Page:Diuers voyages touching the discouerie of America - Hakluyt - 1582.djvu/96

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The discouerie

uing among them selues fayre thinges painted as it had bin with graine of scarlet, showing vnto vs by signes that they had in the lande golde and siluer and copper: whereof wee haue brought some.Gold, siluer, and copper in Florida. Also lead like vnto ours which we shewed. Also turquesses and great aboundance of pearlesTurquesses and aboundance of pearles. whiche as they declared vnto vs they tooke out of oysters, whereof there is taken euer along the riuer side, & among the reedes, and in the marshes:Marshes. and so merueylous aboundance as is skant credible: and we haue perceiued that there be as many and as faire pearles found there as in any countrey of the worlde. For wee sawe a man of theirs as we entered into our boates, that had a pearle hanging at a coller of golde and siluer about his necke, as great as an Acorne at y͏ͤ least.Pearles as big as acornes. This man as he had taken fishe in one of their fishing packs thereby brought that same to our boates, and our men perceiuing the greatnesse therof, one of them putting his finger toward it, the man drewe backe, and woulde no more come neare the boate: not for any feare that he had that they woulde haue taken his Coller & Pearle from him for he would haue giuen it them, for a looking glasse or a knife:

But that hee doubted lest they woulde haue pulled him into the boate, & so by force haue caried him away. He was one of the goodliest men of all the company. But for that we had no leasure to tary any longer with them, the day being well passed, whiche greeued vs, for the commoditie and great riches, whiche as wee vnderstoode and sawe might bee gotten there, desiring also to employ the rest of the day with our seconde aliance the Indians on the southside, as we perceiued them the day before, which still taried looking for vs: Wee passed the riuer to their shore, where as wee founde them tariyng for vs, quietly and in good order, with newe paintings vpon their face, and feathers vpon their heads: the King with his Bowe and Arrowes lying by him, sate on the grounde strawed with boughes betweene his two brethren, whiche were goodly men and well shapen and of a wonderfull show of actiuities, hauing vpon their heades, one haire trussed
