
ang cía hûa-hûa môk-môk;
husband and wife are in complete concord.
líang ke put môk;
the two parties do not agree.
  • môk607854
  • To wash, to bathe, to cleanse; to enrich by kindness; to receive favors.
saⁿ jît ău àiⁿ pài sîn cū tîeh soiⁿ ce-kài, môk îok;
in three days shall worship the gods, and must fast and wash the body beforehand.
môk kùe i kâi ṳn;
received favors from him.
  • môk6034011
  • Silent; alone; isolated.
sok-môk căi;
very lonely.
ciu jît sok-sok môk-môk, bô̤ nâng cŏ̤ phûeh;
all alone all day, with no one to sit and chat with.
  • môk607984
  • A shepherd; to care for cattle.
a pastor; a common term for a foreign missionary.
môk-thông sĭ cíeⁿ gû kâi a-no̤ⁿ-kíaⁿ;
a shepherd lad is a child that watches cattle.


  • móng588755
  • Used for a certain person or thing when the name is unknown, or when respect or caution forbids its use.
móng nâng tŏ̤ mē?
Is a certain person there?