Page:Dod's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage etc. of Great Britain and Ireland.djvu/853

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03 KNIGHTS OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE [MONTGOMERY ©legates of the Indian Govt, at the International [onetary Conference 1892 ; is fellow Calcutta 'niy. ; J. P. for Ceylon ; author of numerous ublications on engineering, monetary and other ibjects ; F.K.G.S., F.S.S., M.I.M.E. ; past res. of Institution of Civil Engineers. Residence -The Manor House, Bexley, Kent. Issue — Henry Bridgps Jlolesworth, b. 7 July, 1855 ; m. Oct. 1889. lji.s cousin Jessie FitzGerald, dau. of Capt. . M. F. Molisworth, R.N. Issue — George XoMc .Molesworth, b. 14 Julv. 1890: lieut. Somersi'tsliire L. I. Mary Kewall. Guy Layard Nassau Molesworth, b. 24 Sept. 18(i.j ; civil engineer. Residence — HoUington Bray Hill, Mooi Kiver, Natal, S. Africa. - Eva. Louisa Mary, m. 28 Dec. 1881, Edwanl Augustus Dennys, and has Issue. MOLONEY, Lady (Knt.'s vidow). — Frances, lu. of Henrj- Owen Lewis, D.L., J. P. of Innis- )en, CO. .Monaghan. M. 2 March, 1897, Sir )rnelius Alfred Moloney, K.C.M.G., Gov. and -in-C. of Lagos 1887-91, of British Hon- iras 1891-7, Windward Islands 1897-1900, id Trinidad and Tobago 1900-4, who d. 14 Aug. 13. Residence — 16, Via San Sebastiano, azza di Spagna, Rome. MOLTENO, Knt. Bach. Great. 1911.— Hon. E James Tennant Molteno, s. of the late r John Charles Molteno, K.C.M.G., first premier the Cape of Good Hope. B. 1865 ; m. 1889, arissa, dau. of J. Holland-Prj'or ; Barr.-at- iw (Inner Temjile) 189- : B.A., LL.D., K.C. ; t. Cape Parliament 1890 ; Speaker of the House Assembly of the Union of S. Africa since 10 ; formerly Speaker of the Cape House of isembly. Address — Cape Town, S. Africa. SCOTT-MONCRIEFF, K.C.S.I. Creat. 1903; C.IM.G. 1887 : G.S.I. 1878.— Col. Sir Colin -MPBELL Scott -MoNCRiEFF, s. of Robert Scott- Dncrieff, of Fossaway, Perthsliire, and Susan, ■u. of A. Pringle, of Whytbank. B. 3 Aug. 36 ;m. 1st, 1 860,' Lucy (d. 1874),dau.of J. Sturge; 2nd, Margaret (d. 1885), widow of L. J. urge, barrister ; m. 3rd, 30 Dec. 1890, Mary iborah, dau. of Arthur Albright, of Mariemont, rmingham ; ed. at Edinburgh and Addis- Mil. Coll. ; hon. LL.D. Edin. 1891 ; ned Bengal Engineers 1856, capt. 1868, major 74, lieut.'^-col. 1882, col. ret. 1883 ; served in ide campaign 1868-9 ; under-sec. Public orks Minist'ry, Egj'pt, 1883-92, in which pacity he designed and carried out the import- t works connected with the Nile barrage ; in 90 visited Merv at the invitation of the Czar advise on the capabilities of the Murghab for rposes of irrigation ; under-sec. for Scotland 92-1902 ; pres. of the Indian irrigation commn. 01-3. Residence — 11, Cheyne Walk, Chelsea, W. Club — Athenfeum. Issue by 2nd m. — Lucy, m. 11 July, 1906, Maurice Sheldon Amos. MONRO, K.C.B. (civ.). Great. 1911; C.B. 02. — Sir Horace Cecil Monro, s. of the Rev. jrace George Monro, of Woodlands, Binfield, e rector of Stratfield Saye, Hants, and Mar- ret Isabella, dau. of the Rev. A. H. Duthie, tor of Deal. B. at Highmoor, Oxfordshire, May, 1861 ; ed. at Repton and Gamb. (B.A., ss. tripos, Sell, of Glare Coll.); ent. Civil rvice 1884 ; priv. Sir Hugh Owen, perm. ., and to Mr. Ritchie, Mr. Fowler, Mr. Shaw- fevre, and Mr. Chaplin, successive Presidents the Local Govt. Board ; asst. sec. of Local vt. Bd. 1897 ; permanent sec. since 1910. sidence — Queen Ajine's Mansions, S.W. Clubs Dxford and Cambridge ; National. MONRO, Lady (Knt.'s widow). — Louisa Jane, a. of the late Charles Pelly, late memb. of council Madras (s. of 1st Bt.). M. 18 Nov. 1865, SirDaid Monro, inspector of Constabulary for Scotland 1884-1904, who d. 9 Jan. 1909. Residence— Allan House, Fearn, Ross-shire. Issue — 1. Capt. Charl.'s Llovd Don-ton Monro, Britisli S. Africa Police, b. 18(38; late Seafortli Highlanders. 