Page:Durga Puja - With Notes and Illustrations.djvu/80

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also Siva, Sesha with Brahma, the Dikpalas, may all these anoint you. Om may Fame, Prosperity, Felicity, and Peace, Contentment, and Glory, and the Matris anoint you with the well associated Dharmapala. Om may Aditya, the Moon, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, and Venus, and Saturn and the planets with Rahu and Ketu anoint you. Om may the Rshis, the Munis, and the cows, the Devamatris, the Devapatnis, the fixed stars, the Nagas, the daityas and the apsaras, the weapons, all the missiles, the kings, the conveyances, the wonderful medicines, and the signs of the time, the water-places, the seas, the hills, the holy places, the cataracts, and the clouds and rivers, the devas, the danavas, the gandharvas, the jakshas, and the rakshas, the elephants and others may anoint you for the attainment of virtue and wishes. Om may Sindhu, Bhairavi, and Sona and those lakes which lie on this earth all with one respectful obeisance anoint you with water. Om may those Nagas commencing with Takshaka, who live in the nether-world all with respectful salutations anoint you. Om may the oceans(34) of salt, of sugarcane juice, of wine, of ghi, of curd, of milk and of other waters, the seven oceans and others anoint you. Then with water from a conchshell Om the lord of