Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/53

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
câp cok;
full; complete.
câp hun hó̤;
perfectly good.
câp sîaⁿ sieh;
as kind as possible.
câp chŵn;
câp hun tit cêk;
got one tenth of it.
câp kúi kâi?
How many over-ten are there?
kúi câp kâi;
several tens of them.
kúi câp nî;
several decades.
câp gūa nâng;
more than ten persons.
put kùe sù câp hàng sú;
only a few short seasons.
câp jī kè;
an upright cross.
câp jī lō-thâu;
two roads, crossing at right angles.
câp, pat bô̤ cêk;
does not know a tithe of it.
câp ŭ káu ngía;
nine out of ten of them are pretty.
peh chia m̄ jû ngŏ-câp hīn;
fifty per cent paid down is better than a hundred per cent on credit.
câp-poih séⁿ;
the eighteen provinces.
chûn kàu câp pé ki;
have ten bunches of them remaining.
câp ŭ káu khṳ̀;
have disposed of nine tenths of them.
it câp kâi;
a single ten.
it jī câp;
one or two tens.
it ngŏ, it câp;
five or ten at a time.
câp-hun huaⁿ-hí;
wholly pleased.
  • câp940253
  • A guard house at a pass.
câp pâng;
the quarters for the guards.
cíeⁿ câp-pâng;
stand on guard at the guard house.
câp tun;
a guard station.


  • cau95216211
  • To encounter; to meet; to undergo; recurring; an occasion; a time.
cau eh;
to meet with obstacles.
cau lāng;
to encounter difficulties.
cau huang;
met with bad weather.
cau hŏ;
met with rain.
cau châk-kiap;
encountered robbers.
úa khṳ̀ cêk cau, khṳ̀ nŏ̤ cau;
I have been once and again.
úa tàⁿ cêk cau, tàⁿ nŏ̤ cau, lṳ́ cò̤-nî m̄ khṳ̀ cò̤?
I have told you once and again, why do you not go and do it?
úa tàⁿ kùe nŏ̤ saⁿ cau lío, lṳ́ hŵn m̄ thiaⁿ;
I have told you repeatedly, but yet you do not heed it.
cau cau ngŏ̤ lṳ́ m̄ tîeh;
it repeatedly happened that I did not find you in.
ke cêk cau;
once more.
to knock about and wear out uselessly.
  • cau95211911
  • The grains left after distilling spirits; to corn, or pickle.
cíu cau;
sâh cíu kâi cau; distiller’s grains.
cwn cò̤ lâi cîah kâi cau;
malt made especially for food.
cau tṳ-nêk;
corned pork.
cau hṳ̂;
cured fish.
cau sie cíu;
a clear mild spirit made from rice.
úa khǹg ŭ cêk pău hó̤-hó̤ kâi cau;
I have a pot of the best malt put away.
cau kàu lok-lok;
left in the sediment of liquor till thoroughly corned.
tûi cíu-thâu-cau lâi tah;
put on a malt poultice.
  • cau34644
  • To pay a balance; to make up the full sum; to supply what is deficient.
chûn jîeh cōi cîⁿ kâi i cau tît?
How much cash remains for the making up of the full sum?
sīn kâi, cau cò̤ cîⁿ;
pay the remainder in cash.
sǹg lío, cau cheng-chó̤ hâiⁿ i;
reckon it up, and then pay him the balance in full.
  • cáu9611560
  • To run; to travel; to get away.
cáu méⁿ-méⁿ;
run quickly.
cáu khṳ̀;
run away.
cáu lâi cáu khṳ̀;
run to and fro.
cáu chut, cáu jîp;
run out and run in.
cáu îaⁿ i;
outrun him.
cáu su i;
was outrun by him.
cáu m̄ khṳ̀;
cannot run.
cáu kàu khang-khang; cáu lío-lío khṳ̀; khṳt i cáu pêh-pêh khṳ̀;
it has all run out.
cúi cŭ tŏ̤ kò̤, bŏi cáu;
the water collects there, and cannot run off.
cáu cúi, tîeh cáu tit cheng;
the watershed must be such that the water will all be carried off.
cí ciah cáu khṳ̀ khùe, hṳ́ ciah cáu lâi méⁿ;
that one went quickest, and this one came soonest.
kîaⁿ hó̤, m̄ hó̤ cáu;
walk decorously along and do not run.
cáu khṳ̀ hêk;
tired from running.
cáu kàu pûah tîeh;
ran till he fell down.
cáu bī;
lose flavor.
cáu khì;
lost its strength.
khṳt i cáu thut khṳ̀;
allowed him to slip off.
pāi cáu;
beat a retreat.
a fugitive.
cáu kùe séⁿ;
went off to another province.
cáu kùe hwn;
went away to foreign parts.
lṳ́ cáu cĭeⁿ tŏa khṳ̀!
Where will you run to!
úa thóiⁿ lṳ́ cáu tùi tī-kò̤ khṳ̀!
I think I see you running away somewhere!
àiⁿ cáu, cáu m̄ lī;
wanted to escape but could not.
cáu choiⁿ lí bé;
send a swift courier.
cáu bûn-cṳ;
send a dispatch in haste.
cáu chiⁿ koi măng;
hasten to dispose of what will not keep.
cáu khṳ̀ jīo i;
run and overtake him.
chŵn bŏi cáu lāu;
it does not leak any.
cáu-lāu sie-sit;
the news leaked out.
a smuggler.
cáu hìang;
to smuggle.
cáu bŏi tit khí;
cannot run by.
síe cáu;
ran with short steps.
lāu-cáu ŵn khṳ̀;
all leaked out.
tàu cáu lîah;
to play tag.
pûi kâi nâng bô̤ mih ŏi cáu;
stout people cannot run well.
thìo cáu khṳ̀;
jumped away.
tùn cáu khṳ̀;
jerked and broke away.
cío pue cáu khṳ̀;
the bird flew off.
sîu cáu;
swam off.
cûa so̤ cáu;
the snake wriggled off.
pêⁿ cáu;
crept off.
peh khí cĭu cáu;
got up and ran off.
cáu tńg lâi;
ran back.
thò̤ cáu;
ran backwards.
cáu khui, pī i;
dodge aside and avoid it.
tô̤ cáu;
flee away.
thau cáu;
ran slyly away.
cáu khṳ̀ tìam;
ran and hid.
cáu kàu bô̤ hûn bô̤ ía;
gone and left no trace behind.