Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/523

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.

be wedged in there or not?

cía put kùe sĭ soih phûe phāng kâi;
this is nothing more than filling up a narrow space between two other graves.
úa thói" hṳ́ kâi tī-hng li soih m̄ jîp;
I do not think you can wedge in any more there.
  • soih7901205
fine, small, and delicate; fragile and dainty.
ńng-soih kâi mûeh-kĭaⁿ;
bric-a-brac; bijouterie; articles that are small and exquisite.
hìeⁿ cōi sieⁿ láng kâi mûeh-kĭaⁿ lóng-cóng sĭ ńng-ńng soih-soih kâi;
all these boxes are of very delicate aud costly things.
cìeⁿ cōi cho-ki tōa-hîeh kâi mûeh-kĭaⁿ tǹg bô̤ cêk kiaⁿ ńng-soih kâi cîⁿ;
all these coarse and large articles are of less value in money than a single object of art.
cía sĭ ńng-soih kâi, m̄ pí hía cho-tōa lâ-phà kâi;
this is of exquisite workmanship, and is not to be put in comparison with those coarse and clumsy ones.
  • soih19414515
  • To tuck in, as the skirt in the girdle.
saⁿ-kṳ khang-khí-lâi soih tŏ̤ tòa kò̤;
take up the bottom of the petticoat and tuck it in the girdle.
tîeh soih kín, màiⁿ ka-lâuh;
must tuck it in tight so that it won't come out.
àiⁿ ĕ kùe khoi, kûn tîeh kío-khí-lâi soih-pàng tòa kò̤, cìaⁿ bŏi ūn tîeh cúi;
if you are going to wade across the stream, you must lift your petticoat and tuck it in your belt, then it will not draggle in the water.
  • soih53811215
  • Small stones, gravel, shingle.
hĭa soih;
broken tiles.
thūn cò̤ hìaⁿ kâi cng-kău hĭa-soih;
fill it in with broken bricks and tiles.


  • sok779753
  • To bind many things together, to tie in a bundle, as fagots; to restrain, to coerce; a sheaf, a bundle; a classifier of such things as are bound.
sok cò̤ cêk sok;
bind them up in one bundle.
kwn lăi kâi sok-siu sĭ jîeh cōi?
In the written agreement with the teacher, what is the sum agreed upon as his wages?
ak-sok; iak-sok;
to repress, to keep down.
tîeh cai ak-sok i màiⁿ hùang-sṳ̀;
must keep him under restraint so that he will not be impudent.
iak-sok kàu ngîam căi;
kept in strict subjection.
m̄-hó̤ sok-pâk kàu nâng bô̤ lō hó̤ kîaⁿ;
should not bind people so that they have no freedom of action.
hái-îeⁿ kâi pńg chut lâi ŭ jîeh cōi sok?
How many bundles of fifty essays each were there, belonging to the Hai Ie candidates?
i cí hûe sît-căi sok chíu;
he is now really unable to act.
  • sok8151204
  • To place under obligation harmfully.
cà sok;
sok mīaⁿ;
to involve one's life.
sok i kâi hûn;
implicate to such an extent as to involve all he possesses.
  • sok78012011
  • To shrink; to contract; to shrivel up; to draw in.
lîm tīn, thò̤-sok;
retreated when face to face with the enemy.
sok cò̤ cêk kò̤-kíaⁿ;
shriveled up to a little bit.
sok-tó̤ ku-ā chùn;
shrunk several inches.
kṳn sok kàu ŏi thìaⁿ;
the tendon is drawn up so that it aches.
to draw in.
sok-bûa cìaⁿ bŏi kûe lō;
draw back, so as not to be in the way.
úa kâi kha, thiⁿ-sî chìn cū ŏi sok sòi;
when the weather is cold my feet shrivel and become smaller.
sok cò̤ cêk pé;
all shrunk up in a bunch.
sok kàu sòi-sòi;
shriveled up small.
  • sok8231627
  • Hasty, speedy, quick, urgent.
sok-sok cū khṳ̀ lí;
went quickly to attend to it.
húe sok cū khṳ̀;
went off in the utmost haste.
ciet sok cū lâi;
came with the greatest speed.
kîaⁿ sĭ kùe sok-hieⁿ;
goes out of fashion sooner than a common incense stick burns out.
àiⁿ sok put tâk;
if you are too urgent it cannot be effected; the more haste the less speed.
  • sok8221297
  • Respectful; reverential, as when one is desirous to do his duty fully; severe and majestic.
i kâi ke-kui ngîam-sok căi;
the domestic discipline is very strict.
  • sok985408
  • Silent; still; solitary.
ka-kī khĭa-khí sok-môk căi;
living all by yourself you must be lonely.
sok-sok môk-môk, bô̤ nâng sie phŭaⁿ;
very lonely with no companionship.
sok-cĕⁿ; sok-sok cĕⁿ;
very solitary.
  • sôk7804418
  • To belong to; pertaining to; allied.
sôk tŏ̤ tī-tîang kò̤?
To whom does it belong?
sĭ i kâi chin sôk;
are his own kin.
cŭe bô̤ kîp i kâi ke-sôk;
the crime does not involve his subordinates.
sĭ tŏ̤ i kâi sôk ĕ;
it pertains to his inferiors.
sôk tŏ̤ siang-hó̤;
depends upon his associates.
sṳ̄ sôk líang lâng;
to act either way is equally difficult.
a subaltern.
sôk tī-tîang kẃn?
Under whose constrol is it?
cía sĭ sôk tŏ̤ lṳ́ kò̤;
this pertains to you.
sôk tŏ̤ i hâng ĕ;
subject to him.
cía ĭ sôk im a sĭ sôk îang?
Does this belong to the female or to the male principle iu nature?
tîe-ciu-hú káu sôk;
the Tie-Chiu Department has nine