Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/54

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.

phŏ̤ i cáu khui;

quickly caught him up in his arms and ran aside.
khek lâi cáu sîn;
carved off, so as to destroy its significance, (as in cutting letters).
cáu keh, tîeh cai mûeh hó̤;
the lines made have run over the limits, they must be readjusted.
taⁿ khí, pòng-pòng cáu;
just now got up and clattered off.
cáu khṳ̀, pīn-pòng-kìe;
ran off boisterously.
cáu kàu hm̄-hm̄ chẃn;
ran till all out of breath.
bùn cáu;
got away through some interstice.
pûaⁿ chîeⁿ cáu;
got away by going over the wall.
bī cáu;
swam away under water.
cûn theⁿ cáu;
poled the boat quickly away.
mûeh cài cáu;
carried the things off in a boat.
thok i cáu;
maneuver so as to get him to go away.
jīo i cáu;
cŏng i cáu; drive him away.
kiaⁿ i cáu;
frighten him away.
thàu i cáu;
warn him away.
hàm i cáu;
call out to him to run.
jíang i cáu;
drive him away by screaming out at him.
sái i cáu;
make him run.
thua i cáu;
make him run by catching hold of him.
jīo i m̄ cáu;
he will not be driven off.
phah sí m̄ cáu;
will not be beaten off.
tn̆g cáu;
got away by breaking the rope.
lìu cáu;
clambered down and fled.
kw̆n cáu;
broke away and sped off.
phìu cáu;
slipped his fetters and escaped.
kng cáu;
carried off between two bearers, and thus escaped.
tn̄g cáu;
speedily passed from hand to hand on its way.
bih cáu;
went off, keeping in ambush meanwhile.
khah cáu;
rolled away.
khîⁿ cáu;
clambered off, holding on to something overhead.
ĭa cáu;
take it on his back and depart in haste.
liu cáu;
get away by slipping through one's hands.
phùn cáu;
got away by dodging through a crowd.
nùa cáu;
went off hastily sitting down and shoving himself along with his hands.
phah i m̄ cáu, io sĭ sí kâi;
fired at it and it did not run, so it was surely a dead one.
sie cêⁿ cáu;
striving for precedence in getting away.
cáu lío, tó-tn̂g thìaⁿ, bŏi cáu;
ran until his stomach ached so he could run no longer.
cáu kùe sì-úang kâi nâng;
a great traveller.
cáu kùe jîeh cōi séⁿ?
How many provinces has he travelled in?
cáu kang ô kâi nâng;
a tricky fellow.
cău hŭam;
an escaped criminal.
cáu kam;
an escaped prisoner.
cáu m̄ tit;
could not escape.
cáu châk;
escape from robbers.
ŏi pháu ŏi cáu;
very active.
cáu cêk séⁿ;
gad through the whole province.
cûn cáu, cûn khṳ̀ jīo;
a boat is required in chasing a boat; you must spend money in the recovery of money.
lṳ́ cáu khṳ̀ sí!
You ran hard enough to kill yourself! (said ironically to a slow person).
cáu sek;
to fade.
kîaⁿ cûn, cáu bé saⁿ hun mīaⁿ;
sailors and couriers live but three tenths as
long as other people.
cáu bé khùaⁿ cin-cu;
discovering pearls when riding swiftly; speed does not permit careful scrutiny.
khṳt i cáu tīo cêk choiⁿ ngṳ̂n;
lost a thousand dollars through his running away.
tau kíaⁿ, cáu kíaⁿ;
sons and daughters, (so called because the one goes away from home, and the other stays).
cáu-kúi kíaⁿ;
a young female slave.
bói cáu-kúi;
buy a female domestic.
cáu koi;
an agent in a shipping office.
cáu ît;
slip out of place.
cáu sîap;
ooze out.
jw̆n cáu;
run at random.
sīang cáu;
run very hard.
pìaⁿ cáu;
run fast.
li-li cáu;
run right on without stopping.
cheⁿ cáu;
rushes off.
  • cáu341184
  • A bamboo skimmer.
a splint ladle.
khîeh cáu-lōi khṳ̀ hô pn̄g;
take the bamboo skimmer and dip out the rice.
cang cáu-lōi lâi ko;
take the skimmer and skim it out.
  • càu954863
  • A kitchen range; a place for cooking.
the kitchen.
the top of the range.
a kitchen furnace.
co̤h càu;
build a range.
pun cò̤ kúi càu;
divided into several households.
cí kâi mn̂g-lâu lăi kúi húe-càu?
How many families are there in this building?
  • càu962376
  • To report to the throne; to make known to the government; to celebrate.
càu hûang-tì; càu huâng-sĭang;
to make known to the emperor.
càu hûang-thài-hŏ;
to report to the empress dowager.
càu pńg; càu cieⁿ;
a memorial to the throne.
càu pńg pâng;
the office where memorials are prepared.
cĭeⁿ càu;
to send up a report.
mīn càu;
to state personally to the emperor.
mît càu;
a sealed memorial.
cún càu;
to assent to a memorial.
pó̤ càu;
a recommendation to mercy.
càu chíaⁿ;
a petition.
càu sìo;
a report of expenditures.
càu cih;
paper used in writing memorials.
càu gâuh;
to strike up the band; to play on musical instruments.
  • câu1142202
  • Equal, even, alike; uniformly; to allot equally.
pun cng, pun m̄ câu;
the spoil was not equally divided.
cē pun lâi m̄ câu, cū àiⁿ sie ceⁿ;
if it is not divided equally they will wrangle over it.
i kong-tău cai, pun kàu câu-câu;
he is very just, and apportions it equally.
chio câu-câu;
mix it thoroughly.
lă kàu câu-câu;
stir it up till it is evenly mixed.
lok kàu câu-câu;
shake it up and down till is it of uniform consistency.
nŏ̤ īeⁿ cham câu;