Page:Edward Prime-Stevenson - The Intersexes.djvu/119

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came to consult me partly on account of his own nervous troubles (insomnia, violent headaches and general neurasthenia) and because of certain signs of nervous and sexual abnormalism in his young son that he lately had remarked. After two or three interviews, Mr. O— became more explicit, with the result of enabling me to make the following notes of his sexual history:—

The father of O— was exceptionally given to sexual relations with women, and was very potent. Otherwise O— knows of no peculiarities of O— senior's vita sexualis, but does not think he was ever in the least similisexual. O—'s mother is a robust, strong-nerved woman of over sixty. The parents married early. They still live, in a German capital. One uncle was homosexual, so O's father once told O—, and was mixed up in a blackmailing affair in Dublin some twenty-five years ago. One aunt suffered from religious excitement and was two or three times in a sanitarium, where she finally died. O— has three sisters and a brother, all married; he cannot give any information as to their sexual traits, but believes them normal. They all have families and live apparently happily. Outwardly O— is of fine and entirely virile aspect, much more than of any secondary type; athletic formerly, takes much exercise now; and smokes, uses liquors, though not to any excess. Wears full close beard, and has handsome features, not in the least feminine. Genitalia normal and large. He speaks of himself as uncommonly potent.

In early boyhood O— was attracted to girls sexually; as early as ten years attempting coitus with them, and (sine ejaculatio, of course) took pleasure in it. At fifteen found opportunity to get into sexual relations with girls older than himself, was potent and remarked by them on account of it. Strong sense of female beauty, and always much libido as he matured. At eighteen, O— nearly got

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