Page:Diuers voyages touching the discouerie of America - Hakluyt - 1582.djvu/115

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The sweete oyle of Santie and excellent Frenche vineger, and a fine kinde of Bisket, stiped in the same doe make a banketting dishe, and a little Suger cast in it cooleth and comforteth, and refresheth the spirites of man.

Synomome water is to be had with you to make a shew
of by taste, and also to comfort your
sicke in the voyage.
Imperiall water

With these and such like, you may banket where you arriue the greater and best persons.

Or with the gift of these Marmelades in small boxes, or small violles of sweete waters you may gratifie by way of gift, or you may make a merchandise of them.

The mappe of England and of London.

Take with you the mappe of Englande set out in faire colours, one of the biggest sort I meane, to make shewe of your Countrie whence you come.

And also the large mappe of London, to make shewe of your Citie. And let the riuer bee drawne full of shippes of all sortes, to make the more shewe of your greate trade and trafficke in trade of merchandise.

Ortelius booke of mappes

If you take Ortelius booke of mappes with you, to marke all these regions, it were not amisse, and if neede were to present the same to the great Cam, for it would bee to a Prince of merueilous account.

The booke of the attyre of all nations.

Such a booke carried with you and bestowed in gift, woulde be much esteemed, as I persuade my selfe.


If any man will lende you the newe Herball, and suche bookes as make shewe of Herbes, Plantes, Trees, Fishes, Foules and Beastes of these regions, it may much delightthe