Page:Edinburgh Review Volume 59.djvu/315

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Babbage's Calculating Engine.

so as to bring another punch under the bent lever, another character may be engraved on the copper by straightening the bent lever, and pressing it on the punch as before. It will be evident, that if the copper was shifted from right to left through a space equal to two figures of a number, and, at the same time, the type sector so shifted as to bring the punches corresponding to the figures of the number successively under the bent lever, an engraved impression of the number might thus be obtained upon the copper by the continued action of the bent lever. If, when one line of figures is thus obtained, a provision be made to shift the copper in a direction at right angles to its former motion, through a space equal to the distance between two lines of figures, and at the same time to shift it through a space in the other direction equal to the length of an entire line, it will be evident that another line of figures might be printed below the first in the same manner.

The motion of the type sector, here described, is accomplished by the action of the snail upon the lever already mentioned. In the case where the number calculated is that expressed in fig. 1, the process would be as follows:—The snail of the wheel F1, acting upon the lever, would throw the type sector into such an attitude, that the punch bearing the character 0 would come under the bent lever. The next turn of the moving axis would cause the bent lever to press on the tail of the punch, and the character 0 would be impressed upon the copper. The bent lever being again drawn up, the punch would recoil from the copper by the action of a spring; the next turn of the moving axis would shift the copper through the interval between two figures, so as to bring the point destined to be impressed with the next figure under the bent lever. At the same time, the snail of the wheel E would cause the type sector to be thrown into the same attitude as before, and the punch would be brought under the bent lever; the next turn would impress the figure beside the former one, as before described. The snail upon the wheel D would now come into action, and throw the type sector into that position in which the punch bearing the character 7 would come under the bent lever, and at the same time the copper would be shifted through the interval between two figures; the straightening of the lever would next follow, and the character 7 would be engraved. In the same manner, the wheels C, B, and A would successively act by means of their snails; and the copper being shifted, and the lever allowed to act, the number 007776 would be finally engraved upon the copper: this being accomplished, the calculating machinery would next be called into action, and another calculation would be made, producing