Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/521

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
  • sng8331047
  • Aching; painful; distressing; debilitated.
cêk sin sng-thìaⁿ;
aches all over.
kha sng, chíu ńng;
tired and lame in all his limbs.
ie-ciah-kut sng-ńng;
has a lame back.
  • sńg8296410
  • To damage; to spoil; to diminish.
ŏi sieⁿ-sńg tîeh a bŏi?
Was it injured?
cn̂g kâi bô̤ sieⁿ-sńg;
not injured in the least.
ŏi sńg tîeh pńg-cîⁿ a bŏi?
Did he make an inroad upon his capital?
màiⁿ hng-sńg tīo mûeh-kiaⁿ;
do not waste things.
  • sńg7311263
  • To play; to frolic; to make sport.
to tease.
nŏ̤ nâng tó̤ sńg;
the two are playing together.
màiⁿ sńg;
do not make light of it.
cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ m̄ hó̤ sńg;
this is not a matter that you can afford to trifle about.
i hàuⁿ sng;
he is fond of play.
hàuⁿ tàⁿ sńg;
fond of banter.
tàⁿ sńg kâi, m̄ sĭ tàⁿ cin kâi;
he says it in jest, it is not said in earnest.
sńg m̄ hàuⁿ hiah;
unwilling to cease from sport.
m̄ sĭ sńg kâi;
it is not done merely for fun.
sńg kàu m̄ cai cîah pn̄g;
frolicking so that they forgot to eat.
sńg lío kâi búe;
the consequences of the frolic.
ŭ sńg, ŭ chìe;
having a game of romps.
sǹg-thâu, sǹg-hîeh, sǹg-kut;
the bulb, the tops, and the stalk of garlic.
peh nŏ̤ kâi sǹg-phìen lô̤h khṳ̀;
pick off and put in two scales from a bulb of garlic.
tn̂g sǹg iam ke úaⁿ;
tall garlic will garnish the more dishes.
ceng cò̤ sǹg-nî;
pound it up into pulverized garlic.
sap cò̤ sǹg-hue;
chop it up into garlic salad.
  • sǹg8331188
  • To reckon; to calculate; to cypher; to estimate; to regard; a plan; a scheme; a myriad.
an abacus or counting board.
to reckon.
sǹg mīaⁿ;
to tell fortunes.
sǹg poih jī;
calculate a horoscope.
sǹg huap;
the rules of arithmetic.
s̀ng cheh;
to lay plans; to scheme.
ô̤h sǹg-sìo kâi cṳ;
an arithmetic.
the balls on a counting board.
to reckon on an abacus.
think a matter over with a view to a decision.
phah-sǹg tīaⁿ-tīaⁿ;
considered and reached a fixed conclusion.
sǹg tāⁿ;
to make a mistake in reckoning.
sǹg m̄ cĭn;
innumerable; incalculable.
i kòi-sǹg lâi m̄ thong-thiet;
he has not made a complete estimate of the whole.
sǹg lâi, sǹg khṳ̀, sǹg tîeh bô̤ hûa
reckoned it over and over, and could reach no satisfactory conclusion.
sǹg sĭ i kâi chò̤ chù;
it is doubtless his mistake.
khṳt cóiⁿ cē sǹg cū cai;
reckon it on the fingers and you will see.
add up.
sǹg lío tṳ̂ tīo;
reckon it up and then subtract from the sum.
i sǹg chut kut;
he has got to the bottom fact.
sǹg kàu cĭu;
reckon with the utmost nicety.
i kâi sǹg-pûaⁿ sǹg kàu cĭn kèⁿ;
he has calculated it out with the utmost exactness.
lêng-ūaⁿ hok-sǹg;
reckon it over again.
choiⁿ sng, bw̄n sǹg, thiⁿ cí cêk sǹg;
one may scheme and counter scheme but heaven has only one scheme.


  • so8161645
  • Crisp; flaky; short.
so píaⁿ;
crisp cake.
pek kàu so-so;
toast it till it is very crisp.
a short-cake sprinkled with hemp-seed.
sĭ ēng îu khí-so a ēng lâ khí-so?
Are they shortened with oil or with lard?
molasses candy.
  • so81614016
  • A species of thyme, whose fragrant smell refreshes the weary spirit; to cheer up; happy.
a species of Lophanthus*, cultivated for its oil.
sweet basil.
sapan wood.
so sìⁿ, so bō̤, so jìo;
fans, hats, and crape from Soo-chow.
īa-so kà;
  • 8671629
  • Flavor, gust, sapidity, savor; good effect.
bī-sò; taste, raciness, seasoning; effectual.
bô̤-bī bô̤ sò;
bī-sò hó̤;
delicious, palatable.
cí kò̤ khah khin, teh bô̤ bī-sò, tîeh chūe ío tăng lâi teh cìaⁿ ŭ bī-sò;
this is too light and it is of no use to lay it on as a weight, something heavier must be sought and then it will be effectual.
  • 8161204
  • Plain, simple, unornamented; in the original color or state.
chēng khṳ̀ sò-sò;
plainly dressed.
tá-pàng khṳ̀ sò-sò jú ngía;
one looks better when simply attired.
sò mīn;
of a solid color; without decoration.
sò jìo;
plain crape.
sò lêng-tîu;
plain thin silk.
àiⁿ căm-hue kâi, a sĭ àiⁿ sò-mīn kâi?
Do you want the flowered or the plain?
  • 75710410
  • Thin, poor; meager; lean.
i cìeⁿ-sî sáng-sò;
she is very thin lately.
i cò̤-nî cîah kàn hìeⁿ sò?
What makes him so lean?
much emaciated.