Page:Dod's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage etc. of Great Britain and Ireland.djvu/953

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903 KNIGHTS OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE [WILSON Oxford (B.A. 1853) ; apptd. a clerk in tlie Treasury 185G ; British representative at the International Coinage Cominission in Paris 18C7 ; secretary to the royal commission on International Coinage 1868 ; private sec. to Mr. Disraeli 1867-8, and to Mr.Xowe (Chancellor of the Exchequer) 1868-73 ; sec. and controller-general of the National Debt 1874-94 ; has been one of the representatives of Great Britain on the council of the Suez Canal Company 187()-96 ; vice-pres. International Coinmn. of Inquiry in Egypt 1877 ; roy. commnr. Paris Exhibitions' 1878, 1900, and St. Louis Ex- hibition 1904 ; minister of finance to the Khe- dive 1877-8 ; pres. of the Commn. of Liquidation in Egypt 1880 ; one of the delegates to the Inter- national Monetary Conference at Brussels 1892 ; pres. of Grand Trunk Rly. of Canada 1895-1909. Residence — 9, Berkeley Square, W. Clubs — St. James's ; Arthur's ; Marlborough ; Garrick. WILSON, K.C.M.G. Creat. 1899 ; C.M.G. 1891. — Sir David Wilson, s. of Very Rev. David Wilson, dean of Aberdeen, and Mary Garioch, dau. o ithe Rt. Rev. William Skinner. Bishop of Aberdeen. B. 1838 ; m. 1st, 1870, Jane (d. 1874), dau. of Alexander Milne : m. 2nd, 1881, Nora Kate, dau. of Norval Clyne, advocate, of J Aberdeen; ed. at Glenalmond ; ent. Civil Service 1856 ; priv. sec. to Govs, of New Bruns- wick and Trinidad 1861-9 ; capt. and adj. N.B. Militia 1863-6 ; served in the London Scot- tish Vol. 1859-61 and as n:iaj. with Canadian Militia during Fenian Raid 1866 (medal and clasp) ; stipendiary magistrate Trinidad 1870— 8 ; commnr. northern province Trinidad, and sub-intendant Crown lands 1878-97 ; repeatedly acted as colonial sec. 1875-97 ; IM.E.C. Trinidad 1894 ; raised and commanded Trinidad Volun- teer Force 1879-97, and is now hon. col. (V.D.) ; Gov. of British Honduras 1807-1903. Resi- dence — Marchdyke, Chandler's Ford, Hants. Issue living by 1st m. — 1. David Charles Wilson, b. 26 July, 1871 ; m. Norah, dau. of the late Rev. J. Wilson. 1. Mary Jeannle, m. 1st, 1896, George Francis Bushe ; m. 2iid, 1913, William Gordon Gordon. Residence — Trinidad, West Indies. Issue living by 2nd m. — 2. Capt. Harry Stuart Wilson, 1st Batt. Roy. Munster Fus., b. 23 March, 1883. 3. Lt.-Comm. John Skinner Wilson, R.N., b. 10 March, 1884. 4. Eric Ronald Wilson, 2nd lieut, Black Watch, b. 15 July, 1894. 2. Nora Katlileen. WILSON, Knt. Bach. Creat. 1907. — Sir Frederick William Wilson, s. of William Wil- son, of the Manor House, Scarning, Norfolk. B. 26 March, 1844 ; m. 1870, Mary Elizabeth, dau. of Edward Cappes, of Forest Hill ; ed. at Wy- mondham Grammar School ; founded " East Anglian Daily Times" 1874; president News- paper Society of the United Kingdom in 1894, and Institute of Journalists 1906; assisted in founding Norfolk Small Holdings Association ; M.P. for Mid-Norfolk 1895-1906 ; D.L., Norfolk, J.P., Suffolk ; memb. Suffolk Terr. Force Assocns. ; •chrmn. of County Reci-uiting Comm. ; pres. Felixstowe Rifle, and Suffolk County Chess Assocns., and played chess for the House of Commons against the American House of Representatives, etc. Residences — The Dale, Scarning, Norfolk ; Highrow, Felixstowe. Club — Reform. WILSON, K.C.M.G. Creat. 1908 ; C.M.G. 1902. — Sir Henry Francis (Harry) Wilson, fi. of late Rev. William Greive Wilson, rector of Fomcett St. Peter, Norfolk, J.P. B. 8 Aug. 1859 ; m. 11 Aug. 1902, Isabella Dora, dau. of late Adm. Sir Robert Smart, K.C.B., K.H., and widow of late J. H. Anderson, of 9, Upper Brook Street, W. ; ed. at Rugby and Camb. (foundn. scholar, bracketed sixth in class, tripos, M.A., fellow) ; JBarr.