Page:Elizabeth Elstob - An English-Saxon homily on the birth-day of St. Gregory.djvu/117

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Birth-Day of S. Gregory.

habobe Knjelcyn to ff j)ce- the Engljh^ as Gregory bifceop fpa j-pahim Dpego- 'before had given liim di- piufsep gepirrobe:- ffugu- region. Auguftine htin^ rrinur J>a jeha&ob cypbe confecrated , returned to to hif bifceopj-tole 3 aj-en- his Bilhoprick , and feiit be acpenbparan to Rome, -j p MelTengers to Rome^ to much nearer this Ifland i But the Reafon, tho' he knew ic not, was obvious enough. Arks was at that time the moft celebrated City in thofe Parts, infomuch that it was called the Rome of France, Hence probably the Archbifliop was honoured with the Title of Vicar of the Holy See •, and had a Superiority over the neighbouring Birtiops, with a Power to make enquiry, and give decifion in difficult points of Faith, by the Gounfel of twelve other Prelates. Ic feems therefore reafonable enough, that Augujlm fliould be direfted to Aries for the greater Solemnity of the thing, and where the number of Bi (hops might be probably found, or fooner got together, that was requifite according ta the Canons, for his Confecration. As we cannot but with the greateft Rejoicing and Gratitude refleft upon our Converfion, fo have we reafon to blefs God, that this was brought about in fuch a regular manner, that there was nothing wanting to make us a true Church of Cbr'ifiy not only in Faith, but in Difcipline. For no fooner did St. Augufiine perceive the Reception of Chriftianity like to be eftablifh'd, and a number of Believers to make a Church, but he takes care according to Gregorys appointment, that they fhould be united under one Bifhop that fhould be over them, who might, not only confirm fuch as already were baptized, but ordain other Biftiops to affift in the Government of the Church, which then began to be enlarged. That herein the Apoftolical Rule might truly be obferved,by Augujlm from St. Gregory^ as it was by Titus from SuPaul, of fetting in order the things that were wanting, and ordaining Elders in every City. Herein likewife keeping ftriftly to that Rule of St. Ignatius^ Ep. ad Smyrn, §. viii. That wherever the Bilhop appears, there the Multitude ought to be, in like manner as wherever Jefus Chr'ijl is, there is the Caiholick Church. ^ The Perfons who were imploy'd in this Affair were Laurentm the Presbyter, who fucceeded Augujlme in the Archbiihoprick, and Feter the Monk, the firft Abbot of the Monaftery of St Peter and

St. Paul near Canterbury. See Bede's EccL Hijl. lib. i. caf. 2J. mi

iSt. Gregorfi Epiftle to Queen Berth^^