Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/189

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meal, a, che̍k-tǹg-pn̄g. full, chia̍h-kàu-pá.

meal, be̍h-hún; be̍h-tshōi.

mean, tsūaⁿ; hiã-tsūaⁿ; hiã-pín; kẽ-pín; hiã-liû. man, siáu-jîn-nâng.

mean, to, ũ-ì; ũ-sim. meaning, ì-sṳ̀. of written character, jī-ngĩ.

means, huang-huap; huap-tsat; huap-tõu. no, bô-huap; bô-pōu; bô-lêng-ûi; bõi-tit ji̍p-chhiú. capital, tsṳ-pńg; pńg-chîⁿ.

meantime, tng-sî; hṳ́-sî.

measles, mûeⁿ-chèng. to have, chia̍h-mûeⁿ; tshut-mûeⁿ.

measure, tōu; tōu-liãng; liãng-tōu; tshùn-chhieh; tshùn-tōu; chhieh-tōu. to, niêⁿ; chhek; chhek-ta̍t; phit; pí. depth of water, thàm-tsúi.

meat, ne̍k (flesh). and drink, ím-chia̍h.

mechanic, sai-pẽ; kang-chhiēⁿ. art, ki-gōi; chhiú-gōi. mechanism, ie̍h-kúi.

meddle, tshap; tshap-ji̍p; lóng-sṳ̄. meddlesome, hàuⁿ-tshūe-sṳ̄; hàuⁿ-phùaⁿ-sṳ̄.

mediate, to, tsò-kong-chhin; kiâⁿ-hûa. mediator, kong-chhin; tong-nâng; tong-pó.

medical, man, sin-seⁿ; ui-seng. science, ui-ha̍k. college, thài-ui-īⁿ; thài-ui. books, ie̍h-chheh. hospital, ui-kuán.

medicine, ie̍h; ie̍h-tshâi; ie̍h-liāu. powder, ie̍h-súaⁿ; ie̍h-hún. pills, ie̍h-îⁿ. liquid, ie̍h-tsúi; ie̍h-chiú; ie̍h-tê. plaster, ko-ie̍h. a dose, che̍k-thiap-ie̍h; che̍k-ho̍k-ie̍h. prescription, ie̍h-hng; ie̍h-toaⁿ. to write ditto, khui-ie̍h-hng. take, chia̍h-ie̍h. apply, buah-ie̍h; tah-ie̍h; chhiù-ie̍h. prepare medicine acc. to prescription, kap-ie̍h. properties of, ie̍h-sèⁿ. buy, thiah-ie̍h; kap-ie̍h. secret in medicine handed down, pì-thuân kâi-ie̍h.

meditate, àm-chẽⁿ-siẽⁿ; àm-sṳ; àm-siẽⁿ; chẽⁿ-siẽⁿ; to̍k-sṳ; to̍k-siẽⁿ; sṳ-siẽⁿ. sit in a state of deep meditation, as Buddhist priest, ji̍p-tẽng; tsõ-siên.

medium, of the idol, tâng-ki; lo̍h-sîn; tia̍p-tâng.

medusa, or jelly-fish, thē.

meek, un-jiû; khiam-sùn.

meet, sie-ngõ; ngõ--tie̍h; hũe-mīn; siang-hũe; siang-kìⁿ-mīn; siang-phòng; phòng--tie̍h (unexpectedly). together, tsũ-chi̍p; tsũ-hũe; hũe-chi̍p; chi̍p-bûa; kiâⁿ-bûa. go to, ngêng-chih.