Page:Dod's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage etc. of Great Britain and Ireland.djvu/852

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MILNE] KNIGHTS OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE Tannvorth. M. 28 Dec. 1871, Sir Archibald Milman, C'.B.. late chief clerk of the House of Commons, -who was gazetted K.C.B. in Jan. 1902. and d. 14 Feb. 1902. Residence — 10, Old Court Mansions, High Street, Kensington, W. Issue — 1. Lilian iMarv Hart, m. 20 April, 1901, Edward Mellisli Clark, and lias issue. Kesidencc — Binnbrook, Uaiiiliridsie. 2. .Margarita Harriet Hart, in. 23 Dee. 1907, Rev. Kiehard Swanu Swann-JIason. 3. 'iolet Eveline Hart. 4. Rosalind Louisa Hart. 5. Ef,'lantiue Olive Hart. (i. Daplme llllru Dianora Hart. MILNE, Lady (Knt.'s widow). — Eliza, dau. of John Dislier, of South Australia. M. 1842, Hon. Sir William INlilne, one of the pioneers of Soutli Australia, who filled several high offices in the colony, and -as for eight j'ears president of the legislative council. He d. 1805. Residence — 55, Strangways Terrace, North Adelaide, Soutli Australia. MILTON, K.C.V.O. Croat. 1910 ; K.C.M.G. 1903 ; 1900. — Sm William Henby Milton, s. of the late Rev. William Milton, of Little Marlow, and Ehretia Sophia, dau. of William Smith, of Hemel Hempstead. B. 3 Dec. 1854 : m. 6 Feb. 1883, Eveline, dau. of A. R. Borcherds, of Wyn- berg. Cape Colony ; ed. at Marlborough : ent. Cape Civil Service 1878 ; clerk to executive council 1885 ; chief clerk and accountant of colonial see's ofSce 1891 ; sec. to prime minister's department 1894 ; private see. to Right Hon. C. J. Rhodes, and permanent head of prime minister's department ; chief sec. and sec. for nati"e affairs S. Rhodesia 189G : acting adminis- trateir, 1897 ; administrator of Mashonaland and senior administrator of Rhodesia 1898 : administrator 1901, and pres. of executive and legislative councils 1898 : attended the Corona- tion of King George V., 1911, as the official representative of Rhodesia ; served in South Africa 1900 (despatches). Residence — Govern- ment House, Salisbury, Rhodesia. MILVAIN, Knt. Bach. Great. 1913 ; C.B. (civ.) 1912. — Sin Thomas Milvain, s. of late Henr>- Milvain, J.P., of North Elswick Hall, Northumberland, and Jane Aitken, dau. of Ed- ward Davidson, of Newcastle. 13. at North Elswick Hall, 4 May, 1844 ; m. 28 Jan. 1875, Mary Alice, dau. of John Henderson, of Leazes House, Durham ; ed. at Durham Sch. and Camb., LL.M. ; Barr.-at-law (Mid. Temple) 1869 ; Q.C. 1888: bencher 1893; chancellor of the county palatine of Durham 1892-1905 : recorder of Bradford 1892-1905 : M.P. for city of Durham 188,5-92, and for Hampstcad 1902-5: judge- advocate-general since 1905. Residence — Egling- ham_ Hall, Alnwick. Clubs — Carlton: New Uni- versity. Issu.e — C'apt. Henry Roland Milvain, late 12th Lancers, b. Jan. ; served in S. Africa, 1899-1900 (medal, 4cl:i-:'^): capt. res. of officers; maj. Kortluimber- lanii Viu. ; ni. 1st, 1909, Gladys Hope (d. 1909), dau. of tiie late John Muiitoii Jaffray, of The .Stydd House. Lyndburst; in. 2nd, April, 1912, Katlilecn, ilau. of the late Charles Jlitcliell, of Jesmond TowiT, Xeveastle-on-Tyiie. Duleio .Mary, m. Nov.' 190,5, John Jervis Pawson. Residence — Shawdon, Xorthuiuberland. MILWARD, Lady (Knt.'s widow).— Susanna, dau. of Edward Parker, of Retford. M. Sir Christopher Annakin Milward. Lord Mayor of York 1895-7, who d. 2 Feb. 1906. Residence — The 3Iinster Yard, York. MIRAJ, Chief of, K.C.I.E. Great. 1905.