Page:Diuers voyages touching the discouerie of America - Hakluyt - 1582.djvu/95

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of Terra Florida.

had no meane to enter the riuers with our shippe. And albeit, it was not their custome eyther to eate or drinke from the Sunne rising till his going downe: yet the king openly woulde needes drinke with vs, praying vs verie gently to giue him the cuppe whereout we had drunke: and so making him to vnderstande that wee woulde see him againe the next day, we retired to our shippes, which lay aboue sixe leagues from the hauen to the sea.

The next day in the morning we returned to land againe, accompanied with the Captaines, Gentlemen, and Souldiers, and other of our small trope: cariyng with vs a Pillour or columne of harde stone, our kings armes graued therein, to plant and to set the same in the enterie of the Porte in some high place, where it might bee easely seene, and being come thither before the Indians were assembled, we espied on the south syde of the Riuer a place very fitte for that purpose, vpon a litle hill, compassed with Cypres, Bayes, Paulmes and other trees, with sweete smelling and pleasant shrubbes. In the middle whereof we planted the first bound or limit of his Maiestie. This done perceiuing our first Indians assembled, not without some misliking of those on the South parte, where we had set the limitte, who taried for vs in the same place where they met with vs the day before, seeming vnto vs that there is some enimitie betweene them and the others. But when they perceyued our long tarying on this side, they ran to see what we had done in that place where we landed first, and had set our limitte: which they vewed a great while without touching it any way, or abassing, or euer speaking to vs therof at any time after. Howebeit we could skãt depart but as it were wͭ griefe of minde frõ this our first alliance, they rowing vnto vs all along the riuer from all parts and presenting vs with some of their harts skins, painted and vnpainted, meale, litle cakes, freshe water, rootes like vnto Rinbabe which they haue in great estimation, and make therof a potion of medicine: also they brought litle bagges of redde colours and some small spices like vnto Vire, percey-uing