Page:Egyptian self-taught (Arabic) (1914).djvu/97

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GERMAN {coritd.). 13 Net German Washing Book, by C. A. THIMM : for Ladies, Gentle- men, and Families. Counterfoils in English, alphabetically arranged. Demy 8vo., dark red wrapper 6d. Interlinear German Reading Book, by F. HAHN, with the literal English translation on the Hamiltonian System. Con- taining a selection of Tales by celebrated German Authors, progressively arranged for use in Classes, or for self-study. Revised according to the new German Orthography. Edited by C. A. Thimm. 1901. Crown 8vo., 101pp., paper wrapper ... 1/0 Do. do., cloth • 1/6 " If rightly used, the interlinear method should prove distinctly helpful to the private student." — Practical Teacher. Soldiers' Language Manual (The), No. 2. By AJ AX. ENGLISH- GERMAN. Containing Pronunciation, Notes on Grammar, Time. Days, Dates, Greetings, On the Road, Correspondence, Requirements, Military, Nvval and Red Cross Terms, Words of Command, Numerals, Money, Weights and Measures. Size 6 x 3$. 24 pp., coloured wrapper 3d. Traveller's Practical Manual of Conversation. No. 1 (Marlborough's) English, French, GERMAN,* Italian, in one book. Containing Travel Notes (Customs, Cycling, Motoring, &c), Tables of Money, Pronunciation, Classified Conversations, subjects arranged alphabetically. The Numerals, Weights and Measures, Washing List, Dictionary of Words in daily use. Fourth Edition, 1914. Crown 12mo., 152 pp., red wrapper, round corners ... ... ... ... ... ••• ••• ■•■ 1/0 Do. do., green cloth, round corners ... ... ••• ■•• 1/6 Do. do., leather, with tack-in flap, round corners 2/6 Traveller's Practical Manual of Conversation. No. 2 (uniform with No. 1). English, French, GERMAN, and Dutch. Second Edition, 1914. Crown 12mo., 152 pp., brown wrapper ... ... ... ... ... ••• ••• ■■• ••• 1/0 Do. do., cloth 1/6 Do. do., leather tuck in flap, round corners 2/6 " Will meet every need of every traveller; but this little book, which is compact in form and can easily be carried in a jacket pocket, should be a valuable companion to many whose love oi European travel is greater than their knowledge of European languages."— The Field. " This book is indispensable to all travellers, especially those visiting Holland." — The Steamship. "There are a very large number of plain and practical everyday questions, which are used in daily conversations which are not found in many guides. — Boekespreking. London: E. MARLBOROUGH & Co., Publishers, 51, Old Bailey, E.C.