Page:Edward Prime-Stevenson - The Intersexes.djvu/118

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he was lonely, unsatisfied, and little by little he realized himself to be unlike other young men. His whole thought and aim became the finding-out, somewhere, a man that would feel love for him. When he was seventeen, a man induced him to permit masturb. mut. But the reaction for E— was a mixture of pleasure, shame and distress. He knew now the abnormalism of his sexual feelings. He was at first depressed, and thought once of suicide; then he accepted the peculiar situation, continued to long for men, etc., but by his girlish timidity he passed years without such relationships. (Masturb. solit. as a physical resource, but not often, being really not so strongly inclined to physical desire). It has been a pain to him, in the utmost degree, when a girl showed her preference for him, as was not seldom the case. When E— was 26 he came to the capital to live, and therewith he had ample opportunity for homosexual relations. He lives now, since some time back, with a man of like age, the two keeping house together as "man and wife". He is happy in.this, and is rather in the feminine role in it. (Masturb. mut. et coitus inter fern). E— is a valued workman, noted in his calling, in demeanour and aspect thoroughly manly, with normal genitalia, without signs of degeneration. He informed me that his younger brother who is a "woman-hater" is also externally manly and yet feels himself homosexual. It is a striking fact that two sisters of E— who died early were masculine in their tastes, preferring stable work (!) etc., to female occupations.

Uranistic Dionian

The problem of a nature strongly heterosexual, seeking relations with women eagerly, but intermittently similisexual, has been touchedon. In the following narrative, which is given me by an English medical friend, the type is illustrated. "H. O—, aged thirty-four, architectural assistant, married, and the father of a son of seven years of age,

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