Page:Durga Puja - With Notes and Illustrations.djvu/81

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[ 48 ]

all the devas named Isana, Sulapani and Mahadeva anoint you with water. Then with Ganga water(35) Om with that water which is from the Mandakini, and which is good and purifier of all sins, which is the Vishnu torrent in the heavens, may your bathing be with it. With warm water(36) Om water that is purified, superior, and warm, filled with the force of fire and life, destroyer of all sins I anoint you. With the water perfumed with sandal wood Om full of fragrance, beautiful, cool, good-looking, giver of all happiness, with such water I anoint you. With water perfumed by flowers(37) Om for the sake of dignity with unboiled drugs of Asvini cumaras, and with the splendour of Brahma I anoint you, Om for our strength with the drugs of the river Sarasvati and capturing the spirit of the same I anoint you, Om for power, for prosperity, for fame, and renown with the spirits of the essences I anoint you. With honey with a vedic mantra. With water sweetened by sugar with the Gayatri mantra. With milk with a vedic mantra. Hrum Vashat to the forelock. With ghee and a vedic mantra Hraim Hrum to the armour. With curd and a vedic mantra, Hraum Vaushat to the eyes. With cocoanut water Hrum phat to the weapons. With the five Gabyas(38) Am to the heart. With