Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/566

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.
  • tìeⁿ241308
  • A tumefaction; puffed up.
céng tìeⁿ;
pá tìeⁿ;
puffed; a sense of fullness as from repletion.
tìeⁿ múaⁿ;
puffed up full.
sio céng-tìeⁿ;
relieve swelling.
tìeⁿ kàu tōa -tōa ki;
swelled up to a great size.
tìeⁿ kàu thang-thang;
swollen so as to be very tense.
tó tìeⁿ kàu kuai-kuai;
tìeⁿ huang;
puffed up with wind.
tìeⁿ cúi;
dropsical swelling.
  • tìeⁿ24508
  • A canopy; a curtain.
máng tìeⁿ;
mosquito bar.
tìeⁿ bâi;
a valance at the top of a curtain.
siet tìeⁿ;
to pitch one's tent.
máng-tìeⁿ téng;
a tester.
sîn tìeⁿ;
a canopy over a god.
tong-kun tìeⁿ;
  • tîeⁿ268211
  • An area of level ground; a lot.
kah tîeⁿ;
parade ground.
cìen tîeⁿ;
a battle field.
huap tîeⁿ;
execution ground.
kàm tîeⁿ kuaⁿ;
an overseer of examinations.
bûn tîeⁿ, bú tîeⁿ;
the arenas for the civil and the military examinations.
kuaⁿ tîeⁿ;
official quarters.
tăi cìen cêk tîeⁿ;
a great battle.
chú tîeⁿ;
a building lot.
tĭ tîeⁿ;
an open lot.
bí tîeⁿ;
a rice stall.
hṳ̂ tîeⁿ;
a fish stall.
cheⁿ-kúaiⁿ tîeⁿ;
a fruit stall.
chài tîeⁿ;
a green-grocer's stall.
pāi tîeⁿ;
a losing speculation.
cò sih pńg kìe cò̤ pāi tîeⁿ;
when you enter into some business in which you lose capital, that is called a losing speculation.
thong tîeⁿ;
the whole lot.
tng tîeⁿ lṳ́ cò̤-nî m̄ tàⁿ;
why did you not tell me at the time.
cìn tîeⁿ; jîp tîeⁿ;
to enter as a candidate at the examinations.
tó tîeⁿ; puah cî tîeⁿ;
a gambling hall.
hŭam mûeh cŭ cò̤ cêk ē tó̤ bōi, hṳ́-kò̤ cū kìe-cò̤ móng mûeh kâi tîeⁿ;
wherever things are brought together for sale, that place is called the arena for the sale of those things.
  • tĭeⁿ2512
  • An elder; a senior.
kó̤ tĭeⁿ;
father's sister's husband.
chi î tĭeⁿ;
a wife's sister's husband.
bó̤ î tĭeⁿ;
mother's sister's husband.
lău tĭeⁿ;
great aunt's husband.
tĭen-nâng; tĭeⁿ-ḿ;
wife's father and mother.
uncle by marriage.


  • tieh801236
  • To stick to; to place; to put on; to cause; to order; a way; a manner; a move in chess.
tieh ì;
give attention to.
màiⁿ khak tieh ì;
do not brood over it too persistently.
i kâi nâng tieh sît căi;
he is entirely right.
tieh i méⁿ cē;
do it rather faster.
i khṳt i tieh tîeh cū m̄ hàuⁿ;
she is displeased at being ordered
about by him.
saⁿ câp lâk tîeh, cáu ûi sĭang tieh;
among all the moves in chess, to move forward your men is the best.
cía sṳ̄ hŵn bô̤ tieh lô̤h;
no remedy has been found for this.
kàu taⁿ bô̤ tieh bô̤ lô̤h;
up to now no way out of the difficulty has been discovered.
chūe khṳ̀ ŭ tieh mē?
Could you find anything of it?
thóiⁿ tîeh sît-tieh sît-tieh nē;
it appears to me to be just the right move.
tieh tŏ̤ i siu tèng;
made him responsible for it.
  • tîeh801236
  • Must; ought; right; exactly; yes; after a verb it gives force to the meaning.
tîeh a m̄ tîeh?
Is that so or not?
tîeh mē?
Is that right?
tú tîeh mē?
Does it abut upon the other?
úa tō̤ lō tèng ngŏ̤ tîeh i;
I came across him on the way.
certain, exact, fixed.
bô̤ tīaⁿ-tîeh;
not settled; uncertain.
eng-kai tîeh; tng-eng-kai tîeh;
ought to.
m̄ cai ŏi tit tîeh a bŏi;
do not know whether I can get it or not.
chūe tîeh lío;
have found it.
i cí hûe tîeh kip tŏ̤ kò̤;
she is very impatient now.
jîh tîeh nap-nap;
found by pressing upon it that it was very soft.


  • tien89415710
  • To stumble, to trip.
kīaⁿ lío tien-a-tien;
went stumbling along.
cîah cíu cùi lío tien-a-tien;
got drunk and staggered.
tien lio cŭang tīo nâng kâi mûeh;
stumbled and spoiled some one's things by falling against them.
hṳ́ kâi kha cē tien cū pûah lô̤h khṳ̀;
my feet having tripped I fell down.
  • tien89418110
  • Upset; overthrown; inverted.
i kâi sṳ̄ lío tien-tien tau-táu;
what he does is left topsy-turvy.
cîah lău le, lău-tien-táu;
in old age one get things wrong end foremost.
i cí-hûe sĭ tien-lîen khùn-khó kâi sî-hāu;
this is a time when is embroiled and in difficulties.
i cí kúi nî tien-lîen căi;
he has been distracted by troubles for several years.
mih sṳ̄ tien-tien lîen-lîen;
everything at sixes and sevens.
  • tien15965
  • Rare and costly.
tien pó̤;
precious things.
tien bī;
tien sieh;
a treasure.
suaⁿ tien hái bī;
dainties from land and sea.
tien siu peh bī;
dainties of a hundred flavors.
tien tŏng;
to esteem highly; to treat very ceremoniously.
A canon, a standard; authentic records; ordinances; statutory; constant; to consider.