Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/188

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mason, hue-kang sai-pẽ; thôu-kang sai-pẽ; tsò-nîⁿ-tsúi; nîⁿ-tsúi.

mass, of people, nâng-mue̍h lāu-jie̍t.

massacre, tôu-lo̍k; suah-lo̍k; chĩn-tôu; tshám-suah; tshûng-kiâⁿ tu-lo̍k.

mast, tsûn-ûi. mainmast, tōa-ûi. foremast, thâu-ûi. mizzen-mast, búe-ûi. cut away, tsám-tiāu-ûi. put up, khiâ-ûi. take down, siâ-ûi; lo̍h-ûi.

master, tsú; tsú-jîn; tshù-nâng; tong-ke; tshâi-tsú; thâu-ke (used in Ch'ao-chow-foo only in bad sense).

mat, chhie̍h. rush, tsháu-chhie̍h. bamboo, bi̍h-chhie̍h; tek-chhie̍h. rattan, tîn-chhie̍h. for sails, chhie̍h-pau. cover of a boat, phâng-kám. shed, phâng-chhiáng. spread a, tshṳ-tsháu-chhie̍h.

match, húe-lêng; húe-hiāⁿ. matches, tsṳ̃-lâi-húe; húe-tshâ.

match, to, phùe. no match for you, kāng-lṳ́ phit-phùe m̄-kùe. matchless, bô-sang; bô-hó-pí; bô-mue̍h hó-pí-pẽng; a-it; tõiⁿ-it. mate (of foreign ship), tōa-hu; jī-hu.

materials, tshâi-liāu; pín-liāu; mue̍h-liāu. prepare, as for building, phōiⁿ-liāu. of various kinds, sam-liāu; ie̍h-liāu; sek-liāu.

mathematics, sǹg-huap; sǹg-si; cheng-mûiⁿ kâi-sǹg-huap.

matrix, bôu. for type, tâng-póiⁿ-bôu; în-póiⁿ-bôu.

matter, mue̍h; chieh; thói. great, tōa-sṳ̄. what is the matter? sĩ-mih-sṳ̄? matter of course, tsṳ̃-jiên; thien-jiên; tou-tie̍h chièⁿ-seⁿ. no matter, bô-siang-kan; bô-chhiet-iàu; bô-iàu-kín; bô-kàu tî-tò-khṳ̀. does it matter? sṳ̄ ũ-tāi a-bô? no matter of mine, m̄-sĩ úa--kâi-sṳ̄; ṳ́-uá bô-kan; kāng-úa bô-kan-sia̍p. matter (pus), lâng; n̂g-sûaⁿ-tsúi.

mattock, tṳ̂-thâu.

mattress, zo̍k; tshn̂g-zo̍k; phou-zo̍k.

mature, se̍k; kàu-tsúi. by experience, kùan-se̍k; si̍p-se̍k; liẽn-se̍k; o̍h-se̍k. maturity (manhood), sêng-teng.

maxim, keh-ngân; huap-ngân; siàⁿ-hùn; so̍k-gṳ́.

may, do it, khó; khó-íⁿ; tsò-tit. may I go? uá lâi-khṳ̀, hó--mé? may it be done? chièⁿ-seⁿ hó--mé?

meadows, tsháu-pou; tsháu-tiêⁿ.

meagre, sán; sòu. ground, sán-tī.