Page:Egyptian self-taught (Arabic) (1914).djvu/105

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SWEDISH {contd.). TAMIL. 21 Net with English and American Values and Illustration of Swedish Coinage ; Weights and Measures Second Edition. 1908. Crown 8vo., 100 pp., blue wrapper 2/0 Do. do., red cloth 2/6 " A student could easily make considerable headway with Swedish, even in the absence of a living instructor."— The Schoolmaster. Swedish Grammar, by C. LENSTROM (Seepage 23.) Swedish and English Dialogues, by C. LENSTROM, cloth ... 2/0 Swedish Washing Book, by C. A. THIMM : for Ladies, Gentle- men, & Families. Counterfoils in English. Demy 8vo., wrapper 6d. " A great boon to families and others."— WeUlon's Ladies' Journal. TJLMIL. Tamil Self-Taught, by Don M. de Zilva WICKREM ASINGHE, Epigraphist to the Ceylon Government. In Roman characters, with English Phonetic Pronunciation. Containing The Alphabet ; Classified Vocabularies and Conversations ; English- Tamil Alphabetical Vocabulary; Travelling, Commercial, Official, Planting, Shooting and Fishing Terms and Phrases ; Numerals, Money, Weights and Measures. Second Edition. 1911. Crown 8vo., 96 pp., blue wrapper ... 2/0 Do., do., red cloth ... ... ... ... ••• ••• 2/6 "For ourselves, we think it a capital little introduction to the study of the language, which should prove exceedingly useful to planters and others "—The Ceylon Church Missionary Gleaner. " We have pleasure in recommending the book to students, officers, civil servants, traders, travellers, and all others who desire to acquire an excellent grounding in Tamil."— Ceylon Catholic Messenger. Tamil Grammar Self-Taught, by Don M. Zilva de WICKRE- MASINGHE. In Tamil and Roman Characters. Containing I. — Grammar and Syntax. Alphabet and Pronunciation. Tamil Characters Transliteration. Parts of Speech. Rules of Syntax. II. — Exercises in Tamil and English, with Key. III.— Tamil- English Vocabulary, Alphabetically arranged. 1906. Crown 8vo., 120 pp., blue wrapper ... ... ... ... ■•• 4/0 Do. do., red cloth 5/0 "Is a great improvement on any attempt of the kind which has pre- ceded it, and will without the slightest doubt be found very uselul by anyone wishing to take up Tamil, either merely for acquiring a col- loquial and conversational knowledge of it. or with the intention of entering udou a thorough study of the language and its literature. The book is miles ahead of anything that has been attempted in this direc- tion before." — The Times of Ceylon. Tamil Self-Taught and Grammar. In one volume. Crown 8vo., 216 pp., red cloth 7/6 " With these two volumes the English student should be able to obtain a fair mastery of the Tamil language, even without a teacher."— Ceylon Observer. London: E. MARLBOROUGH & Co., Publishers, 51, Old Bailey, E.C.