Page:Egyptian self-taught (Arabic) (1914).djvu/106

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24 SELECTED DICTIONARIES. Selected Dictionaries. 'Dictionaries marked with an asterisk (*) are obtained only to order. ARABIC. •BADGER (G. P). English- Arabic Lexicon. Imperial 4to. Net £5/4/ •LANE (E. W.). Arabic-English Lexicon, derived from the best and most copious Eastern sources. Eight vols. Royal 4to., cloth. £10. The set offered for Net £4/4 •SALMON E (H. A.). Arabic-English Dictionary, with English Index. Twovols. Post 8vo., cloth Net36/0 •STh.INGASS (Dr. P.). Students' Arabic-English Dictionary. Demy 8vo., cloth 50/0 • English-Arabic Dictionary, in Arabic characters and transliterated. Demy 8vo., cloth 28/0

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