-at-law (Lincoln's Inn) 1888 ; sec. Trinidad Judicial Inquiry Commn. 1892 ; princ. priv. sec. to Rt. Hon. Joseph Chamberlain 1895-7 ; legal asst. at Colonial office 1897-1900 ; legal adviser to High Commnr. for S. Africa (Sir Alfred Milner) 1900-1 ; sec. to Orange River Colony administr. 1901, colonial sec. 1902-7, and acting It. -gov. for various periods in 1903, 1904, 1906 ; represented that colony on the S. African Customs Conf. 1903, on the Intercolonial Council Transvaal and O.R.C. and on the railway com. 1903-7 : chrmn. North Charterland Exploration Co. (1910), Ltd. ; memb. of council Roy. Col. Inst, and African Soc. since 1912. Residence — 43, Ovington Square, S.W. Club— Savile. WILSON, K.C.S.L Creat. 1909 ; C.S.I. 1901.— Sir James Wilson, s. of Rev. John Wilson, D.D., minister of Dunning, Perthshire. B. at For- gandenny Manse, Perthshire, 1853 : m. 1888, Anne Campbell, dau. of Vei'y Rev. Norman MacLeod, D.D., Dean of the Thistle, minister of Barony Church, Glasgow ; ed. at Perth Acad., Edin. Univ., Oxford (M.A. Edin., Boden Sanskrit schol. Oxford) ; ent. I.C.S. 1875 ; sec. to Govt, of India 1903-7 ; financial commnr. Punjab 1907- 10 ; superintending inspector Board of Agricul- ture and Fisheries 1911 ; delegate to Inter- national Institute of Agriculture, Rome. Resi- dences — 59, Cadogan Square, S.W. ; Ochilview, Crieft'. Club — Caledonian. Issue^ John Xornian Wilson, b. 11 Dec. 1891. i WILSON, K.C.M.G. Great. 1901.— Scru. -Gen. Sir Willia:m Deane Wilson, s. of J. D. Wilson, of Rathdowney, Queen's Co., Ireland, and Jane, dau. of Richard Owen, of Roscrea, Ireland. B. 27 Aug. 1843 ; m. 17 Aug. 1880, Annie E. W., dau. of Rev. Henry Smyth, rector of Cullen, co. Tipperary ; ed. at a private school and Trin. Coll. Dub. ; M.B. 1866 ; ent. Army as assist. -surg. 1867, and is now surg. -gen. ; served in Afghan war 1878-9-80 (medal), Egyptian exped. 1882-4 (medal, bronze star), Sudan and battles of El Teb and Tamai 1884 (mention in despatches, 2 clasps), and as principal medical officer in South African war 1899-1902 (despatches, 2 medals and 5 clasps). Residence — Blacklands, East Mailing, Kent. WILSON, Lady (Knt.'s widow). — Emma, dau. of Thomas Dalton, of Toronto. M. 1841, Sir Adam Wilson, late Chief Justice of Upper Canada, who d. 1891. Residence — Toronto, Canada. WILSON, Lady (Knt.'s widow).- — Jean, dau. of Hon. W. Campbell, M.L.C. Victoria. M. 1861, Sir Samuel Wilson, F.R.G.S., F.R.L.S., sometime M.P. for Portsmouth, who d. 1895. Sir Samuel was for many years M.L.A. and M.L.C. in Vic- toria, and among other acts of beneficence to the colony presented £30,000 to Melbourne LTniv. Residence — Ercildoune, Victoria. WILSON, Lady (Knt.'s widow).— Louisa Benita, dau. of Maj. Robert Poore, 8th Hussars, of Old Lodge, Salisbury. M. 28 Nov. 1896, as his 2nd wife. Sir Alexander Wilson, sometime sheriff of Calcutta, and pres. of the Bengal cham- ber of Commerce, who d. 6 Sept. 1907. Resi- dence — Alum Chine House, Rose ilount Road, Bournemouth West. WILSON, Lady (Knt.'s widow). — Margaret, dau. of Thomas Hedley, of Coxlodge Hall, Northumberland. ]M. 23 April, 1874, Sir Jacob Wilson, K.C.V.O., director of the Land Depart- ment Board of Agriculture 1891, for 27 years memb. of Council, and for 18 years hon. director of the Roval Agricultural Societv, who d. 11 July, 1906. GREY- WILSON, K.C.M.G. Creat. 1904 ; C.M.G. 1891. — Sir Willivm Grey-Wilson, s. of late Andrew Wilson, Inspector-Gen. of Hospi-