Page:Egyptian self-taught (Arabic) (1914).djvu/98

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14 GERMAN (contd.). GREEK (Modern). Net MARLBOROUGH'S SERIES OF GERMAN CLASSICS. Egmont. [Egmont, a Tragedy.] by GOETHE. With English Notes by O. von Weguern. 2nd Edition. F'cap. 8vo., cloth ... ... 1/6 " These plays can be used for Class-Hearting. The notes are historical, grammatical, and explanatory." Die Jungfrau von Orleans [The Maid of Orleans.] , by Friedrich von SCHILLER. With English Notes by Mathias Meissner. 2nd. Edition. F'cap. 8vo., cloth 1/6 Collection of celebrated Tales and Novels by German Authors. Das Friiulein von Scuderi, by G. T. A. HOFFMANN Erzahlung aus dem Zeitalter Ludwig's des Vierzehnten. 2nd Edition. F'cap 8vo., cloth ... ... ... ... ... 1/0 Der Hauskrieg, by Gottfried KINKEL Eine Geschichte vom Niederrhein. 2nd Edition. 12mo., cloth ... ... ... ... 1/0 Der todteGast,by Heinrich ZSCHOKKE. Novelle. 2ndEdition. F'cap. 8vo., cloth .... 1/0 "This selection has met with great success. The idea has been to choose only such as are in themselves excellent and entertaining." — Preface. Fabeln [Fables in prose and verse.] , by LESSING. With English Notes by A. E. Hill. F'cap. 8vo., cloth 1/0 " Of a classic simplicity. Text-book for Government Examinations." The following GERMAN PLAYS are specially adapted for School Reading, and may be tasily acted. With English Notes by A. E. HILL. Der Blumenkranz. Der Eierdieb, by Christolph von SCHMID. 12mo., paper wrapper ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 9d. Die Erdbeeren unci Der kleine Kaminfeger, by Christolph von SCHMID 12mo., paper wrapper 9d. Emma, oder die kindhche Liebe, by Christolph von SCHMID. 12mo., paper wrapper ... ... ... .. ... 9d. GREEK (Modern). Greek (Modern) Self-Taught (Tliimm's System. In Greek and ltunian Characters). By Nicolaos Art AST ASS i OU, Bacuelier d.pldnie du College Grec de Halki. With Pnrases and Dialogues; Elementary Grammar; Commercial, Trading, Archaeological and llehyious Terms; Travel Talk; Fhotogiapl.y ; Amusements; Tables of Money with English London: E. MARLUOROUGH & Co., Publishers, 51, Old Bailey, fc.C.