Page:Dod's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage etc. of Great Britain and Ireland.djvu/952

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WILLIS] KNIGHTS OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE 902 WILLIS, Lady (Kat."s widow). — Ada Mary, tlau. of Sir John Neeld, 1st Bt. M. 8 Aug. 1874, as his 2nd wife. Gen. Sir George Harry Smith Willis, G.C.B., Grand Officer of Legion of Honour, a distinguished officer who served in the Crimea and in Egypt, and who d. 29 Nov. 1900. Issue — 1. Harrj' William Morgan Willis, b. 1875; in. 1901, Mary Ellen, tlau. of Charlis (iold. 2. John George Montat'u Willis, b. 1878: m. 1902, Amelia Charlotte Olivia, daii. of late Col. George Porn,- McClintock, of Seskinorc, co. Tyrone. 3. Aiidley Lionel York Willis, b. 1878 ; capt. Me Srd Batt. Hants Kegt. ; ni. 1902,Florence Beatrix Hannah, dau. of late Col. George P. McClintock of Seskinore. 4. Percy Ayscoush Willis, b. 1882 ; late lieut. Duke of Cambridge's Own (Middlesex Kegt.) ; m. 1905. Grace Frederica, dau. of Thomas Newman Frederick Bardwell, of Bolton Hall. Wilbeross, York. WILLIS, Lady (Knt.'s widow). — Eliza Abek- CROMBY, dau. of John Sands, of Highbury Cres- cent, yi. 1808, Sir William Willis, Account. - Gen. of the Navy 1882-5, who d. 28 Sept. 1905. Residence — Uunan, Aldeburgh, Suffolk. WILLISON, Knt. Bach. Great. 1913.— Sra John Stephen Willison, s. of Steplien Willison, and Jane Elleker. B. 9 Nov. 1850 ; m. .3 June. 1885, Rachel Wood, dau. of William Turner, of Tiverton. Ontario ; ed. in Canadian public schools : is hon. LL.D. of Queen's Univ. King- ston : editor of "The Globe," Toronto, 1890- 1902 ; now editor of " The News " and pres. of the News Publishg. Co. ; memb. of govg. board of Upper Canada Coll. Toronto, and of the trustee board of Queen's Univ. Kingston ; author of " Sir W"ilfrid Laurier and the Liberal Party," " New Canada," " The Railway Problem in Canada," etc. Residence — 10, Elmsley Place, Toronto. Clubs — York ; Toronto : Roy. Cana- dian Yacht ; British Empire (London). WILLS, Knt. Bach. Great. 1912. — Sir Frank ^VILLIAM Wills, s. of late Hemy Overton Wills, of Gotham Park, Bristol, and Mary, dau. of Thomas Seccombe, of Tavistock. B. at Bristol 17 Aug. 1852 ; m. 22 July, 1874, Sarah Rebecca, dau. of Henry William Dobell, of Eltham. Kent ; comptroller-gen. of H.M. Customs ; ed. privately ; is an architect and sur'eyor : siirveyor to the Bristol municipal charities 1904 ; Lord Mayor of Bristol 1912. Residence — 16, Berkeley Square, Bristol. EARDLEY-WILMOT, K.C.I.E. Great. 1911 ; CLE. 1908. — Sir Saint-Hill Eardley-Wilmot, s. of late Augustus Hillier Eardley-Wilmot, ancl Matilda Jessie, dau. of late John Dunn, of Hobart Town. B. 17 July. 1852; m. 1st, 1 Dec. 1884, Emma Elizabeth (d. 6 July, 1890), dau. of G. Casey, of Winterbourne : m. 2nd, 12 Dec. 1891, Mabel Boisragon, dau. of W. H. Winter, of Tun- l)ridge Wells, Kent ; joined Indian Forest Service as assist, conservator, N.W.P. and Oudh, India, 1873 ; dep. -conservator 1882 : conservator 1891 ; transferred to Burma 1891 ; insp.-gen. of forests 1903-8. Club— E.I. LTnited Service. Issue by 1st m. — 1. Helen Jessii'. Issue by 2nd m.— 2. Mabel Iris. EARDLEY-WILMOT, Knt. Bach. Great. 1908. — Rear-Adm. Sib Sydney Marow Eard- ley-Wilmot, 5th s. of Sir John Eardlev-Wilmot, 2nd Bt. B. 3 Oct. 1847: m. 11 t)ct. 1877, Cirace Maud, dau. of the late Thomas Rolls Hoare, of London ; ent. R.N. 1800 ; lieut. 1869 ; com- mdr. 1881, capt. 1886, rear-adm. 1901 ; com- manded " Dolphin " in Red Sea 1885-6 (assisted in the defence of Suakin) ; asst.