2. Capt. Raymond Pellv Houston Monro, late Wor- cester Kegt,, b. 1869 ; gov. of H.M. Poliiiont Inst. Polmont, X.B. ; ni. Evelyn, dau. of the late Hugh Seymour Tivnienheere, C.B., and widow of George Marcus Parker. 3. David Hugh Wiatislaw .Monro, b, 1870 ; in Cape Mounted Police. 1. Leila Louisa, m. 1st, 1898, Charles Bidie, super- intendent of Police, Madras ; m. 2nd, 1908, Horace Montiford Westropp-Dawson. 2. Ida, m. 1893, Col. James Alistau- Campbell, late Seafortii Highlanders. 3. Katherine Harriet, m. 1898, Gilbert Robertson, who d. 1906. Residence — Xindrace, Perthshire. MONTAGU, K.C.B, (mil.). Great. 1905 ; C.B. 1869. — Gen. Sir Horace William Montagu, s. of the Rev. George Montagu, rector of South Pickenham, Norfolk, and Emily, dau. of the Rev. W. Yonge, Chancellor of the Diocese of Norwich. B. 16 May, 1823 ; m. 4 Aug. 1859, Catherine Frances, dau. of Gen. Poole V. England, R.A. ; joined R.E. 1842, It.-col. 1855, It.-gen. 1877, gen. ret. 1881, and col.-comdt. 1887 ; ser-eci in Crimea 1854-5 (medal, 3 clasps, Sardinian and Turkish medals, Legion of Honour, 5th class Medjidie). Residence — 15, Oxford Road, Col- chester. Club- — United Service. Issue — 1. Col. Edward Montagu, late Suffolk Regt.. b, 23 Nov. 1861 ; served in Hazara exped. 1888, in Cliin Lushai exped. 1889-90; ni. 21 Aug. 1894, Charlotte Eva, dau. of Edward Kenible, late judge the Supreme Court, Jamaica. Club — United Service, Issu Charles Edward Montagu, b. 28 Nov. 1900. 2. WiUiam Montagu, b. 15 April, 1867. 3. Drogo Montagu, b. 16 Aug. 1870 ; supt. of Tele- graphs, Ceylon ; m. 1 Jan. 1901, Marion iCate E-elya, dau. of the late Rear-Adm. F. Proby Doughty. 1. Mary. 2. AUce, m. 11 Aug. 1892, Rev. Archibald Dowues Downes-Shaw, rector of Kettlestone, Norfolk, and has issue. 3. Madeline. 4. Lena, m. 25 Aug. 1909, Charles Scott Warsoii. MONTEATH, E.C.S.L Creat. 1903 ; G.S.I. 1897. — .'MR James Monte ath, s. of the late Thomas Monteath, of Guileburn, Loelverbie, N.B. B. 7 Sept. 1847 ; m. 1872, Amelia, dau. of the late Thomas Hunter, of Belfast ; ed. at Roy. Acad. Instn. and Queen's College, Belfast ; ent. I.G.S. Bombay estab. 1870 ; under-sec. to Govt. Bombay in Rev. dept. 1884-6 ; priv. sec. to Gov. Bombay 1886-9 : otBciating see. to Govt, of Bombay. Political dept., 1889-90; collector 1890-6 ; ch. sec. Govt. Bombay 1896-1900 ; memb. of council of Government of Bombay 1900-5 : Acting Gov. of Bombay Sept. to Dec. 1903. Residence — Bucherell Lodge, Honitoa, Devon. Club — E.I. United Service. MONTGOMERY, Lady (Knt.'s widow). — Ellen Jane, dau. of WilUam Lambert, B.C.S., of Wood- mansterne, Surrey. M. 1845, as his 2nd wife. Sir Robert Montgomery, G.G.S.I., K.C.B., LL.D. (Dub.), late Lieut.-Gov. of the Pmijab. who d. 1887. Residence — Hunsdon Lea, Torquay. Issue — ■ 1. Bishop Henry Hutchinson Montgonier>-, b. 3 Oct. 1847 ; in. 28 July, 18S1, Maud, dau. of Deau Fariar. Residences — S.P.G. House, Loudon ; New Park, Moville, Ireland. Issue living — 1. Harold Robert Montgomery, b. 8 May, 1884. 2. Donald Stanley Montgomery, b. 2 May, 1886. 3. Bernard Law "Montgomery, b, 17 Nov. 1887. 4. Colin Roger Montgomery, b. 27 June, iOOl. 5. Brian Frederick Montgomery, b. 18 Oet. 1903. 1. Una. 2. AYinifred Maud. 2. Col. James Alexander Lawrence Moii^gomery, C.SJ.. b. 10 Oct. 1849; m. 1st, 8 Jan. It Tt>, Jessie