Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/504

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.
  • síam7521692
  • To evade; to shun; to dodge.
síam tŏ̤ cêk pôiⁿ;
dodged off to one side.
síam-khui cē;
move out of the way a little.
síam-bûa chîeⁿ-piⁿ;
draw out of the way close to the wall.
i síam, khṳt úa kùe;
he drew back and and let me pass.
síam sin;
keep out of sight.
síam put kîp;
too late to get out of the way.
bô̤ kò̤ hó̤ síam;
had no way of evading it.
  • sîam75114212
  • The cicada or broad locust, common over China.
the exuviæ of the cicada, used as a febrifuge.
cía sî kim-sîam thut khahk kâi kòi;
this plan is as like the last, as the exuviæ of the cicada is like the cicada's body.
  • sîam75315413
  • To supply.
sîam kháu;
to make an allowance for food.
cîa cîⁿ sĭ khṳt i cò̤ kháu-sîam kâi;
this money is what is allowed him for his table expenses.
  • sîam108611813
  • The boards or beams which uphold the eaves.
i ŏi pue sîam cáu piah;
ho will take flight between the eaves and the walls.
a striped toad, fabled to be in the moon.
water taken from the eyebrows of frogs, and used as a medicine.


  • siang7901094
  • Mutually; reciprocally; together.
lău siang ṳ́;
an old associate.
siang kṳ̆n;
close together.
bô̤-siang-kang; m̄-siang-kang;
it makes no difference.
i nŏ̤ nâng siang hó̤;
the two are on good terms with each other.
i siang-sìn úa;
he trusts me.
siang sṳ pēⁿ;
cṳ̆-lâi siang sêng sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
that is the order in which they formerly rotated.
siang lî jîeh hn̆g?
How far apart are they?
siang chin, siang kṳ̆n;
in the closest relationship.
siang pí;
compared with each other.
  • siang739911
  • To distress; to wound; to hurt.
thiaⁿ tieh cāng i siang sim;
was grieved for him upon hearing it.
bô̤ siang;
no harm done.
lăi siang pēⁿ;
an internal injury.
  • siang739308
  • To consult; to adjust by consulation; a trader, a merchant, a travelling dealer; to trade.
siaug-kheh; kheh-siang;
travelling traders.
merchants having warehouses.
foreign merchants.
sì hái thong siang;
trade throughout the world.
a pawn broker.
siang ke;
siang ciak; to deliberate upon and devise plans.
  • siang74014811
  • A goblet; a bumper; a banquet.
i sĭ sía tàⁿ "kèng-tì lâi siang hāu kà," cò̤ nî bô̤ hì?
He wrote saying, "I await your answer before preparing the play and the banquet," so why was there no theatrical performance?
tîeⁿ-îeⁿ ŭ cêk kò̤ khek cúi lîu siang kâi kéng-tì;
in Tie Ie there is an artificial garden where crooked streams flow into basins.
  • síang792619
  • To think on; to reflect on; to plan; to hope, to anticipate; an idea.
lṳ́ cìeⁿ-seⁿ tàⁿ, síang pit sĭ i;
your so saying makes me think it is surely he.
hàm i màiⁿ tó̤ búang síang;
tell him not to indulge in wild hopes.
cía sĭ síang tang-jîen kâi ūe;
this is what must necessarily be said.
  • sìang1146412
  • To thump, to batter.
i kâi mn̂g khṳt i kâi cîeh sìang tó̤;
their door was knocked in by the stones thrown against it.
  • sìang7901094
  • A minister of state; physiognomy; to watch the times.
the prime-minister.
síu sìang;
the head of the privy-council; the premier.
có̤-sìang, ĭu sìang;
two great ministers, members of the privy council.
your Excellency; Respected Sir; a book-keeper in a large business firm.
sìang-îa lĭang;
talents equal to those of a cabinet minister.
the physiognomy; the general appearance.
sìang sṳ̄ sĭ cò̤-nî?
What aspect does the affair present?
sìang sî;
when the aspect of affairs is favorable.
sìang mih sî-hāu;
watch the times in order to take advantage of a favorable moment.
  • sìang793912
  • Images; idols; statues; a likeness.
thô sìang;
clay images.
  • sîang792536
  • A gymnasium or college.
ô̤h tèng kâi sîang khue;
the departments in a college.
ip sîang;
the graduates of a district.
kŭn sîang;
the graduates of a department.
  • sîang7921136
  • An indication of good luck.
sîang sŭi;
a good sign.
cu sṳ̄ kit-sîang;
everything indicates prosperity.