Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/139

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gorgeous, phâi-chhiâng.

gormandize, chia̍h bô-tōu; chia̍h bô-tsat-tōu.

gospel, hok-im; hok-im-tsṳ; hok-im-tãu; kia-im.

gossip, phue̍h-ūe; tàⁿ-ôiⁿ-ūe; phi̍t-phue̍h.

gourd, pû. bottle-, hôu-lôu-pû. calabash made from, pû-hia.

gout, kha seⁿ-huang-khì.

govern, kúan; lí; tî; kúan-lí; kúan-hat. a country, tî-kok; tî-mîn. oneself, iak-sok ka-kī. governor -general, tsóng-tok. lieutenant-, bú-īⁿ.

government, kok-chèng. benevolent, jîn-chèng.

gown, tn̂g-saⁿ; tn̂g-phâu; ó-thàu. lady's, kûn.

grace, ṳn; ṳn-tién; ṳn-hũi; ṳn-tek; ṳn-che̍k.

graceful, hong-tōu hó; tshông-iông; tshông-iông tsṳ̃-tsãi (calm and self-possessed).

gracious, to be, si-ṳn. gift, ṳn-sṳ̀; ṳn-siéⁿ.

gradual, chiãm-chiãm; khuaⁿ-khuaⁿ; che̍k-tsâng che̍k-tsâng; che̍k-tsãm che̍k-tsãm; ũ-tsâng-tshṳ̀; ũ-pōu-tsõu.

graduate, to, ji̍p-o̍h; ji̍p-siù-tsâi; tèng-kṳ́-jîn; tèng-chìn-sṳ̃; tiám-hân-lîm. to be a, ũ-kong-miâⁿ (also has wider meaning).

graft, trees, chiap; chiap-ki.

grain, ngóu-kak; tiũ (rice not yet in ear); tâ (rice in ear); chhek (rice in husk); bí (rice separated from the husk). one grain, che̍k-lia̍p. of wood, hue-jī; bûn-lí.

grammar, tsò-bûn-huap.

granary, chhek-tshng; tshng.

grandchild, sun. male, tau-sun; lâm-sun. female, tsáu-sun; tsṳ-niêⁿ-sun; nńg-sun. child of daughter, gūa-sun.

grandfather, a-kong. maternal, gūa-kong. great, lãu-kong.

grandmother, a-má. maternal, gūa-má. great, lãu-má.

grandson, sun; tau-sun. daughter's son, gūa-sun. great-, cheng-sun. great-great-, hiên-sun; ngûan-sun. wife of, sun-sim-pũ.

grant, tsún; zún-na̍p; phoi-tsún. see GIVE.

grapes, phû-thô. dried (i.e. raisins) phû-thô-kuaⁿ.

grapnel, tah-kau; tèng.

grapple, kau-tsũ; kau-tiām; kau-tîⁿ; khím-kín.

grasp, līm-kín; khie̍h-kín; lia̍h-kín; tẽⁿ-kín; phõ-kín. a