Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/522

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.


  • soi7893012
  • The din of an onslaught; to shout as in going into battle; to make a hoarse noise; to neigh.
bé tó̤ soi;
the horse is neighing.
hùaⁿ nâng tó̤ soi mih sṳ̄?
What are they all yelling for?
cheⁿ-soi jîp khṳ̀;
rush in with a shout.
khṳt nâng soi lío cìaⁿ cáu;
the people making a great din, he ran off.
  • soi7897211
  • The oleander.
a diminutive variety of the Olea frangrans*, having reddish flowers.
á ki bâk-soi lâi chah cé-kang;
break off a branch of oleander and put it in the vase.
  • sói789856
  • To wash; to bathe; to purify.
sói saⁿ-khò;
wash clothes.
a washerman.
sói mīn, sói chíu;
wash the face and hands.
to bathe.
sói-êk koiⁿ;
a bath house.
sói pêh-pêh; sói cheng-khih;
wash clean.
sói kàu lìu-lìu-kût;
scrub it till it shines.
cē thiaⁿ cū sói hĭⁿ;
after hearing it one needs wash his ears.
sói tò̤;
to clean house.
sói pûaⁿ-úaⁿ;
wash the dishes.
cía sǹg sĭ soi sṳ̄;
this is small business.
lṳ́ tîeh sòi sim;
you must be careful.
lṳ́ īa m̄ sòi chak cū m̄ cai;
if you do not scrutinize it carefully you will not know.
côih sòi kò̤ cē;
slice it in smaller pieces.
sĭm sĭ mûiⁿ-sòi;
is exceedingly minute.
hṳ́ kâi sòi a cí kâi sòi?
Which is the smaller this or that?
cí kâi ío sòi;
this is the smaller.
cí kâi sòi kùe hṳ́ kâi;
this is smaller than that.
cí kâi soi;
this is the smallest.
i cò̤ sṳ̄ ceng-sòi căi;
he does things very thoroughly.
sĭm sĭ ìuⁿ-sòi;
it is of very fine texture.
côih sòi sĭ cē;
cut it up in finer shreds.
  • sòi746421
  • The youngest.
sòi kâi tau-kíaⁿ;
the youngest son.
sòi kâi cáu-kiaⁿ;
the youngest daughter.
sòi kâi a-î̂;
the youngest of my aunts.
ŭ tōa ŭ sòi;
there are differences in age.
tōa kâi, sòi kâi;
the eldest and the youngest.
cí kâi hŵn sòi;
this one is still very small.
ŭ sòi kâi kíaⁿ tŏ̤ sin-piⁿ;
she has a young child.


  • soiⁿ799104
  • First; before; formerly; past; to go ahead; to regard as first; to put first; a cause; to begin; firstly; previous; deceased; late; gone before; early; soon; the ancients.
soiⁿ ău;
before and after.
soiⁿ côiⁿ kâi sṳ̄;
what happened before.
i thâu soiⁿ kîaⁿ;
he went ahead.
úa soiⁿ kàu;
I arrived first.
úa soiⁿ khṳ̀, i jîen-ău lâi;
I went first and he came afterward.
soiⁿ tó̤ táng i;
there waiting for him beforehand.
hàm i soiⁿ kiâⁿ;
tell him to go first.
soiⁿ kun;
the late sovereign.
soiⁿ hu;
my late husband.
soiⁿ hŭ;
my deceased father.
soiⁿ-thiⁿ cok;
has a good constitution.
úa cū káⁿ tng soiⁿ;
I will venture to be foremost.
soiⁿ tiang-sî;
soiⁿ nî;
in former years.
soiⁿ kúi jît;
a few days previous.
soiⁿ cai;
to know beforehand.
soiⁿ kìⁿ cū mêng;
the ken of a prophet.
būe-lâi-sṳ̄, soiⁿ cai;
knew beforehand what would happen.
úa soiⁿ-soiⁿ cū līo kàu;
I took all that into account long before.
tâng soiⁿ lṳ́ sĭ lâi am sĭ?
You came a while ago did you not?
úa thâu-mīn soiⁿ kîaⁿ, lṳ́ sûi-ău cū hó̤ lâi;
I will go on ahead, and you follow on afterward.
sĭ i sĭang soiⁿ lâi;
it was he who came first of all.
soiⁿ-cá tiang-sî;
in the first place; in early times; formerly.
ceⁿ soiⁿ;
strive to be first.
forefathers, predecessors.
soiⁿ tō̤;
former generations.
tâng soiⁿ tō̤ jŭi lô̤h lâî kâi;
handed down from former generations.


  • soih896988
  • To steady a thing by putting wedges or props underneath it; to fill an aperture by stuffing something in.
chn̂g m̄ ún, tîeh soih;
the table does not stand firmly, it must be made stable by putting something under its leg.
cò̤-nî soih lío hŵn-lío ĭe-ló;
however much I wedge things underneath it, it still joggles.
cía khah tōa, soih m̄ lô̤h;
this is too large and I cannot wedge it under the part requiring support.
hía khah pô̤h īu soih bô̤ bi;
that is too thin and wedging it under will be ineffectual.
i hàuⁿ soih a má phāng;
he likes to talk through a crevice with old women.
cí kâi soih lô̤h khṳ̀ cū kah;
this just fits the place that needs to be filled by a prop.
ah n̆ng soih îu chia;
take a duck's egg to prop an oil mill.
cí kâi soih jîp khṳ̀ ngam-sāi ngam-sāi;
this is just the right size to fill the crevice.
i hṳ́ kâi khueh-hūn sĭ soih tit lô̤h a soih m̄ lô̤h?
Can he be used to fill that vacancy?
i cē ŭ kâi hûn-phāng cū khṳ̀ soih;
if there be the least opening for him, he slips in.
kha-tháng lāu, tîeh khîeh mûeh lâi soih;
the wash-tub leaks, it must have the crack stopped with something.
i kâi hun-tâng sĭ soih tŏ̤ khò-thâu;
his pipe is stuck into the top of his trowsers.
hṳ́ kò̤ hó̤ soih ke cêk nâng lô̤h khṳ̀ a m̄-ho̤?
Can another person