Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/196

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again after eclipse (lucky to see), gu̍eh ho̍k-îⁿ. halo, gu̍eh-hûa; gu̍eh īn. moonless night, gue̍h-àm-mêⁿ. gaze at, siéⁿ-gu̍eh.

moor, iá; khuàng-iá.

moor, to, a ship, pha-tèng; pha.

moral, siẽn-tek; ũ-tek-hẽng. tracts, khǹg-sì-bûn. morality, siẽn-tek; tãu-tek; mêng-tek; tek-hẽng; tek-sèⁿ.

more, ke. a little, ke--lân-ló. is there more? huân-ũ a-bô? no more of this, pã--liáu. more than ten, tsa̍p-gūa; tsa̍p-tshut. the more you plead the less he heeds you, zú-koh-lô zú-m̄-tshái. more or less, ke-kiám.

moreover, lêng-gūa; siãng-chhiáⁿ; huân-liáu; khuàng-chhiáⁿ; iũ-tsài; kèng-chhiáⁿ; huân-iáu.

morning, mn̂g-khí. every, pâi-mn̂g-khí. early in the, mn̂g-khí tsá-tsá. this, mn̂g-khí. next, mùaⁿ-mn̂g-khí. and evening, mêⁿ-hng tsá-khí; mêⁿ-hng mn̂g-khí. star, khí-mêng-chheⁿ. long for, as sick person, thãi bõi-tit thiⁿ kng.

morose, pũ-àu; àu pũ-pũ; mīn hìm-hìm.

morrow, on the, mùaⁿ-khí; mùaⁿ-tsá; mùaⁿ-ji̍t; mêng-ji̍t.

morsel, kò-kiáⁿ; tiám-kiáⁿ.

mortal, õi-sí. to become a mortal, huâm-tho; kàng-huâm; hiã-huâm. mortally wounded, tãng-sieⁿ bô-ui.

mortar, hue; hue-thôu; thôu-sua.

mortar, for pounding, khũ; chie̍h-khũ; tùi-khũ; cheng-khũ. pestle, chie̍h-khũ-thûi; khũ-kiáⁿ-thûi.

mortgage, tǹg; tóiⁿ. deed, tóiⁿ-khòi. mortgager, tóiⁿ-tsú; tshù-tsú.

mortify, as flesh, ne̍k àu--khṳ̀; ne̍k mîⁿ; hiùⁿ-ne̍k; hu-ne̍k; ne̍k hu-hiùⁿ; ne̍k hu-hiúⁿ; ne̍k nūaⁿ-nūaⁿ; sí-ne̍k.

mortise, sún-khang; sún-ngám. to fit tenon snd mortice, chiap-sún.

mosquito, máng. numerous, máng kãu. bite, máng kã. swelling from bite, lâu. net or curtain, máng-tièⁿ; máng-tà.

moss, thî; chheⁿ-thî. to grow, seⁿ-thî; chhiẽⁿ-chheⁿ-thî.

most, chì; tsãi; tsùe; sĩm; tsa̍p-hun; chì (all signs of superlative degree). mostly, tãi-sì; tãi-khài; tsōi-siâⁿ; tōa-mĩn; tōa-pùaⁿ.

moth, tsù; tsù-thâng; teng-ngô; tsam-teng-ia̍h.