Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/520

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.

this disease, if the system will bear strengthening remedies, a cure may be affected, but if not, then it is incurable.

úa thóiⁿ li sĭu tit pó;
I think that the remedies may be borne.
bói-sĭu i kâi châng;
bought his field.
tǹg-sĭu i kâi chù;
took over his house on mortgage.
khak-khó sĭu;
patiently endure.
cía khùi lâng sĭu;
this blame is not to be borne.
sĭu i kâi khùi m̄ khṳ̀;
cannot endure his fault-finding.
hàm i màiⁿ thó̤ khùi khṳt nâng sĭu;
tell her not to bring blame upon other people.
khṳ̀ tàⁿ tîeh m̄ sĭu chêng;
went and talked it over without effect.
i m̄ sĭu kà;
he is not teachable.
úa sĭ kio i sêng sĭu kâi;
I took it off his hands.
i tó̤ sĭu ki sĭu hâng;
he is suffering from hunger and cold.
lṳ́ ā sĭ màiⁿ, úa kio lṳ́ sĭu;
if you do not want it, I will take it off your hands.
úa sĭ ùi i sĭu m̄ khṳ̀;
I am afraid she cannot bear it.
lṳ́ a sĭ sĭu tit khṳ̀ cū khṳt lṳ́ sĭu;
if you can undertake it, I will leave it to you.
úa kio lṳ́ chŵn sĭu;
I will take the responsibility off your shoulders.
cí kâi kuaⁿ ŭ sĭu lṳ́ a bô̤?
Does this magistrate accept bribes?
cí kâi nâng-chêng, úa m̄ sĭu i kâi;
I do not accept favors from him.
cía îeh sĭu khṳ̀ căi-seⁿ?
How does this medicine affect you?
àiⁿ li kio i cŏ̤ sĭu;
if you want it take it over from him.
i sĭ sĭu nâng cok-tho̤h;
he has taken a commission from some one.
cìeⁿ-seⁿ cn̂g kâi m̄ sĭu lâk;
thus he does not feel the force of it at all.
bŏi sĭu nâng khi-hŭ;
is not to be imposed upon.
i sĭu kùe i kâi ṳn-hŭi;
she has experienced his kindness.
  • sīu7573311
  • Age; years; longevity; a long reign; a birthday; the dead; to grant long life to; aged; forever.
pài sīu; hō̤ sīu;
to present congratulations on a birthday.
cí kâi cîah ìo chîang sīu;
this one will be longer lived.
kim-jît sĭ bw̄n sīu seⁿ;
this is the emperor's birthday.
ciang-lâi sĭu tn̂g, hok tōa;
will enjoy long life and great prosperity.
cêk kù sīu póiⁿ;
a coffin in parts, ready to be joined for use.
cîeⁿ sĭu;
over fifty years of age.
i cîah tit cĭeⁿ sīu a m̄ cĭeⁿ?
Did he live to be above fifty years old or not?
sīu jī piⁿ;
a border decorated with the letter which denotes longevity.
sīu thô̤;
birthday cakes, shaped like peaches.
î sīu;
to remove a coffin.
khîu siu;
pray for long life.


  • sng7871739
  • Frozen dew, hoar frost, rime, congealed vapor; efflorescence; powdery exudations.
lô̤h sng lô̤h so̤h;
there is frost and snow there.
piaⁿ sng;
ice and frost.
yeaned lambskin.
khṳt sng-cúi tàng tîeh cū sí;
if nipped by the frost it will die.
sng tàng kùe kâi sng-sṳ̂i hieh;
mulberry leaves that have been bitten by the frost.
săi sng;
the white powder on the surface of dried persimmons.
hĕng sng;
pulverized bitter almonds used in medicine.
  • sng961595
  • An axis of motion.
chia sng;
the axle-tree of a wagon.
  • sng8331647
  • Sour; acid; tart; the sharp taste of vinegar or unripe fruit; prickling; harsh; irritating; grieved.
bī sng;
tastes sour.
áu sng cúi;
sour eructations.
hāi i sĭeⁿ tîeh sim sng;
recalled his sorrows to his mind.
cía tîeh ŭ sng chò lâi ùn cìaⁿ hó̤;
this should be dipped in sharp vinegar then it would be good.
i hàuⁿ cîah sng;
she is fond of sour things.
i tó̤ sĭeⁿ cîah sng-siap;
she craves acids.
cí cho̤h pût-kía sng tîam căi;
these guavas have an acidulated sweetness.
kîam-sng saⁿ-khò;
soiled clothing.
sng búe;
sour plums.
chàu-sng; frouzy.
ŭ sĭm-mih kîam-sng a bô̤?
Are there any relishes to eat with the rice?
  • sng725309
  • To mourn; to lament one's parents; a funeral; apparel or time for mourning.
i ŭ sng sṳ;
he has funeral affairs to attend to.
cèng nâng khṳ̀ sàng sng;
all went to attend the funeral.
i hīn-khek kṳ-sng tŏ̤ ke;
he is now at home during the three years of mourning for a parent.
khàu sng păng;
a staff borne by the eldest son at a funeral.
tìo sng;
bewail the dead.
sng hôk;
mourning garments.
i sĭ kṳ bó̤ sng a sĭ kṳ pĕ sng?
Is he in mourning for his mother or for his father?
a widow.
i sng-síu ku-ā câp nî;
she has been a widow several tens of years.
sng-sûi; seng-sûi;
the mulberry.
sng pêh;
the bark from mulberry roots.
sng kìaⁿ-seⁿ; seng-sûi kìaⁿ-seⁿ;
a parasite of the mulberry tree.
chôiⁿ cîah sng-sûi hîeh;
silk worms live on mulberry leaves.
sng-sûi cí;
cang seng-sûi châ lâi cò̤ lîang-íⁿ;
take mulberry wood for making summer chairs.
  • sng4097
  • To rabbet.
cí kâi tháng tói tîeh lêng-ūaⁿ phah sng, tàu khṳ̀ cìaⁿ kín;
this bucket bottom must be newly rabbeted, then when it is put together it will be tight.