— Sib Ganqadhab Rao Gaxesh. B. 1866 : sue. 6 June, 1875. Residence — Miraj, Southern Mah- ratta Country, Bombay. MIRRIELEES, Lady (Knt.'s widow).— Ma gaeet, dau. of the late Sir Donald Currie, G.C.M." M. 30 Sept. 1879, Sir Frederick James Mirrielec K.C.M.G., who was memb. of the firm of Donal Currie & Co., managers of the Union-Castle M; Steamship Co., Ltd., South African Royal M; Contractors ; manager and ex-officio director the Namaqua Copper Co. Ltd., and who d. 27 Ja 1914. Residence — Pasture Wood, Dorking. Donald IMirrielees, b. 1S81 ; in. 1910, Mary Cavendi^ dau. of Maj. Joseph Gladding Pangbourne, of Bal more, U.S..'V. .Margan^t Celia, in. 1913, Capt. Waldemar Sigismui Dacre Craven, 11. H. A. MITCHELL, Knt. Bach. Creat. 1907 : C.V.', 1906. — Sib Thomas Mitchell. B. 1844 ; a draughtsman Chatham Dockyard 1871 ; tran ferred to Portsmouth as foreman of dockya: to build H.M.S. "Trafalgar," 1885; Admiral overseer at Palmer's sliipyard, Jarrow, to supe intend the building of H.M.S. " Resolution" ai "Revenge," 1889-91; constructor Hong-Koi Dockyard 1891-5 ; senior constructor Devonpc Dockyard 1895-9 ; chief constructor Bermuci 1899-1902, Sheerness 1902-3, Chatham 1903- manager construction dept. at Portsmouth 190- 7, during which time he has built H.M.S. " Drea nought," and " Bellerophon," at the launch the former of which battleships he was create C.V.O., and after the launch of the latter knighti by H.M. King Edward ;] has now retired aft nearly 50 years' service. Residence — 18, Helei Road, East Southsea. MITCHELL, Knt. Bach. Great. 1900; C.M.'| 1895. — Sib William Wilson Mitchell, s. ! Grierson Mitchell, of Edinburgli, and Margan dau. of W. Wilson, of Edinburgh. B. 1840 ; 1865, Mary, dau. of E. H. Smedley, judge Colombo, Ceylon ; ed. at Edin. High Sch. ; a merchant and estate proprietor in Ceylon, ai, partner in the firm of Darley, Butler & Co., Colombo ; introduced cotton industry in Ceylon ; mercantile representative of legislati council, Ceylon ; M.L.C. for over twenty year representative of Ceylon at Paris Exhib. 190 and Consul (in Ceylon), for Mexico and Bolivi Residence — Colombo, Ceylon. MITCHELL, Lady (Knt.'s widow). — Eli, Conway, dau. of the Rov. J. I. Welldon, D.C.] vicar of Kennington and lion, canon of Cante burv. Jl. 10 Jan. 1889, as his 2nd wife, Lieu Col." Sir Charles BuUen Hugh Mitchell, G.C.M.C who was successively Governor of Fiji, t' Leeward Islands, Natal, and the Straits Settl inents, who d. 7 Dec. 1899. Residence — Bursa House, Canterbury. MOLESWORTH, K.C.I.E. Creat. 1888 ; C.I.: 1879. — SiB GuiLFOBD Lindsey Moleswobt' s. of Rev. John Edward Nassau Moleswort D.D. (great-grands, of Robert, 1st Vise. Mole worth), vicar of Rochdale, and Harriet Macki. non, sister of WilUam Mackinnon, M.P. B. May, 1828; m. 22 Aug. 1854, Maria Elizabeth dau. of John Tliomas Bridges, of Walmer, ar|ot granddau. of Sir Robert Affieck, Bt. ; ed iving's School, Canterbury, and Coll. of Ci Engineers, Putney ; chief assistant engine L. B. and S. C. RI3'. 1852 ; superintendiilj engineer W^oolwich Arsenal during the Crimes^ isi war, and subsequently practised as consultii n engineer in London ; obtained Watt medal ai Manby premium 1858 ; engineer and age; Ceylon Rly. 1859, chief engineer Ceylon Gov Rly. 1862, "director-gen. of the Rly. 1865, direct of public works 1867, consulting engineer f .state railways to the ■ Govt, of India 1871-8f)! when he retired ; recei'ed the thanks of t', Governinent for services in Afghan war (Afghi medal and Burma medal with clasp) ; one of t le (ti it )vi