Page:Egyptian self-taught (Arabic) (1914).djvu/102

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18 LATIN. NORWEGIAN. PERSIAN. Net Latin Self-Taught (Thimm's System), by J. TOPHAM (Barrister- at-Law). For learning the language by the natural method. With Phonetic Pronunciation. Containing Classified Vocabularies; Numerals ; Medical. Prescriptional, Dispensing, Legal and Religious Terms and Phrases; Quotations, Inscriptions, Mottoes, Proverbs, etc., etc. Grammar, Construing, AbbreviationsfDegrees, Titles, Distinctions, etc.). Second Edition. 1915. Crn. 8vo, 144 pp., blue wrapper ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1/0 Do. do., red cloth ... ... ... 1/6 " The vocabularies appear to be well assorted, the grammar is concise and sufficient, and the phrases, oidiuary and professional, including medical, will be found useful." — The Lancet. NORWEGIAN. Norwegian Self-Taught, by C. A. THIMM. Revised and En- larged by P. Th. HANSSEN. With Phonetic Pronunciation. Containing Vocabularies, Elementary Grammar, Conversations, Phrases and Sentences, Forms of Letters, Commercial, Legal and Religious Terms, Travel Talk, Motoring, Cycling, Photography, Fishing, Shooting, Amusements, Money with illustration of Norwegian coinage and English and American values, Weights and Measures. Fifth Edition. 1912. Crown 8vo., 128 pp., blue wrapper ... ... ... . . ... ... ... ... 2/0 Do. do., red cloth ... ... ... ... ... ... 2/6 "It contains just those words which are likely to prove useful to a traveller in Norway. The phrases are many and convenient, and wherever a Norwegian word is used its pronunciation is given under a simple system, so that che reader Should have no difficulty in pro- nouncing the word so as to be understood." — The Lancet. Norwegian Washing Book, by C. A. THIM M : for Ladies, Gentle- men, and Families. Counterfoils in English, alphabetically arranged. Demy 8vo., dark red wrapper ... ... ... ••• 6d. PERSIAN. Persian Self-Taught, by SHEYKH HASAN. In Roman Characters], with English Phonetic Pronunciation. Containing The Persian Alphabet, Transliteration and Pronunciation ; Outline of Grammar with Persian Characters; Classified Vocabu- laries and Conversations ; Travel Talk ; Trade and Commerce ; Post Office and Correspondence; Illustration of the Persian Coinage; Persian Handwriting; The Numerals, Money with English and American values, Weights and Measures. 1909. Crown 8vo., 9G pp., blue wrapper ... ... ... ••• ••• 2/0 — Do., do., red cloth ... ... ... ... ••• ••• 2,6 " This is a most welcome addition to the ' Self-Taught Srrie&.' Those who de-t're to acquire a colloquial and practical knowledge, and to all such w gladly recommend this very useful little book."— Tlia Parsi, B'imba . London: E. MARLBOROUGH &. Co., Publishers, 51, Old Bailey, E.C.