Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/138

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kiâⁿ tõ-thâu-tsôiⁿ. behind, kiâⁿ ka-chiah-ãu. go to court, chiẽⁿ-chhiâu. to law, phah-kuaⁿ-si. halves, sie-kāng; pêⁿ-pun. and come, lâi-lâi uáng-uáng. and return, lâi-hûe.

goat, suaⁿ-iêⁿ.

GOD, Siãng-tì. to worship, pài Siãng-tì. godly, kèng-ùi Siãng-tì. gods, sîn-mêng. go-down, tsàn-pâng.

goitre, tōa-ãm-kui.

gold, kim; n̂g-kim; chhiah-kim. alloyed, hún-kim; kẽ-kim. unalloyed, tsok-siâⁿ-kim; chhiah-kim; tsok-chhiah-kim. gilded, tah-kim. -plated, liū-kim. inlaid or covered with, sieⁿ-kim; pau-kim. -lace, kim-pĩⁿ. -thread, kim-sùaⁿ. -fish, kim-lí. -leaf, kim-po̍h. -dust, kim-sua. -smith, phah-kim sai-pẽ.

gong, lô; tâng-lô. with a boss, khong. one, che̍k-mīn-lô. to beat, phah-lô. stick for beating, lô-thûi.

gonorrhea, lâu-pe̍h-tsua̍k.

good, hó; siẽn. heart, hó-sim; liâng-sim; siu-sim. -bye, lṳ́ chhiáⁿ; chiãm-pie̍t. living, chia̍h-phâng-phài; káⁿ-chia̍h káⁿ-sái. health, sóng-khùai; tsàng-kiẽn; phêng-an. order, siu-si̍p-hó; iap-thiap; tsôi-chiáⁿ; chhî-chéng. composition, pit-ba̍k hó; bûn-khì hó; kiâⁿ-bûn hó; ēng-pit hó; pit-chhêng hó. penmanship, jī ngiá; jī tuan-khái. nature, sèⁿ-chhêng hó; tsò-nâng khuaⁿ-chiâⁿ; un-jiû. name, miâⁿ-sek hó; hó-miâⁿ-siaⁿ; miâⁿ-siaⁿ phang. conduct, siẽn-hẽng; jîn-tek. luck, tsãu-hùe. good and bad, hó-khiap; hó-tái; siẽn-ak. a good many, hoh-tsōi. a good while, hoh-kú. good for nothing, bô-ēng.

goods, hùe; hùe-mue̍h. foreign, iêⁿ-hùe. first choice of, hùe-mīn. remnants of, hùe-búe; hùe-tái. sample of, hùe-mōⁿ. mixed, tsa̍p-hùe. owner of, hùe-tsú. invoice of, hùe-toaⁿ. sell, tshut-hùe. unload, khí-hùe. load, hẽ-hùe; lo̍h-hùe. buy, tì-hùe. store, tun-hùe. buy on credit, chhia-hùe. ready-money, hīn-chîⁿ bói-hīn-hùe. trans-ship into smaller vessel, poh-hùe. send, tah-hùe; kià-hùe. pack up, tsuang-hùe. not responsible for, after they have left the shop, tshut-mn̂g bô-jīn-hùe.

goose, gô. wild, hái-gô. gosling, gô-kiáⁿ. see GANDER.

gore, hueh; hueh-thn̂g; hueh-kò; hueh-phí.

gore, to, tak; tak-sieⁿ; sie-kak.