Page:Diuers voyages touching the discouerie of America - Hakluyt - 1582.djvu/97

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of Terra Florida.

vpright of heyght, of some kinde of wild beast gathered and wrought together with great cunning, wrethed and fasted after the forme of a Diademe. One of them had hanging about his necke a rounde plate of redde copper well polished, with one other lesser of Siluer in the middest of it, & at his eare a litle plate of Copper wherewith they vse to stripe the sweat from their bodies. They shewed vs that there was great store of this mettell within the countrey, about fiue or sixe daies iourney from thence, both in the southside & northside of the same riuers, and that they went thither in their Boates. Which Boates they make but of one piece of a tree, woorking it whole so cunningly and featly, that they put in one of these boates fifteene or twentie persons, and go their wayes very safely. They that rowe stande vpright hauing their ores short after the fashion of a Peele. Thus being among them they presented vs with meale dressed & baked, very good & wel tasted, and of good nourishmẽt, also beanes, and fish, as crabbes, lobstars, creuises, and many other kinde of good fishes, shewing vs by signes yͭ their dwellings were farre off, and if their prouision had been neere hande, they woulde haue presented vs with manye other refreshinges.

The night nowe approching, we were faine to returne to our Shippe, very much to our griefe: for that wee durste not hazarde to enter with our Shippe, by reason of a barre of sande, that was at the enterie of the Porte, howe be it, at a full Sea there is two fadome and a halfe of water at the least, and it is but a leape ouer a surge to passe this Barre, not passing the length of two cables, and then forthwith euery where within sixe or seuen fadome water. So that it maketh a very fayre hauen, and Shippes of a meane burden from four score to a hundred tunnes may enter therein at all floodes, yea of a farre greater burthen, if there were French men dwelling there that might skoure the enterye as they doe in Fraunce: for there is nothing lacking for the lyfe of man. The situation is vnder the eleuation of xxx. degrees, a good climate healthfull, and of a goodtem-