Page:Dos cartas en lengua apalachino y timuguana.djvu/30

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Florida, interpreter of the Timucuan language in this city of San Augustín, and minister of the residents that attend in the said language in the said city, that I translated this letter from the Timucuan language into our Spanish language, and have faithfully translated it per the petition of the Lord Governor and Captain-General Don Diego de Quiroga y Lozada. And in truth, I sign this in this Convent of San Augustín de la Florida, on the sixteenth of February of the year one thousand six hundred and eighty-eight.

Father Francisco de Rojas.

It agrees with the translated letter that remains in my power that was referred to me, and for the record of the order of His Grace the Lord Governor and Captain-General, I give the present in San Augustín de la Florida on the twenty-first day of the month of February of the year one thousand six hundred and eighty-eight. It is written on a sheet of plain paper as the stamped kind does not circulate here, and in witness thereof:

I place my signature ✕ in witness to the truth.

Alonsso Solana
Notary for the Public and Government