-dir. of Naval Intelli- gence Dept. 1887-90 ; ret. 1893 ; supt. of Naval Ordnance Stores 1902-9. Residence— The Old Malt House, Marlow. Club — United Service. Issue — 1. Guy Eardley-Wilmot, h. 29 Jan. 1893 ; cadet E..N. 1. Kate, m. 10 Dec. 1903, Norman Deakln, and has issue. 2. May. 3. Nora, m. 19 Oct. 1909, Edward Cleland Richard- son, of the Cove, Dumbarton. WILSON, Privy Counsellor. Apptd. 1901 ; K.C.I.E. 1898. — Rt. Hon. Sir Arthur Wilson, s. of Robert Wilson, of Monkstown, co. Dublin. B. 1837 : m. 16 Aug. 1865, Mary, dau. of William Bardgett, of Leyton, Essex ; ed. at Dublin Univ. (scholar) : B.A.' 1859 ; hon. LL.D. 1905 ; called to the Bar (Inner Temple) 1802 (certificate of hon- our) ; reporter for Incorporated Council of Law Reporting 1865-7 ; puisne judge Supreme Court of Calcutta 1878-92 : legal adviser and solicitor to Secretary of State for India 1892-1902 ; memb. ' of judicial committee of Privy Council 1902-11. Residence — The Moorings, Heathside, W^oldng. Club — Athenaeum. WILSON, Privy Counsellor. Great. 1914 ; G.C.I. E. 1911: K.C.B. (civ.) 1905; K.C.M.G. 1908; Knt. Baoh. 1902; C.B. 1891.— Rt. Hon. Sib Guy Douglas Arthur Fleetwood Wilson, s. of Capt. Fleetwood Wilson, 8th Hussars, of Knowie Hall, Warwickshire, sometime Lt.-Gov. of Barbados, and Harriet Horatia, dau. of Capt. Walker, R.N., of Brook, and niece of Gen. Sir George Walker, Bt. B. 21 Oct. 1851 ; ed. privately and abroad ; ent. Pavmaster-General's Office 1870, War Office 1883, senior clerk 1891 ; sec. to Sir G. Rivers Wilson's mission to Egypt 1876 ; assist, priv. sec. to successive ministers for war 1883-8, principal priv. sec. 1888- 93 ; direc- tor of Roy. Army Clothing Depart. 1893-8 ; Assist. Under-Sec. of State for War and director-general of Army finance 1898-1908 : finance memb. of the Council of the Gov. -General of India 1908-13 ; financial adviser to Gen. Lord Kitchener in South Africa 1901 (medal) ; examiner in Italian to Mil. Education Depart, and to Civil Service commnrs. ; memb. Pension Commutation Board ; commnr. of Duke of York's School : J. P., London. Resi- dence — Chantrey, Eccleston Street, S.W. Clubs — Tra-ellers' ; Marlborough ; Turf ; Athe- V.C. WILSON, G.C.B. (mil). Great. 1906; O.M. 1912 : G.C.V.O. 1905 : K.C.B. (mil.) 1902 ; K.C.V.O. 1903 ; C.B. 1887. — Adm. of the Fleet Sir Arthur Knyvet Wilson, s. of Rear-Adm. George Knyvet Wilson, and heir pres.. under special remainder, of his bro.. Sir Roland Knyvet Wilson, 2nd Bt. B. 4 March, 1842 : ent, R.N. 1855, commander 1873, capt. 1880, rear-adm. 1895, vice-adm. 1901 ; adm. 1905 : adm. of the Fleet Feb. 1907 ; ret. 1912 ; served in Black Sea during Crimean war (medal and clasp, Turkish medal), Chinese war 1868 (medal. 2 clasps), Egjrptian campaign 1882 (medal and clasp, bronze star, Medjidie), Sudan 1884 (V.C., wounded) ; Lord of Admiralty and controller of the Navy 1897-1901 ; comm'anded Channel Squadron 1901 ; apptd. to the command of the Home Fleet 1905- 7 ; memb. of the Committee of Imperial Defence since 1909 : First Sea Lord of the Admiralty Jan. 1910 to Nov. 1911 : A.D.C. to Queen Victoria 1892-5; hon. D.G.L. Oxford 1912. Residence — Swaffham, Norfolk. Club — LTnited Service. WILSON, G.C.M.G. Great. 1895 ; K.C.M.G. 1880; C.B. (civ.) 1876. — Sib Charles Rivers Wilson, s. of Melvil Wilson, and Louisa, dau. of Maj.-Gen. Sir Benjamin Charles Stephenson, G.C.H. B. 1831 ; m. 1st, 1860, CaroHne (d. 1888), dau. of R. Cook ; m. 2nd, 9 Nov. 1895, Hon. Beatrice Violet Mary Mostyn, sister oij the 7th Baron Vaux of Harrowden (raised to the rank of a Baron's dau. 1883) : ed. at Eton and