Page:Diuers voyages touching the discouerie of America - Hakluyt - 1582.djvu/114

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All the seuerall siluer Coynes of our Englishe moneys, to bee caried with you to bee showed to the gouernours at Cambalu, which is a thing that shal in silence speake to wise men more then you imagine.

Lockes and keyes, hinges, boltes, haspes, & c. great and small of excellent workemanshippe, whereof if vent may bee hereafter, wee shall set our subiectes in worke, whiche you must haue in great regarde. For in finding ample vente of any thing that is to be wrought in this realme, is more worth to our people besides the game of the marchant, then Christchurch, Bridewel, the Sauoy, and all the Hospitals of Englande.

For banketing on Shipborde, persons of credite.

FIrst the sweetest perfumes to set vnder hatches to make the place sweete against their comming aborde, if you arriue at Cambalu, Quinsey, or in such great cities and not among sauages.



Figges barelled.

Reysings of the sunne.

Comfets of diuers kindes made of purpose, that shall not dissolue by him that is most excellent.

Prunes damaske.

Dried peres.




Oliues to make them taste their wine.

The Apple John that dureth two yeeres to make showe of our fruites.



Vials of good sweet waters, & casting bottels of glasses to besprinckel the gests withall, after their comming aborde.

Suger, to vse with their wine, if they will.
