Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/519

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.

their own business.

tī-hú cheng-cò̤ thài-síu;
a district magistrate is so called.
to barricade.
i kâi sîaⁿ-tî cò̤-nî tì-kàu sit síu?
How did they happen to lose the city?
to remain a widow.
uaⁿ-hūn, síu-kí kâi nâng;
one who attends to his own affairs.
take charge of.
  • síu754640
  • A expert hand.
cúi síu;
a waterman.
kó síu;
a drummer.
chue síu;
a trumpeter.
phàu síu;
a cannoneer.
keng-cìⁿ síu;
an archer.
khùai cṳ́ síu; suah siu;
an executioner.
chìn síu;
examiner of weights in custom houses.
  • sìu756946
  • An imperial tour of inspection.
taⁿ m̄ pat thiaⁿ-kìⁿ hûang-tì chut lâi sûn-sìu;
we do not now hear of the emperor's going out on tours of inspection.
tang thiⁿ-sî phah-lâh kìe cò̤ síu;
the winter hunt is called an imperial tour.
  • sìu8111152
  • Grain in seed, which then bends in an easy graceful way; to flourish, to grow beautiful; adorned, fair, comely; accomplished, cultivated, elegant; first, best.
sìu-câi; sìu-châi;
cultivated talent, a graduate of the lowest grade, a Bachelor of Arts.
jîp sìu-câi;
take the degree of B.A.
i kâi jī sĭ bô̤ hìeⁿ sìu tīaⁿ-tīaⁿ, sía khṳ̀ ho̤h hó̤;
his letters merely lack flowing curves, they are very well written.
thóiⁿ-kìⁿ li sìu-sìu nē, khî-sît sĭ khia-pô̤h;
appears very graceful but has really no stamina.
bâi cheng, ngán sìu;
clear cut brows and beautiful eyes.
i kâi mâk thóiⁿ tîeh chin-chĭeⁿ sìu, khî-sît sĭ ît, kah phû;
his eyes appear fine at first glance, but in reality they are restless and unsteady.
thóiⁿ i kâi bâi mâk to ho̤h cheng-sìu, cò̤-nî hìeⁿ ṳ̀-cṳ̀?
His eyes and eyebrows indicate intelligence, how is it that he is so stupid?
sìu sṳ̄;
an accomplished scholar.
i sĭ kâi huang mn̂g sìu sṳ̄;
he is one who has earned, not bought, his degree.
fine looking.
sìu khì;
delicate lineaments; refined manners.
seⁿ lâi sìu-līu sìu-līu;
has naturally a very graceful bearing.
  • sìu8121455
  • The sleeve; to put a thing into the sleeve; to draw up the hands into the sleeves.
sìu chìu;
to sleeve the hands.
cí hù sìu kháu chiah lâi cū ngía;
this pair of cuffs is beautifully knitted.
kâi kâi sìu chíu, phâng kwn, m̄ khéng kìu hŭ;
every one sleeved his hands and stood looking on, and would give him no help.
  • sìu81112012
  • To embroider; to adorn with needlework of various colors; embroidery; ornamented; embellished.
sìu lêng phâu;
a robe with the figure of a dragon embroidered thereon.
sìu cò̤ ngó chái kâi;
embroider it with all the colors of the rainbow.
to embroider.
sìu-kîu hue;
the Hydrangea.
tăⁿ sìu kîu;
toss the embroidered ball; choose a husband.
sìu chn̂g-kûn;
an embroidered valance for a table.
  • sìu7569415
  • A wild animal; a beast; a hairy brute.
nâng mīn, sìu sim;
a human face with a beast's heart.
khim sìu; pue khîm, cáu sìu;
birds and beasts.
méⁿ sìu;
savage beasts.
ía sìu;
wild beasts.
kùai-ĭ kâi sìu;
queer wild creatures.
  • 宿sìu823408
  • A constellation.
cheⁿ sìu;
the stars.
j̄i câp-poih sìu;
the twenty-eight zodiacal constellations.
  • sîu811855
  • To swim; to float.
ŏi sîu cúi;
can swim.
kà kíaⁿ sîu, màiⁿ kà kíaⁿ peh cĭeⁿ chīu;
teach children to swim, but do not teach them to climb trees.
ah tó̤ sîu;
the ducks are swimming.
sie tàu sîu;
a swimming match.
  • sĭu757648
  • To give; to communicate; to confer.
lâm ńng sĭu-sĭu, put chin;
men and women should not touch each other when giving and taking things.
thŵn-sĭu khṳt i;
imparted it to him.
tit tîeh i pì-sĭu kâi hng;
got possession of the receipts that had been secretly handed down to him.
  • sĭu756296
  • To receive; to acquiesce in; to contain; to inherit; to succeed to; to endure, to bear, and thus becomes a form of the passive; susceptible of, affected by; a charge, a thing to be kept; one of the seven senses of the Buddhists, answering to sensation or mental conception.
sĭu cŭe;
acknowledge a fault.
sĭu hêng;
be punished.
cí kâi hêng-huap lâng sĭu;
this punishment is hard to bear.
cía sṳ̄ sĭ sĭu i hù-tho̤h kâi;
this busĭuess is something that was entrusted to me by him.
sĭu tho̤;
to conceive; conception.
sĭu khì;
to be blamed or scolded.
i sĭ sĭu khì căi;
he is very much found fault with.
i m̄ kaⁿ sĭu;
he dare not accept the honor.
cía sin-hūn kâi pó-îeh sĭu m̄ khṳ̀;
this tonic disagrees with me.
cí khí pēⁿ ̄a sĭ sĭu pó cū hó̤ ui, m̄ sĭu pó cū m̄-hó̤ ui;