Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/549

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.


sometimes light and sometimes heavy.
tăng căi;
very heavy.
ŏi jîeh tăng?
How heavy is it?
saⁿ kṳn tăng;
three catties in weight.
bô̤ saⁿ nít tăng;
scarcely any weight.
sĭ sĭm-mûeh sĭang téng tan̆g?
What is the heaviest of things?
in sĭang tăng;
lead is heaviest.
kim tăng kùe ngṳ̂n;
gold is heavier than silver.
cí kâi ío tăng;
this is the heavier.
lṳ́ kâi ngân ío tăng;
your words have more weight.
jû kîaⁿ tăng;
the farther you carry it the more burdensome it becomes.
chìn thóiⁿ jîeh tăng;
heft it and see how heavy it is.
m̄ cai khin tăng;
do not know the weight.
tăng cāi;
a heavy load.
tăng ēng i;
repose confidence in him.
tăng jĭm;
weighty resresponsibility.
teh tăng tàⁿ;
impose a heavy burden upon.
màiⁿ teh khah tăng;
do not overburden him.
tîeh teh tăng cē c3iaⁿ bŏi pun huang chue tīo;
you must place something heavy upon it and then the wind will not blow it away.
cho tăng kâi khang-khùe;
heavy drudgery.
khah tăng, kng m̄ khí;
so heavy that we cannot carry it.
màiⁿ taⁿ khah tăng;
do not carry too heavy loads.
bw̄n kṳn tăng;
of immense weight.
tăng cŭe;
an aggravated offense.
cŭe tăng;
the offense is heinous.
cang tăng khw̆n hù i;
give him great authority.
m̄ kàu tăng;
not of full weight.
lṳ́ téng thóiⁿ jîeh cōi tăng siaⁿ;
you weigh it and see how much it weighs.
tan̆g-tăng sīa lṳ́ kâi nâng-chêng;
thank you earnestly for your kindness.
tăng kàu chìn m̄ phû;
so heavy I cannot lift it with both hands.
tăng kùe mīaⁿ ùaⁿ;
a case of life and death.
tăng kùe pang êⁿ;
more important than the main beam in a roof.
pēⁿ tăng;
a serious illness.
phŏ̤ tîeh thîm-thîm tăng;
in holding it in the arms found it to be of leaden weight; tăng khṳ̀ tìm; of great density.
khui tăng keng;
shoot with a large bow.
tăng tī;
important places.
tăng phah sì-câp;
forty heavy blows.
màiⁿ tàⁿ khah tan̆g;
do not speak with too great emphasis.
taⁿ tăng kê;
wear the heavy cangue.
tîm tăng;
a grave disorder.
tăng ceh;
severe punishment.
cok tăng;
full weight.
tăng chìn;
more to the pound.
  • tăng85914012
  • To waste; to subvert; vast; vagrant, unsettled; dissipated.
khuang ke tăng súaⁿ;
ruin the family and squander the estate.
i kâi cò̤ sṳ̄ hùang-hùang tăng-tăng;
his behaviour is most reckless, unmannerly and lawless.
cí kâi sĭ lăng-lăng kíaⁿ-tĭ;
this is a dissipated fellow.
ciu jît lăng-lăng tăng-tăng, m̄ hàuⁿ cò̤ cìaⁿ keng sṳ̄;
loafs around all day long and will
engage in no regular occupation.
tī-hng khah khùang-tăng;
the place is too wild and wide, and is not sung and cozy.
  • tăng932199
  • To move, to shake, to stir; to remove; motion; movable.
ēng i lâi sie-hŭ cáu-tăng;
employ him to run here and there on errands.
tīam-tīam, m̄-hó̤ tin-tăng;
keep perfectly still, do not move.
chīu hîeh cn̂g kâi bŏi tin-tăng, tn̆g tíam huang;
the leaves of the trees are motionless, there is no breeze.
àiⁿ cò̤ tàu ngĕ kâi, a sĭ àiⁿ cò̤ ûah tăng kâi?
Shall I make it firmly mortised together, or make it so that it can be taken apart?
tiaⁿ tîeh cū ŏi tin-tăng;
if you touch it, it shakes.
màiⁿ mûeh i tin-tăng;
do not joggle it.
i kâi thâu ā sĭ m̄ tăng, tī-tîang káⁿ?
Who dares do anything except at his nod?
  • tăng8539813
  • An earthen pot or jar, with bulging sides and straight neck, holding a gallon or less.
chò tăng;
vinegar jars.
tăng-thâu-puah hó̤ khàm tăng;
a certain small pot used as a cover to jars, is good to cover the jar with.
lŏ cêk tăng kîam bûe;
put a jar of plums in pickle.
koi tăng;
a pottle of chicken, presented by parents to a daughter soon after she has borne a child.
  • tăng8526112
  • To dread difficulty or pain.
to superstitiously avoid certain times, names, or acts.
kĭ-tăng cìeⁿ, kĭ-tăng hìeⁿ;
shun this, that, and the other, with superstitious fear.
i sĭang kĭ-tăng cía sṳ̄;
she avoids this with the utmost dread.
  • tăng8511425
  • A tribe of aborigines, that once lived in Fokien and westward; it was a term of abuse.
boat people.
tăng ke î;
tăng ke phûa; boat women.
tăng-ke-î cûn;
a boat-woman's boat.
  • tāng931856
  • A cave, a grotto, a dell, a deep ravine, a gorge.
suaⁿ tāng chim căi;
a deep recess among mountains.
sien tāng;
fairy grottoes.
cí kâi suaⁿ ŭ ku-ā kâi tāng;
this mountain has several caverns in it.
tāng pâng, hue cek;
the nuptial chamber, with its red candles.
cîeh tāng;
a stone cavern.
khĭa-khí tŏ̤ ngâm-tāng hṳ́ lăi;
dwells in caves.
nā cí tāng cúi kháu;
stay here at the entrance of the gorge.
kàu hṳ́ tāng tói-tói ho̤h cōi lí lō;
it is many miles to the inmost recesses of the canon.
  • tāng9051122
  • Ballast, to steady a boat.
sua tāng, cîeh tāng;
sand ballast and stone ballast.
cài cía hùe sĭ cún kùe teh tāng;
to carry this merchandise is merely more convenient than taking in ballast.