Page:Egyptian self-taught (Arabic) (1914).djvu/101

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ITALIAN (contd.). JAPANESE. 17 Net Shipping Correspondence, Agencies, Situations, Financial Credit, Insurance of Goods. Finance — Market Reports with Phrases. Announcements. Letters of Introduction. Complaints and Claims relating to Gocds. Drafts, Inland and Foreign. Com- mercial Terms and Abbreviations. Tables of Money, Weights and Measures, &c, &c. 1913. Demy 8vo., 12S pp., fawn wrapper ... ... ... ... ... 1/0 Do. do., cloth ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1/6 'Tan hardly fail to prove of value in connection with commercial correspondence."— Shipping Gazette d- Lloyds List. Traveller's Practical Manual of Conversation. No 1 (Marlborough's) English, French, German & ITALIAN, in one book. Containing Travel Notes (Customs, Cycling, Motoring, &c), Tables of Money, Pronunciation, Classified Conversations, subjects arranged alphabetically. The Numerals, Weights and Measures, Washing List, Dictionary of Words in daily use. 4th Edition, 1914. Crn.l2mo, 152 pp., round corners, red wrap. 1/0 Do., do. , green cloth, round corners ... ... ... 1/6 Do., do., leather, round corners, with tuck-in flap ... 2/6 Italian Washing Book, byC. A. THIMM : for Ladies, Gentlemen, and Families. Counterfoils in English, alphabetically arranged Demy 8vo., dark red wrapper ... ... ... .-. ... ... 6d. Japanese Self-Taught [Thimm's System In Roman Characters], by W. J. S. SHAND, late Director, School of Japanese Language and Literature, London. With English Phonetic Pronunciation. Containing The Syllabary ; Classified Vocabularies and Conver- sations; Travelling, Commercial and Trading, Naval, Military and Religious Terms and Phrases; the Numerals; Money with illustration of Japanese coinage, Weights and Measures, Postage, &c. Second Edition. 1915. Crown 8vo., 96 pp., blue wrapper ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2/0 Do. do., red cloth 2/6 Japanese Grammar Self-Taught, by H. J. WEINTZ in Roman Characters. Containing : I. Grammar and Syntax, with Pronunciation, Native Japanese characters, &c. II. Exercises and Extracts. 1. Exercises for Translation, with Key. 2. Reading Exercises, with Pronunciation and Translation. 3. Japanese Extracts, with Key. III. Vocabularies (alphabetical), Japanese- English and English-Japanese, Money, Weights and Measures. Second Edition. 1907. Crown 8vo., 184 pp., blue wrapper ... 4/0 Do. do., red cloth 5/0 "It is luminous without being too elaborate ... It is, in fine, the best bit of scholastic work that we have met with for a very long time." — Coal and Iron. Japanese Self-Taught and Grammar, in one volume. Cloth... 7/6 London; E. MARLBOROUGH & Co., Publishers, 51, Old Bailey, EC.