Page:Elizabeth Elstob - An English-Saxon homily on the birth-day of St. Gregory.djvu/118

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An Homily on the

cyb&e J>am eabijan Dpe- aflure the Blefled Gregory, gopie ^x, Sngelcyn Cpi- that the £«^//>£ People had j-ren&om un&eppenS- 1 received Chriftianity j and heeacmi&seppirumpe- he alfo iii Writing made la'Smsan bef pan. hu him '"any Enquiries, as touch- co &pohcnisen&e peape ing the manner, how lie becpeox i>am mshpopfe- ought to behave himfelf num poke:- Jppac J)a towards the new Converts. CpesopiurmicelumGo&e Whereupon Gregory gave >anco&e mi& Wirpsen- many thanks to God with 6um mo&e :P Sngelcynne a joyful Mind, that that j-pa jelumpen pacf. rpa had happen'd to the £«g//j^ tpa he rylp seopnhce je- Nation, which himfelf had pilno&e:- Sn&ren&eon- fo earneftly deflred. And gean apen&pacan ro |)am ^^ fent Embafladors to the geleapullum cymnge /G- believing King .Sr^'^/Myj/, }>elbpihte mi& geppitum. ■"^^^h Letters and many Pre. 3 mamspeabum lacum. ^ents : And other Letters 3 oJ)pe geppice to Su- he fent to Auguftine, with jurcme. mi&an&rpapum Anfwers to all the things ealpa })$pa Jjinga ))e he after which he had enqui- hi beppan. -5 hme eac re^. and advifed him ia ]>irum popbum manobe. thefeWords:"'"MoftDear- 'Bpo&opmmreleoperca " ^7 beloved Brother, I ic pac :^ re ealmihcija " know that the Almighty pela punbpa j)uph J)e " hath by you fhewn forth 'J)aepa jpeo&a q he je- " many Wonders to the ceap geppurela^. J)£e]- J)u " People whom he hath cho- 'Bpo^op. GH. 'J)aBpe. C.H„

• Biie"% Ecel, Bft, Ilk i. eap.n.